~*~*~*~JULIE'S POV~*~*~*~

It's been 2 months since me and R fell from the stadium emergency exit, 2 months since my dad shot R, 2 months since we confessed our love for each other and made love in that pond, and most importantly 2 months since R's heart started beating again, but lately I've been feeling sick and i don't want R to worry so I had Nora draw some blood and run some test on it to see what is causing me to be feeling sick all the time as of late.

"Jules! You here?" I hear Nora yell from just inside the front door. "Yeah, I'm in my room!" I yell back. About a minute later in comes a very sweaty looking Nora. "You're pregnant, 2 months to be exact." she tells me upon entering my room. "WHAT!" I can't help but not believe what she just told me, I'm pregnant, like with a tiny little R and me combination growing inside of me. "Jules, you're pregnant, actually you're 2 months exactly pregnant. Now...I can't believe you withheld news that you and R did it." she tells me seeming more interested in seeing if i will tell her anything about what me and R's first time together. Little did she know that we've been making love every night since his bullet wound healed. "NORA, focus! I'm pregnant and you're more worried about getting details about me and R's first time together! SERIOUSLY!" I yell at her. How am I going to tell R that there's a tiny being growing inside me? I mean he's just been reborn only 2 months ago. We haven't been using any type of protection since we didn't know if he was sterile or not. How's R even going to take this news? I don't even know if R wanted to have kids. And then theres where are we going to live when this baby comes? R's apartment is tiny. R only lives in a one room apartment with a tiny bedroom and his bathroom barely has the space for the shower, toilet, and sink, how would we even bathe the baby the kitchen isn't much better than the bathroom it had 4 cabinets, the sink was 12 inches wide by 14 inches in length (aka a bar sink), he didn't have a stove so we couldn't eat there, and this tiny refrigerator that didn't always work, plus I think his apartment has mold which we can't bring a baby into, and my father would never let R live here, he still barely like's R. "Julie are you listening?" Nora's voice finally brings me back from my thoughts. "Huh? What were you saying?" i tell her. "Never mind I'm going to get R so you guys can talk about whatever it is that has you so pre-occupied." before I could tell her not to that I still needed time to figure out how i was even going to tell him.

(10 minutes later)

I hear someone running up the stairs, then I see R standing in the doorway. "Nora said that she had got your blood work back today and that me and you needed to talk" R said breathlessly coming up to me and picking me up from my spot on the floor bridal style and carrying me over to my bed laying me down so that I was facing the door then R took of his dirty shirt and shoes and got on the bed to hold me, "Why did you get blood work? Are you sick? You're not dying are you? Cause I don't know what I would do if you had somehow got some sickness and I was losing you only after 2 months of having you." I could hear the fear in his voice during this. "I'm not dying R, I haven't been feeling all that good for the past 2 months so I had Nora do some blood work to see what was making me feel sick. I'm not dying, I promise I wouldn't allow myself to die after only knowing what it's like to be loved for 2 months." I reassure him. "Then what is it love?" R aks me. I guess i better ask if he ever wants kids. "Someday would you want to have kids with me?" I ask him. When I look up to see his reaction to my question. At first he looks confused from my sudden subject change but soon his face softens. "Yes, one day I want to see you pregnant with a baby me and you created. We might want to figure out if when i was a zombie and then was reborn made me sterile first." R tells me lovingly. Well at least I know he wants kids someday I guess we're just gonna have a baby sooner than either of us thought. Okay here goes nothing. I give him a kiss before I continue. "Well turns out that your reproductive groans work perfectly and they have ever since your rebirth...cause...I'm um 2 months pregnant."...

And I leave you with a cliffhanger. If any of you want to see the fridge that i got inspiration from i will be leaving the link on page. I'm gonna try to update every Wednesday, Friday, and Monday they might not be on those days since my mom and her husband are divorcing and I'm working on cleaning out my room for when me, my mom, and sister move out and helping my sister with packing for college but i will be trying.