I am very sorry Natsu baby for pairing Lucy with Sting!

I am a NaLu shipper but I love this Crack pairing!

People, please make more StingxLucy Lemons!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail! I am only a Fairy Tail Madoshka!

Chapter 1

Sting is the most popular guy at Magnolia High School. He is the MVP of the basketball team 3 years in a row. Girls flock to him and fights for his attention because he is so damn good-looking, well-built and naughty.

Lucy is the most popular girl at Magnolia High. She is a model student, she excels in academics and also participates in extracurricular activities. She is the hottest girl at school without effort and oblivious to that fact. She is very kind and behaved to the point that it may be considered a flaw.

"Ohayo Lucy." Sting greeted the gorgeous blonde walking the path towards the school building. Her golden locks framed her face, her eyes a mesmerizing chocolate brown, her luscious pink lips, and her skin appeared smooth and soft. She was wearing the standard school uniform, a grey pleated skirt and white blouse. She donned a cream colour sleeveless sweater on top of her blouse.

Lucy was startled. She faced his way and gave him a shy smile. "Ohayo." She greeted back

He moved closer to her, their distance only a few inches.

"You're beautiful." He complimented. He meant it. She was the golden girl of Magnolia High. The sight of her brightens up his school days. He never skips class if he knows she will be at school.

Lucy's cheeks showed a hint of pink. "You say that to me every day." She mumbled

"Because it's true." Sting smirked. His hobby is making her blush. Her cheeks flush at the smallest things. It only heightens her attractiveness.

Lucy squirmed and her cheeks blushed a deeper pink.

"Thanks." Lucy whispered

A gust of wind passed and Lucy's grey skirt lifted.

Sting's eyes widened. A small amount of blood dripped from his nose.

"Kyaaaaaaa!" Lucy patted her skirt down in panic

Sting looked around to check if anyone else have seen what he had seen. To his relief, it seemed like he was the only one to suffer a nosebleed.

He stared at Lucy. She had an embarrassed face, tears are welling in her chocolate brown eyes.

"Don't worry. I was the only witness." He grinned at her, he was very happy to see Lucy's underwear.

"T-that doesn't make me feel any better."

"Imagine if a lot of boys witnessed that?" He raised a brow

Lucy bit her lip and a tear slid down her cheek.

Damn! She was so cute, he wanted to kiss her! Sting controlled himself.

"I would be punching their eyes now if they had seen you." Sting wiped her tears "Calm down. Stop crying."

"H-Hai…" Lucy calmed herself and stopped her tears, soon her face is back to its normal colour

Sting smiled at her. "Let's walk to class."

Sting led the way and she followed.

"By the way your panties looked great." He mischievously said wanting to see her reaction

Lucy's head turned red like a ripe tomato.

He chuckled. "I'm kidding. Kidding!"

She pouted. "Please don't mention it to anyone Sting." She begged

"Of course I'll keep it to myself. I don't want anyone else fantasizing about your white lace panties." Sting teased

"P-please stop it Sting. It's so embarrassing." She mumbled blushing furiously

Sting snickered. Oh Lucy Heartfilia was an angel. Even if he was quite sexually harassing her she was only embarrassed, she's not getting mad. He has to protect her or someone might take advantage of her.

I might need to protect her from myself. Sting thought and chuckled

"I'll be quiet if you do me a favour." Sting said

"Okay. What is it?"

She didn't even object! What if I ask her to have sex with me? Would she say yes? Sting thought wildly

"Can you come over my place Friday and tutor me on Biology?"

"Is that all? Sure." Lucy beamed she was always glad to help out

That's not all. I wanna ravish you and hear you make lewd noises. Sting thought getting excited for Friday

~Skip to Friday~ ~Sting's apartment~

They sat beside each other on the couch. Their books are placed in the center table. Lucy was still wearing her school uniform because they went directly to his place after school. Sting changed his clothes when they arrived, he was now wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts.

The Biology lesson Sting wanted Lucy to tutor him was about the reproductive system.

He enjoyed her blushing face while they studied the male and female reproductive organs.

