The Queen of the Labyrinth

By: Lady of Wolves

I do not own any of the characters from Labyrinth, though I wish I did, but they belong to Jim Henson. This is purely for entertainment and not for profit.

This story contains sexual content and thus rated M, so people only over 18 years old should be reading this. If not, turn away now. You have been warned!

This will be my second story on fan fiction, but my first series. So I hope it turns out well and that I improve my writing as the story progresses. I will do my best to update at least once a week on Mon-Wed nights. Please review as always. Thank you.

Toby wishes Sarah away to the Underground. Now that she is back, neither Jareth nor the Labyrinth will allow her to return home this time. She belongs to them now.

Chapter 1: The Wish

An irritated sigh escaped her pink lips as she kept constantly clicking on the remote control in her hand as she tried to find something entertaining on the television to watch. It was impossible at this time of night. Her options were either channels filled with porn or cheesy horror movies. She was not sure which was worse at the moment, plus neither were good options with a child upstairs. Sarah kept looking as she lied sprawled out on the living room couch with the front half of her body facing the television while her right arm was supporting her head up, the other holding the remote controller. Her legs kept twitching and moving themselves around as if they could sense her boredom; they itched to get up and do something fun instead of being stuck at her old house.

It was late at night and she should have been out and on a date or something. "Pfft, as if.." She grumbled. Sure, boys were interested in her, but she never could find herself attracted to any of them, no matter how handsome or intelligent they were. So now she had no choice but to stay up and wait for her parents to come home, which was still in a few more hours. They wanted a break from watching Toby and to go have a night to themselves. Sadly, she had agreed (more like guilt tripped) to come over and watch over her younger, half-brother Toby, who was almost nine years old now.

"Cheap bastards. Cannot even bother to pay for a babysitter, so they ask me instead." She grumbled loudly to herself before moving around on the couch again to sit up this time. Her actions had caused her night clothes to crinkle up and show off a little of the skin on her toned stomach. Her dark blue cotton tank top and black shorts felt comfortable on her body, especially during this hot summer heat she was forced to live through at the moment. Even late at night, it was still around eighty degrees outside, but thankfully cool inside the house. She ran one of her hands through her thick, long brown hair in frustration.

Sarah narrowed her eyes; quickly suspicious of the quiet besides the noise coming from the television. Usually Toby would be raising hell and doing everything in his power to annoy her and get whatever snacks he could before her parents came home. However, tonight was not that kind of night. She had tucked Toby into bed earlier, but she expected him to start running back out five minutes later.

Wary of what could be going on with Toby, and not trusting blind luck of actually getting a break tonight, she decided to get up from the comfortable couch and go investigate his bedroom. Her bare feet padded quietly along the hardwood floors of the house until she reached his door. Placing her hand on the door knob, she turned it as slow as she possibly could, afraid to wake Toby up if he really was asleep. She would never get any peace if she woke him up.

Once the door was open, she poked her head inside of the dark bedroom. After almost nine years, his room had drastically changed. Instead of a crib was a large bed that was covered with blankets that had basketball images on them. Beside the bed was a desk with some books on it, mainly for school of course. Other then the essentials, his room was littered with toys of all kinds; some she even recognized from when she was younger herself.

But the one thing not in this room was Toby himself. Sarah growled out in annoyance; already knowing Toby must be somewhere in this house and getting into trouble like she suspected.

"Damnit, Toby! I know you are around here somewhere!" She screamed loudly, wanting to make sure he heard her, no matter where he was.

Just as soon as she finished yelling, she instantly heard movement in the room next to his. She slammed the door to his room shut before stomping off to the room, which was a study that her parents used. She quickly jerked open the door and looked around the room for the child. Instantly, her brown eyes spotted the blonde hair sticking out everywhere from behind the chair he was sitting in. She could tell he was trying to not be noticed, but she was not fooled.

"Toby, what in the hell are you doing in mom and dad's study? You know you are not supposed to be in here. You could break something really expensive, and you would be spanked and punished for a whole month." She glared at the back of his head before moving to the chair and spinning it so that he was now facing her.

She instantly regretted her actions the moment her eyes fell upon the item that he was holding in his lap. It was something she never wanted to see again after nine years. In his lap sat the little red book titled The Labyrinth in gold lettering, with black designs around the cover.

"Wh-Where did you find that, Toby?!" She stuttered out in fear, knowing of the danger that the book possessed. She instantly wished that she had burned that stupid book a long time ago, but never had the guts to go through with it. She was scared getting rid of the book would mean never seeing the Underground again, but most importantly, Jareth himself.

Toby continued to sit there looking like a child that was caught stealing candy. He already knew he was in trouble, but did not want to say anything to get further in trouble. "I, uh, found it in a box..?" He muttered the words quietly, waiting for what she would do next.

