Hello friends. I'm back with another one shot, although this one isn't a very happy one. I'm sorry for any feels or sadness that may occur. Please leave me a review telling me what you think, if you still like me after this, and who's perspective you thought it was in. Enjoy ^_^

I'm so sorry. I am a failure, and you deserve someone better in your life. I'm so worthless, and stupid. I'm surprised you even want to know me. Oh well, least I can tell you know. By the time you read this, if you read it, I will be gone. Even if you miss me now, which I doubt you do, after a couple of months you will have gotten over and forgotten me. You will have a new best friend, and a love of your life. Neither of whom will be me. That's right. I love you. I love the little things you do, your laugh, your smile. You're so cute, and I'm the complete opposite of you. Everyone loves you. We walk down the streets and girls who don't even know you smile and/or give you their number. And I just smile and walk on. Always continuing to struggle through this. Well not any more. And I know you found my cuts, and took away what you thought were all my blades, but as you can see, I have more. I knew I was going to do this. But I couldn't go by pills or anything like that. Not painful enough. I deserve to go in immense pain. I'm assuming you found me; nobody else cares enough to look. And you would have had to; I mean you live with me. Thank you for all the good times we had, and I'm sorry you had to find me this way. I would have done it somewhere else, but I had no more energy left inside me. All my belongings go to you and my parents. I'm sorry that you had to put up with me for so long. I will be out of your way. Now you can live your life without me as a shadow.

I love you

I put down the note and held him in my arms. His blood soaked my shirt, but I couldn't care less. Why didn't I search his room, keep him under guard, anything that would have kept him alive? I should have told him, but I couldn't. I couldn't. I was scared of being rejected and losing him, and now I have. But not just as a friend, but as a person. My tears fell onto his arm, smearing some but not all of the blood. There was too much there.

The neighbour's came and seen me, on the floor in tears, holding the love of my life. They called an ambulance but I took no notice. He can't be gone. I won't have any one to play video games with, to do videos with. No one to plan and do the radio show with. His eyes will never shine again. I lost my friend, my love, my life. All because I was too scared to speak my mind. I was too late, and now I am paying the price.