A/N: So…this is my first fanfic…ever :). The first chapter is REALLY short, more of a prologue really, and the others will be several times longer. There will be differences between my story and the series because in all honesty there's so much going on it's hard to fit everything, and the series in ongoing so there is no way for me to account for what's going to happen later on. The characters will also be a bit OOC because, well war changes people, and everyone will have grown a bit. There will also be several original characters, so I'm sorry if that bothers you. :)

I don't own Naruto, or any of the characters. Which everyone should be grateful for because I would've ruined it a LONG time ago :)

Hinata stared silently at the memorial in front of her, tears streaming down her face and blurring her vision. There was complete silence all around her. Even the wind had stopped. She could hear nothing but the sound of her own shallow breathing and it made her feel so much more alone. The war had officially ended several weeks ago and she was finally getting the chance to mourn over everything she lost. Naruto's ever loyal heart had once again chosen Sakura, and the two of them were in the very beginning of what she could only assume would be a very successful relationship. She sighed and rubbed the tears from her eyes.

"I know what you're probably thinking, but I am happy for him. It hurts, and I will most likely continue to love him, but I will not continue to suffer for him. You gave me a chance to live, and I won't waste it by wallowing in depression. The war left a deep scar on this earth, and I am going to do everything I possibly can to help it heal." She reached out and touched the recently carved name.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me until now. I love you, and will miss you, but if you can hear me, I don't want you to worry. It may have taken a war for me to realize it, but I am a strong woman. And that is largely due to your influence in my life. So I am going to make you this promise, just between us and the trees." She smiled softly and dropped her hand.

"I will become a pillar for humanity."

Turning, she slowly began walking home, lifting her gaze to the sky.

"Goodbye for now, Neji-niisan."