Sarah's eyes burned into him from the intense anger she was feeling at that moment. She damn well made sure to hide that book far away from any prying eyes ever since that event with the Goblin King stealing away Toby to the Underground. She never wanted to go through with that again; too many conflicting emotions still bothered her today that involved her and Jareth. She still had dreams about the two of them together in rather intimate positions; whether she dreamed it own her own, or the bastard sent the dreams to her, she never knew. But it frustrated the hell out of her; mainly sexually.

"A box, Toby? Of course you found it in a box. I put it there in the first place. Now please be a good boy and hand the book over to me. Maybe later I can tell you about it, but for now, please go to bed." Her face was flushed with anger as her hands clenched at her sides, trying to conceal how angry she truly was with him at this moment. He would get suspicious and start asking questions. For a young boy, he was pretty smart.

Toby eyed her carefully as she clenched her hands at her sides. "No, I want to know more about it now. Or is it too childish for you now? I thought you used to like stories about kings and silly girls having adventures. At least that is what mom and dad always tell me." He stuck his tongue out at her to taunt her, knowing that it would annoy her more.

"If it is so childish, then why are you even reading it in the first place? You always talk about how grown-up you are now, saying you do not need a babysitter. Plus, I thought you hated reading books, especially since you tell me so every time I try to help you with homework." She moved closer to him, hoping to distract him enough to reach out and grab the book from his grasp.

Toby clenched the book harder in his hands as she moved closer to him. "Because it is not boring unlike all those other stupid books I am forced to read. I was not tired, so I decided to look around the room and found a bunch of boxes in the closet filled with books. This one looked the most interesting to me. So what is the big deal about it? I was not hurting anyone or anything." He glared at her, not understanding why she was getting so flustered about a book of all things.

"You should be in bed is why, little man. You are old enough now to know better then to snoop around." She jerked her body forward suddenly, her hand aiming for the book.

Her hand brushed the top of the book, but fell short of her grasp as Toby instantly pushed the chair back to get away from her as he lifted the book to his chest and wrapped his arms around it to prevent her from snatching it away from him. "Why are you acting like such a jerk right now, Sarah!?" He cried out. He narrowed his blue eyes at her as a thought came to his mind at the moment.

His lips trembled out in anger as the words spilled out from his mouth. "You know what, Sarah? I wish this book was real, because I wish the Goblin King would come and take you away from me forever! Right now! Then I could read whatever books I wanted without you telling me to go to bed." As soon as he said those words, Toby launched himself off of the chair and darted around Sarah to escape the room and to go back to his.

Sarah's entire body went rigid as soon as she heard him utter those terrible words that she herself had said almost nine years ago. All she could do was stare at the empty chair that Toby used to occupy before running off.

"What have you done, Toby?" She whispered to herself. She prayed that the Goblin King would not come for her like he did with Toby; or take Toby again for that matter. Running on instinct now, she instantly turned around for the door. But before she could get to it, the door instantly slammed shut right in front of her face without anyone being there to do so.

Sarah gasped at the sudden movement, already knowing it was too late for her to escape the wrath of the Goblin King. She clenched her eyes shut, trying to pretend none of this happening and that she was only dreaming. She always hoped she would never see Jareth or his Labyrinth again, but yet she yearned for the adventures it held and the chance to see her old friends again. But most of all, to be in the presence of Jareth again. She may have been sixteen at the time, but she soon figured out that she was attracted to the man. If it was not for the fact that she had to save Toby, she may have been very tempted to accept his offer at the end.

As she was distracted with her thoughts, she did not notice the noises that came from creatures known as goblins, or the fact that her surroundings had completely changed around her. Sarah kept pretending to ignore the world around her until one goblin came from behind her and jabbed at her left ankle with a stick before running off laughing.

Sarah yelped out in surprise and pain and quickly turned around to see what caused it. Her eyes widened at the sight that she saw. She was no longer in her parent's study, or her own world for that matter. She was back Underground, and in the throne room of the castle belonging to none other than the Goblin King.

All around her were dozens of goblins varying in all kinds of shapes and sizes; some wore helmets covered with horns and fur; while others wore plain clothing as they harassed chickens that only wanted to escape their captors and be free. But all of that did not matter to her as soon as her eyes fell upon the figure in the middle of the room.

There he sat in his throne; the man that haunted her dreams for the last several years. Sitting comfortably as if her presence was the most usual thing in the world was the Goblin King himself; Jareth. Sarah immediately took note of his attire, which caused a blush to rise to her cheeks as inappropriate thoughts raced through her mind. She had almost forgotten how handsome he was in person.

Starting from the bottom, she noticed that he was wearing black leather boots that came all the way up to his knees. From there, her eyes immediately noticed how tight his grey pants were on his muscled legs, and because of the obvious bulge at his crotch. Looking up even further, she saw that he was wearing a black, leather vest that was over a white blouse that had frills at the cuffs. God, she always loved his shirts. They had deep cuts in them, just like this one, which revealed so much skin to her viewing pleasure.

