Note: So here it is the sequel to A simple spell i hope you like it.

Sequel To a simple spell. – The normal spell

Bonnie sat with her head resting on the bath.

"We're going home." Damon said his tone final.

Bonnie groaned.

"No, I'm ok." Bonnie said.

But her stomach disagreed and she ended up with her head stuck down the toilet again.

Bonnie felt him put his cold hands on her forehead.

"It's been almost a week Bonnie and you're not getting better." He said.

"Please let me take you to Stefan. He knows more about witches then anyone I know." Damon added.

"I'm fine." Bonnie argued.

Damon sighed.

"Please Bonnie, if your right will come right back but if I'm right being back in Mystic falls is the best place to be." Damon replied almost begging.

Bonnie wanted to argue but she knew how much she had come to mean to Damon over the past few months and reluctantly nodded.

Stefan stood watching as Elena argued with Jeremy and sighed. Life without his brother and Bonnie sure had become quite not to mention boring. Rebekah had made a fuss about her brother being dead but it was nothing they could handle. Damon would call him a couple of times a week to let him know they were ok and Bonnie would call him almost every day to check on everyone. It was just who she was.

"Stefan tell him." Elena demanded.

Stefan hadn't really been listening enough to know what she was talking about.

"Are you even listening?" she asked.

Stefan sighed and opened his mouth to apologies but was saved by his phone ringing.

"Excuse me," Stefan said making a quick exit.

"Hello?" he said answering the phone without looking who it was.

"Stefan something's wrong with Bonnie." His brother replied quickly, his voice full of panic.

Stefan had been waiting for this call but he hadn't expected it so soon. Then again Bonnie was a witch and Damon was a vampire this child was going to be far from normal.

"What's wrong?" Stefan asked.

Damon sighed in frustration.

"I'm not sure, she keeps being sick. She's tired all the time can barely get out of bed." Damon answered.

"I think I no what's wrong with her." Stefan replied, instantly thinking about the second heartbeat she had before she left.

"What?" Damon demanded.

"Bring Bonnie back home. I want to make sure it is what I think it is." Stefan replied.

He could hear the annoyance in his brother's voice as he demanded to know but Stefan stuck to his guns and reluctantly Damon agree and they arranged flights for their return.

After saying his goodbyes Stefan headed back inside.

"Who was that?" Elena asked.

Stefan could tell she was still annoyed at him for not back her up but he ignored that.

"Damon." Stefan replied.

Elena looked up at him surprised. It hurt to see that the girl he loved getting excited about news of his brother.

"Is everything ok?" She asked quickly looking away.

"Fine," Stefan replied picking up his jacket.

"There's something I have to do, I will see you tomorrow." Stefan added kissing Elena on the forehead before quickly leaving the room.

Since Klaus was gone there was no need for everyone to stay at the boarding house and Elena was back in her home with her brother.

Once back in the house Stefan went to the attic. If he was going to help Bonnie he needed to look back of the years he spent researching witches. He shifted threw boxes till he came to the box he was looking for. He opened the box and smiled at his contents. He smiled at the pictures, at the memories the box's was filed with.

"Got it." Stefan said to himself pulling out the journal he was looking for.

He flicked through the journal till he found the right section. The time he spent with Olivia Parker, the beautiful witch who began his fascination with witches and her grandmother.

Rome 1923


I promised myself I would pay for my sins, I'm not sure how yet but I think I may have found a way to start.

Her name is Olivia Parker. A beautiful young witch who came to Rome to learn her craft with her grandmother Maria Toretto. Maria is giving me a chance to prove I have changed by protecting and aiding her granddaughter as she learns the ways of a witch and discovers Rome's true potential. I will not let her down. I may not like what I am but I can not change it. I have to find a way to turn the worse of what I am into something good.

"Stefan I would like you to meet my granddaughter Olivia." Maria said as her granddaughter stepped into view.

Olivia was beautiful. She was tall for a women around 5'9 with long legs. She had short brown hair with golden blonde highlights. Her eyes were bright blue and so intense I found it hard to look away.

"It's nice to meet you." Olivia said holding out her hand.

I took her hand and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too." I replied honestly.

She smiled and something in me new that my time with the young witch was bound to be interesting.


"Liv, what are we doing here?" I asked.

Olivia had woke me up this morning and demanded I take her to the nearest wooded area I could find.

"Nonna said that a witch can pull her power from the elements." Olivia explained.

Olivia spent the next few hours explaining about each of the elements witches could access and testing her powers in the woods.

"I think we should call it a day now." I suggested.

Olivia just shook her head.

"Not yet." She replied almost begging.

I wanted to argue, I could see how tired she was. But in the short time I had known Olivia I knew it would be pointless.

Olivia recited a spell and she wobbled from side to side before she fell forewords.

"Olivia." I shouted running over to her.

I managed to catch her before she fell and I carried her back quickly to her grandmother's house.

"What happened?" Maria demanded as I placed Olivia on her bed.

I told her everything and Maria shook her head.

"So impatient just like her mother." Maria said fondly.

"A witch will often faint when she uses too much power. Check her pulse, a normal steady heartbeat means this is what has happened, anything other than that take her to a hospital." Maria explained.

Checking Olivia over.

"What are you doing?" a voice said from behind him.

Stefan jumped up at the sound of the voice and turned to face Caroline.

"Just looking for something." Stefan replied.

Caroline looked at him sceptically but nodded.

"You ready to go hunting?" she asked and Stefan nodded.

He'd get back to looking at the journal later.