"This is missing something." Sting pointed at the illustration of the female reproductive system

"W-what?" Lucy stuttered

"It doesn't show where the g-spot is." Sting said seriously, acting confused

"I don't know about that. It isn't mentioned in the book." Lucy replied, she clearly has no knowledge of what he just said

Sting was fighting the urge to laugh.

"I guess some things aren't mentioned in books. Check it out on the internet when you get home." Sting suggested

"Okay. I will!" Lucy agreed

They heard heavy rain fall from outside.

"Oh no I didn't bring an umbrella because it was sunny all day." Lucy fretted "Can I borrow an umbrella? I'll return it tomorrow."

"I don't have one." Sting answered

"Waa. How do I get home if the rain won't stop?"

"You can stay for the night." Sting smiled, the weather is in his favour

"Sorry I am troublesome Sting." Lucy apologized

"You're not. I'm glad for you to sleep over. As you know I'm always alone because my parents work outside Fiore. I won't be lonely tonight, I have you."

Lucy smiled. "I hope I won't bore you."

"Just staring at you makes me occupied."

"Why is that?"

"Cause you're perfect."

"You're so smooth, eh? Is that why girls fall for you Sting?"

"I don't know. Are you affected?"

Lucy giggled. "Nope."

"Let's have dinner." Sting went to the kitchen and she followed

~after dinner~

They went back on the living room and sat beside each other on the couch.

"What should we do? Do you want to play games?" Sting asked

"Sure. What board games do you have?"

"I don't have any. Let's play Truth or Dare. We just take turns." Sting suggested

"Oh okay. You start." Lucy agreed

"Truth or Dare?" Sting asked


"Do you play with yourself?"

"Did you meant to ask if I play by myself? Yep. Uhm sometimes I play scrabble and chess by myself." Lucy answered

Sting chuckled. "Let me rephrase the question. Do you touch and pleasure yourself?"

Lucy's cheeks reddened. "I-I don't."


"Only one question permitted."

"Fine. I'll ask it again later."

"Truth or Dare?" Lucy asked

"Dare." Sting picked

"Sing me a chorus." Lucy dared

Sting looked at her intently and he broke into a song.

"We ain't gotta go all the way

But baby we can do some things

A little game I like to play

Just a kiss, just a kiss, just a kiss

Can we play? Can we play?"

"You've got a nice voice Sting." Lucy cheered

"Truth or Dare?" Sting asked

"Truth." Lucy answered

"Why are you not touching yourself?"

"Uhm I never felt the urge to?"

Sting nodded.

"Why are you asking me sexual questions?"

"Wait for me to pick truth." Sting sneered

"Ok. Truth or Dare?"


"Hmm…Wear my ribbon until the end of our game." She giggled and removed the blue ribbon from her golden hair. She tied it to Sting's spiky blonde hair.

"Ooh you're gonna pay for that dearly." Sting promised

Lucy laughed. She took out her cell phone and before Sting realized it she took a picture of him. She showed it to Sting while she was chuckling.

"I look ridiculous!" Sting exclaimed

"You look cute!" Lucy gushed

"Really? This is your type Lucy? Okay I'll wear a ribbon from now on."

"Yeah. Yeah." Lucy chuckled

"Truth or Dare?" Sting asked

"Dare." Lucy answered

"Say, 'Please Fuck me Sting.'" Sting said with a devilish grin on his face

"What? Nooo!" Lucy exclaimed her whole face red

"Hey you made me wear your ribbon. I didn't complain."

"B-but that's just a ribbon!"

"And it's just four words." Sting drawled

"Nyaaaaa." Lucy protested

"Hey we're just playing. I won't do anything to you even if you say it." Sting smirked

"I know. I trust you."

"I trust you to play fair." Sting said

"Please f-ffff me Sting."

"That's not it. Say the second word clearly." Sting was laughing

"Please fuuu me Sting."


"Please fuck me Sting." Lucy whispered softly not looking at Sting

Several seconds passed and Sting was still not saying anything. Lucy looked at him.

