( chapter 9 / part 2 )

( black bile rises )

Scotty and Chekov have taken refuge in Chekov's quarters, having miraculously made it there without any trouble. They both breathe heavily, and Chekov wants to cry. His friends, his boss, his doctor – gone. All gone. He didn't even get to say goodbye. Pavel sits on his bed, Scotty puts down his crowbar his phaser and collapses next to Pavel, who sets his own phaser down on his bed.

"What do we do now?" Montgomery Scott asks, his head in his hands.

Pavel is quiet for a moment. Time to grow up. He was going to have to, anyway. "We find the survivors. Mr. Spock is one of them, I know for sure – Sulu may be with him, but. . ." he gets a mental image of Sulu being eaten alive by those. . .things. "No. He'll be with him. He has to be."

The two get a small bite from the synthesizer, take a breather as fast as they can, and in that time, Pavel comes up with a plan.

"Okay, Mr. Scott – this is what I'll do. . ." he walks up to the console in his room, moves a few windows, and hesitates before telling Scotty his plan. Without turning to look at the other, he quietly mumbles – "I'm going to send an announcement through the ship."


"I'm going to send an – "

"No, no! I heard you! That's just – that's too dangerous. You know those things are probably attracted to sound!" Scotty approaches him, grabs his arm with intentions to pull him away from the console so he doesn't make this terrible mistake. Pavel rips his arm away, readies a fist – "Mr. Scott. It's the only possible way we can reach out to survivors and you know that!" he says, his voice a fine line between anger and rational growling.

Scotty huffs and stands back. "Fine."

The Russian is quiet as he sets up a communication line and enters the password. ("Nine-nine-wictor-wictor-two.")

He pauses before he begins the announcement, not exactly sure what to say. Where will survivors report? Attention, whoever is still alive? Pavel doesn't know. But it has to be done now. He starts up the announcement.

"Attention. . .surviving crew of the USS Enterprise. Those who are alive, make your way to bridge. From bridge, we will leave by shuttle. Das vadanya, for now."


Chekov and Scotty make a plan before they leave. "Whatever happens, Chekov, you go to the bridge. You save these people. Whether I'm with you or not, you – "

"No. Do not speak like this."

And that was their "plan". When they leave Chekov's quarters, they are almost instantly in trouble. But Scotty and Chekov are a good team – they swing and mutilate and fight and win. Chekov sets his phaser to kill and shoots many-a-zombie in the head, while Scotty swings his crowbar like Baby Ruth. His phaser is strapped to his belt for a last resort.

They make their way down seemingly endless corridors and eventually end up in a pickle.

Chekov leads the way, but he forgets to check corners – and this becomes a problem when an undead engineering lieutenant snatches Chekov's ankle from right under him. Chekov grunts and gives a little yelp, attracting attention. "Fuck! Fuck!" Chekov grows loudly, kicking the young zombie engineer with his boot. "Mr. Scott!"

Scotty doesn't know what to do. He's frozen. He's watching Chekov about to get eaten by one of his friends. His crowbar is up, and he's ready to swing, but he's not doing a thing.

And then, just like that, Chekov is let go, he rests his head on the tin floor and breathes, relieved.

Spock and Sulu come around the corner, covered head to toe in grime just like Scotty and Sulu.

"Gentlemen?" Spock addresses, eyebrows raised, surprised because the chances of anyone surviving this space apocalypse were far and few -

"Chekov!" Sulu nearly shouts, relieved, bending over to help the other up.

"Sulu? Sulu!" Pavel greets, leaning in for a hug like he didn't almost get eaten.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, thank the lord," Scotty's hands grip his crowbar tighter.

wow! what a super long hiatus! (ha. . .ha. . ) well, the temporary zombie apocalypse au is nearing it's end! let me know your thoughts, i want to hear them!