A/N: No copyright intended on BBC Sherlock! I just got this idea from a post on Tumblr, and I got bored so I wrote it! If you find the post I'm talking about, please give me a link in the reviews so I can put it in here. I don't usually write fanfiction, so sorry for badness. I was sort of wary on posting this, because I'm not much of a writer, but I did any way. I'll only continue this story if I get reviews telling me to, so feel free to leave plenty of reviews! Sorry if I get anything wrong, and don't hesitate to tell me what to change! Thank you, and enjoy!

Martin Freeman scrolled aimlessly through his Tumblr dashboard, occasionally hitting the reblog or like button. He let out a small chuckle every once in a while when he saw a funny text post or picture.

Amanda became very concerned with all the Sherlock, Johnlock, Hobbit and Martin Freeman blogs that he followed, but Martin would just shrug it off and say, "He wanted to see what the public thought of him".

Martin was just innocently (not) scrolling through Tumblr one day on his recently purchased MacBook pro, when he got a brilliant idea from a post. The post read:

"If I ever played The Doctor, I would dress up as him, and run around London looking confused."

Martin slapped his laptop shut on his desk, and quickly dialed a number on his phone and pressed it to his ear.

"Hello Martin! How are you? What can I do for you?" A deep, baritone voice answered on the other line.

"Benedict! So I was just on Tumblr-"

"- Again?" Benedict Cumberbatch interrupted.

"Yes. Now listen: I saw this post, and it gave me a brilliant idea; we should dress as Sherlock and John and walk around in character!" Martin suggested as he rummaged through his closet for clothing that would represent John's.

"But, I don't own any clothes like Sherlock's…" Benedict trailed off.

"Just meet me at my house." Martin ordered, and then hung up the line.

Twenty minutes later, he heard a sharp knock on the door. He rushed over to it from his room (he didn't have his character's clothes either) and saw Benedict looming in the doorway, looking uncomfortable.

"Come on! Let's go!" Martin said, excitedly, pushing passed Benedict while shutting the door behind him.

"But I don't have any-"Benedict started.

"-I know, I know! Now come on, I've got an idea!" Martin rushed outside and into a sleek black car, with Benedict following close behind.

Martin started driving, and the further he drove, the more concerned Benedict became of their destination. It took him ten minutes into their drive for him to realize where Martin was speeding them off to.

"Why are we going to the studio?" Benedict asked.

"Because we're going to get our costumes." Martin said simply, focusing on the driving.

"I highly doubt that the costume department will let us just walk in there, and snag our costumes for the day." Benedict pointed out.

"That's why we're going to sneak in." Martin had to force back a smirk as he saw Benedict nearly have a heart attack in the corner of his eye.

"But that's… that's…. that's completely mad! Martin, what are you thinking!? We could get caught and we could get into-"Benedict's Tirade was cut off.

"Fine then. You can wait in the car, and I'll go get the costumes, all right?" Benedict just gave a worried look to Martin and huffed in response.

Martin parked in the back of the studio and motioned for Benedict to stay where he was. He snuck out of the car, carefully opened the back door with his spare key, and slipped in, while Benedict shrunk into his seat, hoping not to be noticed.

Ten minutes later, a panting Martin Freeman emerged from the back door with two clothing bags on hangers. He scurried into the car, threw the bags on Benedict's lap, and backed out of the studio's back parking lot.

Benedict unzipped one of the bags to see the collar of Sherlock's long wool jacket.

"Oh my… Martin, I can't believe that you did this!" Benedict said in shock. Martin just giggled at Benedict, as he knows that he would be too polite to do any such thing.

"Oh hush! It's going to be good advertisement for the show, and it's going to be fun! Don't worry!" Martin consoled, and Benedict just put his face into the palms of his hands.

Martin pulled into a gas station, so that they could get changed in the bathrooms. They did so, and emerged, donned in their costumes. Benedict wore a black suit with a tight purple button down, and topped it off with the ever-so-famous long black jacket that reached halfway down his calf, a blue scarf, and a deerstalker hat. Martin wore a pair of jeans, a loose white sweater with a simple twisting pattern woven into it, and a dark jacket with leather elbow and shoulder pads. They both fixed their hair as well, from their casual styles, into their character's styles.

With a cautious look etched on Benedict's face, and an overly happy look on Martin's, they marched off to the car, and drove to Baker Street.