"Ouch, man that hurts" I said waking up. "Ok let's see, due to the pounding in my head, I must have hit my head pretty damn hard, I may even have a concussion." I said as I opened my eyes to find I was lying on the ground, I didn't dare move as to not aggravate any injury I may have. But I soon changed my mind; due to my stomach growling in hunger. I tried to stand up but each movement I made caused me to wince in pain. Fighting the pain, I slowly rose to my feet. It was then I noticed I could not feel my feet, did I have nerve damage? I mean I was standing, right? Oh well, I was too hungry to care too much. I soon came upon some apple trees. I quickly went over to the closest tree. I went to reach for an apple, but stopped when I noticed my hand…no a stumpy marshmallow looking hoof. I sat down and stared at my…hoof. I shook my head a bit and my arm was back to normal. "I must have hit my head harder than I thought, I'm seeing things." I thought aloud. I quickly took an apple from the tree and looked it over before taking a bite. It was really sweet, maybe the best apple I have ever had. After eating the apple I threw the core away.

I grabbed a few apples and put them in the backpack I had. I also checked the stuff in my bag to see if everything was all right. "Good my computer looks intact" I said to myself as I zipped the bag closed and slung it on my back again. I started walking at what I thought was north based on the sun's position in the sky.

I soon found myself at the edge of a small town as it grew dark. I found a large tree and sat under it, it was a very nice night, so I thought I would lie under the starry night sky.

After a short time a heard some noise coming from above me. I looked up the tree and saw a balcony. Did someone live in this tree? As I looked closer, I could see a telescope pointing out over the edge of the balcony. "So someone else is star gazing tonight" I said to myself. After a few moments I decide to call out "Quite the exquisite night for stargazing". I then heard someone well, squeak. Then there was a thud, which was probably that someone falling off a stool, for I also saw the telescope move a little.

"Oh shit" I said "Hey are you ok up there, sorry if I scared you" I yelled as I rummaged through my bag till I found my flashlight, I turned it on and pointed it up towards the balcony.

"I'm ok!" I heard from a barely audible female voice coming from the balcony soon followed by the sound of movement. After a few minutes I heard the sound of something walking around the tree so I pointed my flash light toward the side of the tree just as a bright light came around the tree.

"Sorry again for startling you" I said

"It's ok; I did not expect anypony to still be up" Said the female voice from earlier.

"That's ok, it is that time of the night after all" I said not notice the odd word she had used. "So, how about we lower our lights before we introduce are selves" I said

"That sounds good" the female voice called out. I have to admit she sounds pretty cute.

As I lowered my flashlight the other source dimmed. What I saw made me drop my flashlight and start backing up slowly, for under the light was a pur… no violet little horse staring back at me in what seemed to be just as much shock. The horse shook its head as if to clear its train of thought. It looked back at me and its eyes went wide. "HEY, LOOK OUT" it called out but it was too late I went to take another step back only to have my foot find no ground, so I fell in to what was a small dried up stream and banged my head on the other side. Last thing I remember was the sight of the violet horse running up to me then all went black.

Well while I'm out cold I might as well let you know a few things about myself. Ok ill start with my age and profession. I am 23 and I am a student, I am a Visual Arts major. The last time I checked I was five foot nine; I have dark blonde hair that was cut short at maybe 1.5 in. I have blue eyes, that odd shade of blue. Now that you know a little more about me, I'll let you find out the rest later.

"Twi… darling are you sure, he seems like an ordinary s…. to me." I heard a voice say as I started to come too.

"Ya, sugercube, what you saying makes no l… of sense." Said another voice with a southern accent.

I sat up and put what should be my hand to my head rubbing it gently. "Did anyone get the number of that bus that hit me?" I asked opening my eyes. I find I am sitting on a couch in what seems to be a library. There were a few audible gasps to me waking up.

I closed my eyes again and yawned as I heard something come over to the couch. "Please whatever you do don't panic" the female voice from last night said

"Now why would I panic, I can see only two problems right now. One, my head is pounding, but that is normal with hitting one's head hard twice. Two, I'm in a place I do not recognize." I said

"See Twilight, he is just a normal stallion, like Rarity said" a new voice said

"Wait, what the hell did you just call me?" I ask opening my eyes and turning towards the source of the voice I heard only to come face to face with two small horses. One of the two horses was the same one I saw last night; the other had a cyan coat, magenta eyes and a rainbow mane. My eye starts twitching. "no, no, no, no, no, no, no this is not happening, I must be hallucinating, or I'm just going crazy, I mean talking colorful little horses are an impossibility" I said scooting a bit away from the two figments of my imagination.

"What in the hey is he muttering on about" said an orange Stetson wearing one as it came in to view

"Ahhhh" I screamed as I fell off the couch due to the shock of seeing another one. It was there on the floor that I noticed that something was wrong with me, besides the crazy aspect. "HOLY SHIT, WHAT IN BLOODY HELL HAPPENED TO ME!" I yelled as I was now looking at what use to be my arms and legs, I now had four legs that ended in stumpy marshmallow looking hooves.

"Please try and calm down" the violet one said coming around the couch and was carefully approaching me


"Please jus...just calm down" the violet one said again as well as reaching out with one of its hooves to try and comfort me, but I swat it away. That however did not sit too well with the cyan one, for she rushed over turned and kicked me in the head.

I went sliding a crossed the floor, when I came to a stop I immediately put my han... hooves to my head "FUCK,OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, GOD DAM THAT HURT. Wait that hurt, if they where hallucinations then that would not have…." I said till my eye started twitching again. The horses were approaching me; they seemed to be talking but my mind was still in a state of shock that I heard nothing. The violet one seemed to be chewing out the cyan one. I turned and saw a door and inside I smiled.

"Hurry up Rainbow and apologize" the violet one said

I got up and looked to see the cyan one take a few steps towards me looking back at the violet one grumbling. It turned and looked at me. "Hey, look I'm..." she was saying but did not finish due to me bolting towards the door. "Hey… Get back here" the cyan one called out. I hit the door as hard as I could and it opened. I was out and free heading down the street as fast as these new legs would let me.