AUTHORS NOTES: this is my first Warriors Fanfiction, so go easy on me, this will be written as if I had NEVER heard of the book series or maybe as if the book series never was released or made. This is also my first self-insert Warrior fanfiction. I have no clue where this will go but …we will see.

I frowned as I walked into the forest, the city a couple steps behind me, the wide open area ahead. I sighed happily as I listened to the sounds of the forest. I was a bit surprised when I heard the growls of cats fighting but I decided to shake it off as I continued, after all getting in the middle of a cat fight would just end up badly for me, and probably for the cats, depending on how I tried to break up the fight. The problem was the closer I got to the usual spot I stayed by, the louder the cat fight noise grew. I sighed as I walked into the clearing I usually sat in.

I watched the fighting cats with a sigh. They definitely were not the usual housecats I saw every day, they were large and powerful cats, one of them was a strange blue color, strange because I haven't seen a blue cat before. I was about to wonder about the other colors of the cats when they all hissing and meowing at each and glanced towards me. I met the eyes of the blue cat, and she let out a fierce growl, not towards me but towards this other group of cats about 2 to five feet away. They obviously were not friends.

I sighed as I got up and walked in between the two cat groups. That's when a very strange white cat with black paws, strange because once again never seen anything like that, and because it looked kinda like he had black boots on, scratched my right leg hard, his claws (guessing it was a he) went straight through my weak pants and gave me a nasty scratch, he hissed at me as I grabbed my leg. Fuck, haven't been scratched like that since I stopped a huge tomcat from attacking my smaller fatter kitty. I knocked the cat over and his group, Clan whatever you want to call them all grouped up and snarled at me.

I threw a kick at them and they backed off, however I did notice the other group of cats, the one with blue haired cat, hadn't attacked or growled at me. I sat down where I stood and pulled up my pantleg, trying to access the damage that damned cat did, when a black and orange spotted cat came up and began sniffing my leg, right where I had been scratched, then turning around she meowed to her group, or rather to the blue cat, who I swear nodded to her. Cats don't nod! they? I also noticed a large tomcat with large front claws, incredibly large front claws, with his fur raised and his teeth bared at me. I did my best to ignore that. I would really rather not get in a fight with a tomcat like that.

I watched as the spotted cat ran off into the bushes, the blue cat came up to me and meowed twice before motioning with her nose towards where the spotted cat had left. I raised an eyebrow as she stared up at me, her blue eyes seemed to be waiting for me to say or do something, I quickly nodded, and said "I guess I'm supposed to be waiting then?" The cat didn't answer my question of course, after all there was no way that the cat could understand me. Then again as far as I know not many humans could understand what cats said, well not exactly. I glanced back behind me but the other group of cats had long gone.

I sighed, "Why the hell am I still sitting here?" I wondered out loud, as a large white tomcat came up and sniffed me curiously before sitting down in front of me. I guessed he was going to be my guard, or maybe he just didn't know what else to do.