Hello there! And happy late Canada day! Yes, apparently there is one of those. As for the last chapter, I will get to writing the second part... eventually. So this is my take on a common plot line. Wal-Mart!

Okay, people, listen up! I'm going to make another story with this as the first chapter! This will be called something along the lines of 'Ways to do...' It will be about the Team and I'll look up stuff online that the Team can do... god, I really suck at summaries.

Anyway, REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! It makes me happy and more motivated.

This was suggested to me by the three yj geekz





Dick, Roy, and Wally walked into the Wal-Mart, which happened to be a few blocks away from Wally's house. Of course he complained the whole time about them walking too slow. Which wasn't a surprise.

They had come to this very place to get the necessary items for their sleepover, like candy, chips, horror movies, and pizza. They would get a lot of each because there was a speedster in their presence.

"I'm hungry!" Wally complained as they walked through the automatic doors. "I need to eat something! Like, now dude."

Roy groaned, as he often did whenever he was around Dick and Wally. "You ate fifteen minutes ago. Stop whining."

Dick had stayed silent while this was playing out. He was observing the area, taking in the cheerful staff and customers. It was too peaceful. He smirked. What this store needed was some havoc.

The speedster and archer looked in his direction and gave each other uneasy looks when they saw his face.

"Dude, what are you doing?" He poked the bird's face. Repeatedly.

"Wally, do you remember that time when we were eleven and thirteen?"


"And we wished that Roy-Boy had come along with us?"

"You mean that one time in Wal-Mart?!"

"I do. A Wal-Mart very much like this one. The same one, actually."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh, yes. Let's get kicked out of Wal-Mart."

Roy stared. "What." He said with a shocked look on his face.


"Okay Roy, we'll do the first two to see how it's done. Here's a list." Roy took the list from Dick's hand.

'21 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart?'

"Dick, I don't think that this is a very good-" He discovered that the thirteen year old was nowhere in sight. His shoulders slumped in defeat. "Idea."

Wally snickered. "Roy, look!"

A customer was choosing between two brands of cereal with her back turned. While she was deciding between Lucky Charms and Mini Wheats, Dick had been waiting.

When she finally came to the conclusion that she would get both and threw her things in the cart, Dick jumped in, earning a yell of surprise. The woman backed away.

"Push me, push me!" Dick cheered. The victim of the ambush actually did push the basket. Away from herself and into the stack of soup cans, effectively knocking them over.

"Wow. Cliche much?" Roy said from his spot in the produce section.

An employee came rushing to the scene, his mouth agape in horror. They had finished putting up the soup display today! Today! "NOOOOO! WHO DID THIS?!" He screamed.

But Dick was already gone.


"Congrats, dude!" Wally said, fist bumping his best friend, who smirked. "That was a lot better than I expected! But let's see if you can beat the Wall-Man!"

Dick rolled his eyes. "Well, you got an interesting one, but I doubt you'll win."

Wally childishly stuck his tongue out at him. "Of course I'll win! You just watch me!"

Roy just watched them, deciding that he better not say anything.

He started to walk casually in the pasta aisle, whistling.

'Wow, Wally. Not suspicious at all.' Dick thought.

As an innocent customer walked into the aisle and past the redheaded teen. Just as he was about to pick up some linguine for his dinner that night, Wally pounced.

The man bent forward as he felt the additional weight on his back, having trouble breathing.

"Giddy up, horsie!" Wally whooped, swinging an imaginary lasso.

"Get off of me!" The man yelled. He walked unsteadily, bumping into boxes of pasta, spilling them on the floor.

Hearing another commotion in the store, the employee from earlier ran to the area, seeing that the culprit had gotten away again. He narrowed his eyes. This surely couldn't be a coincidence.


"Oh god, no way I am doing this!" Roy said. They were in the home improvements section, trying to hide from that one worker that kept on finding the aftermath of their attacks.