"Enjoying the show, my dear Sarah? I would think I would get a hello from you first after all of these years, but please continue." Jareth smirked at her obvious ogling of him as he tapped his riding crop against the heel of his boot. He was sitting sideways on his throne, with one of his legs hanging over the edge of it.

Sarah jumped at hearing his voice suddenly. She was so distracted at looking at him that she completely forgot why she was here in the first place. "Damnit, Sarah! Get your head straight. Toby just wished you here and the only way to get home is for him to somehow save your ass."

"J-Jareth. It has been a long time, but this is a big mistake. I am not supposed to be here. Toby found the book and wished me here without realizing what it would do to me. You have to return me back home this instant!" Sarah finally looked him fully in the eyes, hoping to see sympathy there. She was wrong.

Instead of seeing sympathy in his eyes, all she saw was a mixture of anger, amusement, and… lust?

"Still always making demands of me, Sarah mine. I see you have not changed one bit these last several years." He growled at her before suddenly standing up from his throne and slowly walking towards her as he tossed his riding crop, hearing it fall onto the ground behind him. The goblins in front of him quickly scurried away from his path to avoid his infamous wrath. Soon enough, all of the goblins immediately followed their example and decided to escape the throne room all together, which left Sarah and Jareth alone for the first time in years.

Jareth stopped right in front of her as he placed his hands behind his back and finally took the chance to really look at her. He was truly surprised when he first saw her appear in his throne room. He never expected to see her again; at least not without him going after her himself.

He tilted his head to the right side, which caused his long, blonde hair to fall over his mis-matched eyes. He swept his eyes quickly up and down her body, which caused a pulse of desire to shoot down to his groin. He did not know what she was wearing, but he loved the way it revealed so much skin to his eyes and allowed him to enjoy how her body had truly grown up over the years. Her chest had filled out nicely. In fact, I bet they would fill my hands completely.. Plus, the flimsy material was revealing how her nipples were hard and poking against the shirt. Besides that, her shorts revealed her long, slender legs that were attached to a pair of dainty looking feet that had blue colored nail polish on her toe nails. "How I could ravish you in this room right now, my dear Sarah."

Instead of acting out his thoughts, he looked back up to her eyes and remembered her original demand from earlier.

"I am truly sorry, Sarah." He said sarcastically. "But I am afraid I am unable to return you back home to your family. You see, you have already been here to the Underground and ran its Labyrinth. Not only did you run the Labyrinth, but you defeated it, which no one has ever done before. And by defeating my Labyrinth, you caused certain actions to happen ever since you have been gone."

Sarah stared at him with her mouth hanging open in surprise. First he looks her up and down as if he wanted to devour her alive, and next he says he cannot return her home?

"What the hell, Jareth? Why not! So what if I ran before and beat your Labyrinth? Can't you just send me home with your magic? You and I both know Toby is too young to try and beat the Labyrinth himself, so do not try and convince him." She suddenly glared at the man standing in front of her, confused by his words.

Jareth narrowed his eyes at her, annoyed at having to explain himself to her. "I just cannot simply poof you away with magic, Sarah. That is not how it works here. Magic has rules and limits. Besides, I could not do so even if I could now. Like I mentioned, when you defeated my Labyrinth, you unknowingly accepted the terms that came along with beating it. I guess I should have mentioned that to you before you ran it nine years ago." A huge grin appeared on his lips as he stepped even closer to her body until he was practically close enough to run his nose along hers.

Sarah gaped at him, unsure of what to make of his statement. "Wh-what do you mean 'terms that came along with beating it?'" She stepped back a little when he came closer to her, her body tensing from the feel of his heat radiating off of his body onto hers. He was too close for comfort!

Jareth simply continued to follow her movements as he enjoyed the site of her discomfort. "What I mean, my precious, is that by defeating my Labyrinth, the Labyrinth has chosen you to become its next Goblin Queen. It will accept no one else; for your will is as strong as mine, so no one else will do for me. You said the words yourself, remember? So now because of that, you are forever bound to the Underground now. You cannot return home until you are made my Queen and firmly settled at home here. Until then, the Labyrinth will refuse to let you go home until it knows you will never try to escape." He watched her movements carefully, waiting for what her reaction would be to his words.

He did not have to wait long.

Sarah immediately screeched at him in anger. "How dare you! How could you trick me like that?" She threw her right hand up to try and slap him in the face, but Jareth immediately caught her by the wrist before she could make contact. He jerked her body forward to his until she fell against his body; causing her to gasp in surprise.

Jareth bared his fangs at her as he leaned down until he was close enough to kiss her on the lips. "I dare because you are MINE."

That is chapter one of this series! I am not sure how long it will be chapter wise yet, so I will just go with it and see how it ends. I hope you all enjoyed it. If you wish to message me with mistakes in my chapters, please feel free to do so. I will immediately correct them. And as always, reviews are greatly appreciated.

Until the next chapter. Peace. :D

~Lady of Wolves