Wotcher people! :D I'm back to writing ^^

This is my first Malec story and I hope you like it :$ It is also a crossover with the Harry Potter universe :D The idea came to me a couple of days ago and I really hope you enjoy it! :) I'm really excited about this story and I'll try to update it as soon as I can :D

Hope you enjoy this first chapter :D

desclaimer: I own nothing...not the Mortal Instruments seried nor do I own the Harry Potter series.

Ted Lupin stood away from everyone He was done hearing what they had to say and none of that mattered to him. He hated what he heard…people apologizing, as if it was their fault he was in the situation he was in. They didn't know what he was going through, they didn't know what it felt to be left all alone with no family at all…they didn't know how he was feeling, therefore they shouldn't try to understand. They would just make things worse and that's the least thing he needed.

Teddy was forced to go to the memorial of his grandmother who had died a few days back…He didn't want to go because he knew it would break him even more, but he had to go. Not only because he was expected to (since he was the one closest to Andromeda Tonks), but also because he knew he should show his respects towards his grandmothers. She deserved as much.

Andromeda Tonks…Teddy's grandmother who had taken care of him for 11 years (his whole life actually). Teddy's parents, Remus and Nymphadora Lupin, had died when he was barely one month old. They had fought bravely at the battle of Hogwarts, but unfortunately didn't make it alive. Both of them were heroes for the wizarding world, but that had cost them leaving their only son under the care of his only grandmother…who had passed away not more than 48 hours ago.

It had broken the last part of sanity Teddy had. He had been holding on to his grandmother. She had given everything to him, made him feel loved, and raised him as her own child…He had lost part of himself when he lost his parents. His grandmother was the only one keeping him together and now that she was gone he felt so lost.

True, he still had his godfather, Harry Potter, and everyone from the Weasley family…but it wasn't the same. He knew he was welcome at the Potter house as well at the Weasley, but it never felt right. Even though they did all they could, he never belonged with them. As much as he loved them all, he knew he would never fit in the family frame…because he wasn't part of that family. That left him all alone. At the early age of 11 years old, Ted Lupin was left all alone with no one else to rely on.

He wanted a way out. He was hurting so much, and staying near all those happy people…just seeing their faces, living happily together, and having all they could ask for broke his heart. He knew he could never have that back. He knew he could never belong to a family again…He was better off alone, he thought.

That day Ted Lupin made the decision to leave. He couldn't handle being in there for much longer. He knew leaving would be the best option for him.

And so, that same night, Ted Lupin packed his stuff. He didn't take much. He didn't need much. He pulled 2 changes of clothes into his backpack, along with a photo his grandmother had given him of his parents at their wedding day, and his favorite book…One that had belonged to his father and was – also – his favorite when he was alive.

He still didn't have his wand. He was going to go buy one with his grandmother next week. They had made plans to go shopping for all his school supplies for his first year at Hogwarts. But that was before either of them knew what was coming…before either of them knew they would be separated.

Ted fought back tears. He wasn't going to cry…he refused to cry. He should be brave and strong. And with that thought in mind he closed the door of his room and walked quietly downstairs, trying not to wake anyone who was staying at his house for the moment…He reached the main door and opened it. He zipped his hoodie putting the hood over his temporary red hair and stepped outside. The cold air hit him, but he didn't pay attention to it. He closed the door behind him as quietly as he could and then walked away from the place he had called home for so long.

Alec made his way across New York City trying to reach certain apartment located in Brooklyn. Magnus' apartment,his apartment, their apartment…It still felt weird for him to call it his apartment. Even though he had been living with his boyfriend for quite some time now, it still felt so surreal for him…as if it was a dream and one day he would wake up and it all would disappear.

Alec was feeling specially tired that evening. He had been out hunting down demons with his siblings since early in the morning and he was exhausted. All he wanted to do was reach his home, take a shower, and go to sleep…maybe cuddle with his boyfriend if the warlock wasn't busy with some clients.

He walked past a dark alley between two buildings. Not taking much notice of that alley until he heard something coming that way. Shadowhunter instincts shot right up and Alec made his way towards the dark alley, seraph blade in hand and ready to attack in case a demon jumped on him.

What he did not expected was to find a little kid running away from three Moloch Demons. The poor kid couldn't be older than 12 years old and he was for sure a mundane…that's what confused Alec. Why were some demons chasing a small kid? And how could he see them?

"HELP ME!" The kid screamed as he passed Alec.

Alec took out his seraph blade and stepped in front of the kid, ready to strike the demons as they came closer.

"Stay behind" Alec called at the kid.

The Moloch demons soon reached them and launched against Alec. He, of course, was ready and with a swift swing of his blade he cut through the first demon's throat making it turn to dust.

One down, two more to go.

"Watch out!" The kid shouted, but Alec was already charging towards the second demon. He dodged it's sharp claws and cut his throat just like he did with the last one. This one, too, turned into dust.

Just one more to go. This one, however, gave Alec more of a fight. It wasn't as easy as the last two, but nothing Alec couldn't handle. After a hard game of dodging and attacking, Alec was able to cut the demon's throat making it turn to dust and disappear into the dimension it had come from.

Alec pulled his seraph blade away and turned around to face the kid. He could see him more clearly now. His hair was red, very similar to Clary's and his eyes were bright almond brown. His skin was pale, but not as pale as Alec's.

"Are you alright?" Alec asked him. The kid nodded his head, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Y-Yeah…thanks" He said

"Sure thing" Alec shrugged

"I'm Ted Lupin" The kid said

"Alec Lightwood"

"You saved me….how?" The kid – Ted – asked.

"It's my job" Alec said "I deal with creatures like that all the time"

"That's so...cool!" Ted exclaimed "What are you? Some kind of demon hunter?"

"Something like that" Alec smirked "We're called Shadowhunters….but enough about me. What about you? What were you doing in a dark alley this late in the night?"

"I….I'm running away from home" Ted said looking down at his feet

"I'm sure your parents won't be happy for that" Alec said turning to walk back to the street outside of the alley "Go home kid…New York is no place for a little kid to be alone"

Alec started to walk away. He was feeling more exhausted now than before. He returned to the task of reaching his home to cuddle with his favorite warlock…But certain 11-years-old kid wasn't thinking the same.

"Wait!" Ted called running to catch up with Alec "You're just leaving me here? What if those creatures return?"

"They won't" Alec said, not stopping "I told you to go back home"

"I can't" He said "You said we're in New York? My home is all the way across the pond"

Alec stopped on his tracks and turned around slowly to face the kid. Ted was looking at him with big sad eyes…inside those eyes Alec could only see sadness and desperation.

"You most have come with someone here" Alec said

"No" Ted shook his head "I don't have a family…not anymore"

"You came to New York, on your own?" Alec asked frowning slightly. "And you have nowhere to go?" When Ted nodded slowly, Alec let out a small sigh. He took out his phone, looking at the time. It was 10:40pm…He should have arrived home 40 minutes ago.

"Come on then" He said turning back to the kid "You can stay the night at my place"

Ted looked up at him, a bright smile illuminating his face. He thanked Alec at least a thousand times and they both started to make their way to the apartment Alec shared with his boyfriend.

Alec sent a quick text to Magnus explaining the situation…He still didn't know why he was doing this, but there was something about this kid that made Alec care. This kid – Ted – he seemed to have a hard past. You could easily see how broken he was just by seeing into his eyes. Alec just couldn't leave him on his own…He was going to help him as much as he could. He only hoped Magnus agreed with him.