"Yes Roy, there totally is a way you're doing this!" Wally said cheerfully.

"And that way is to get out there and go for it, buddy!" Dick added.

"Okay. Fine. I'll go. But it's embarrassing." He finished with a bitter tone. But knowing that resistance was futile, he forced his legs to bring him to a standing position. And he almost painfully took one step forward. Then another. And another. Until he finally reached the toy department.

He scanned the shelves, looking for that one toy. Then he found it.

Picking it up by one of its thin arms, he said to the Dora toy in a less than enthused voice, "Let's go on an adventure."

"Aw, come on, Roy," a voice whispered from behind him, startling him enough to almost drop the item, "you've got to do better than that!"

His shoulders slumped, and he gathered up the courage to say, in a cutesy voice, "Let's go on an adventure!"

For the next few minutes, Roy paraded around the store, saying that one exact line over and over.

A clerk finally noticed his activities, and walked up to him. "Sir, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to put that-"

"SWIPPER NO SWIPING!" Roy hollered. Then with a crazy look in his eye, he dropped the toy and ran away, arms flailing.

As the clerk picked up the Dora toy after a moment of just standing there, the employee from earlier watched from his place behind the jewelry counter.

He was onto something.


Wally walked up to the cashier at the McDonald's in Wal-Mart. He tapped her shoulder, because she was busy texting. Looking up, she gave the kid an irritated stare. The speedster reminded himself to give a complaint about bad service to the manager.

"Hey, can I borrow a spoon? Well not borrow, just take. It's kinda important." He grinned up at her. She just raised an eyebrow and gave one to him.

"Thank you!" He called, grabbing the spoon and running to the frozen dairy section. Though not fast enough to give him away.

After looking at the flavors, he opened the foggy door and grabbed a large tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. He then proceeded to sit down and opened the lid.

Wally licked his lips. He couldn't wait to eat his ice cream after slowly starving to death!

He stuck the spoon in the creamy dessert eagerly, shoveling it into his mouth. The speedster had a nanosecond to savor it before he swallowed.

Wally then finished it off in about 30 seconds before grabbing another.

He was so caught up in eating that he didn't notice the employee from before staring at him. He looked about ready to pop a blood vessel.

When Wally finally noticed him, he did a cute little wave and ran off.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Was heard throughout the store.


"Alright guys, look at this one!" Dick said excitedly. "It involves all three of us! But I'll do the main part, okay?"

The redheads nodded in agreement, and Roy started counting. "1, 2, 3, 4,..."

Dick and Wally were out of earshot by then.

Wally looked around frantically, and dived into a large box of stuffed animals, sort of hiding him, but not really.

Dick had gone into the dressing rooms. He climbed over the top of one silently and dropped onto the floor.

He was met with the face of a young blonde haired boy, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, both that had tags on them.

"Hello." He said in a friendly manner.

"Hi." The boy said back.

"So, what's your name?" Dick asked.

"I'm Alex. Who are you?"

"Well nice to meet you, Alex!" Dick exclaimed, holding out his hand, "I'm Richard, but most of my friends call me Dick!"

Alex covered his mouth, as if saying his name would be a bad thing.

"Ha, I know! I have a silly name!" Dick said. "But there's no reason to be afraid of 'lil old me!"

A woman's muffled voice was heard from behind the door. "Alex, who are you talking to?"

As she opened the door, Dick turned around to face her. She instantly became hysterical.

"OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY POOR LITTLE ALEX?!" What Dick assumed to be the kid's mother began beating him over the head with her purse.

"Ow! Ow! OW!" Dick yelled, although it didn't really hurt.

An employee rushed in and grabbed Dick by his collar and dragged him out of the store. He then saw that his friends were there too.

They sat in a moment of silence before Dick finally suggested an idea.

"Let's go to Target next!"

Well, here it is!

Please tell me what you thought about this chapter!

Have a fan-freaking-tastical day!