"You're bleeding!" She pointed at his nose

Sting wiped the blood. "Damn. That was… whew!"

Sting clicked his phone and a recording played, "Please fuck me Sting."

"Kyaaaaa! Delete that! Delete it!"

"No way! I'll set this as a special message tone when you text me." Sting was laughing maniacally

"No you won't!" Lucy protested. She tried to grab his phone. Sting was lying on the couch now, while he kept his right hand which is holding his phone away from Lucy. She was on top of him reaching for the phone. Sting was laughing as they struggled. When Lucy was about to reach it, Sting pulled her in an embrace with his left arm causing her to be pressed on his chest.

"You won't get it!" Sting teased

"Delete it Sting!" Lucy cried

"I did not ask you to delete my picture wearing a ribbon."

"I'll delete it! Then you delete the record. Deal?" Lucy bargained while her chin rested on Sting's chest

"No. This is too precious." Sting snickered

"Nyaaa. Sting please delete it." Lucy begged and placed her hands on Sting's shoulders

"No. This doesn't sound like you. Even if someone hears it they won't recognize your voice.

He clicked the phone and the record played again. "Please fuck me Sting." It sounded raspy and begging.

"Stop it!"

Sting laughed. "Really it sounds nothing like your normal voice. It sounds like your secret bedroom voice."

"But we both know it's me who said it!"

"Yeah this will be our secret. I won't tell others about it. Don't you trust me?"

"I do. But-"

Sting sat up. Lucy was on his lap.

Sting cupped her cheeks and pressed, resulting in her lips doing a pout.

"So just trust me." Sting smirked

Lucy gave in. "Fine. You can shtop presshing my sheeks now."

Sting removed his hands from her face.

"I'm sleepy. I don't want to play anymore." Lucy mumbled

"Okay! Let's sleep!" Sting carried her like a baby cradled in his arms.

"Kyaaa. Put me down. I can walk."

"I'd like to carry you. Feels like weight lifting."

"Are you insinuating that I'm heavy?!" Lucy cried

"Kidding. You're light as a feather. I can carry you with one arm." Sting placed Lucy on his right shoulder, with his right arm supporting her. Lucy faced his back, her hands gripped the back of his t-shirt.

"See?" Sting chuckled

"Kyaaa. Don't drop me!"

They passed his mirror. As Lucy's skirt was a short one Sting saw her purple lace panties, and he felt liquid dripping from his nose again.

"Sting don't look!" Lucy muttered as she saw herself on the mirror as well

Sting placed her on the double bed.

"You make my nose bleed." Sting sighed

"I'm sorry." Lucy mumbled

Sting chuckled. "I should be the one saying sorry for seeing your panties, but I am not sorry. It was a piece of heaven."

"Kyaa! Stop teasing!" Lucy's whole head was red

Sting laughed. He went to his dresser and pulled out a purple shirt. He handed it to Lucy.

"You can use this. It will look like a dress since I'm taller than you."

"Purple eh?"

"To match your-"

"Stop it. Where should I change?"

Sting chuckled and pointed her to the bathroom.

Lucy went out after a few minutes wearing his purple shirt, it ended in the middle of her thighs.

"You look like Ube Halaya. Yummy." Sting said

"W-why are you half naked?" Lucy asked

"I usually sleep without clothes at all. But since you're here I kept my boxers on."

Lucy blushed furiously. She went to the other side of the bed and lied down.

"Sweet dreams Lucy. I had a great night. Thanks for tutoring me and sleeping over." Sting said as they faced each other

"I had a great time too. Thanks for having me over." Lucy smiled

"Anytime. We can do this every night if you want." Sting teased

Lucy's cheeks burned. She closed her eyes.

"Can I hug you?" Sting asked

After a few seconds she nodded.

Sting beamed. He was sleeping with his dream girl! She gave him permission to hug her. Even if his sexual fantasies with her are not yet fulfilled, he was ecstatic.

Sting pulled her close, her head snuggled on his neck. His face buried on her golden hair. He wrapped an arm around her protectively.

To be continued...

I hope you liked it! Please review minna!