As most fan fictions are, this has some elements that are slightly AU. I don't own Smallville or anything else, that's the property of DC Comics. This story has cousin incest in it that may offend some sensibilities.

Pairing: Clark/Kara, maybe more, see my note at the bottom.

Prologue: The Promise.

Krypton was dying. Some might say the planet was about to die for years but despite the constant warnings, the people of Krypton believed that everything was going to be okay. They expected Krypton to last forever but the crumbling of the crystal towers in Kandor and the ever increasing tremors, which happened at least once an hour, if not more, spoke a different story.

Tomorrow would not come.

Kara Zor-El looked up at the red sky, nervously biting her lip when she watched everything happen around her. The city she loved, that she grew up in, it was going to cease to exist along with the rest of Krypton. The blonde blinked and her heart sped up a little bit, before a knot twisted in her stomach. She edged closer to the edge of her home in Kandor, knowing that this would be the very last time she saw it.

Her mother always said that she had a certain amount of spirit and potential, she would be one of the brightest minds that Krypton ever seen. Kara hoped she could live up to a fraction of potential. At fifteen years of age, in many ways, her life was beginning. It was a shame that it would have to continue elsewhere.

The shining promise of the relatively young planet known as Earth was in Kara's not so distant future. There was one element in that world that was not present on Krypton and that was the yellow sun. The yellow sun could sustain her and allow her to grow stronger, to obtain gifts beyond her wildest imagination and allow her to increase her potential.

Such power could go to the head of the greatest minds of this planet, never mind a headstrong teenage girl. Kara resolved to keep these things in perspective no matter what.

"Kara, time grows short, but I had to see you one more time before the end."

The bright eyed blonde spun around and her heart gave a leap when she saw the woman standing in the distance. A smile crossed Kara's face when the teenager greeted this woman.

"Aunt Lara," Kara breathed, when she rushed forward to greet the woman with a tight hug. "It's nice to see you."

Kara tried not to let her nerves be betrayed but Lara saw through the façade immediately.

"You fear what might happen if you or Kal-El do not make it to Earth," Lara responded in a gentle voice, reaching forward to place a hand gently upon the cheek of Kara. "Do not despair, Kara, for you are brave and strong and can weather any storm that comes your way."

Kara found her aunt's confidence to be quite endearing but she thought about all that she lost. Starting with her mother at the age of eight years old and then escalating from there. She lost friends in the civil war with Zod. Classmates she went to school often left for the day and never returned. It was a scary situation and a part of Kara feared she might be next.

Despite all that, she gained a certain amount of strength that she would need during the three year journey to Earth. The blonde snapped her eyes open after she closed them for a few seconds in thought. Lara stood there, always smiling and always supportive.

"I would think that Jor-El would be able to build an escape pod for all three of you," Kara remarked in an accusing voice. Jor-El was not one of her favorite people.

Lara decided to choose her next words rather carefully. "Jor-El…thinks that Kal-El has a grander destiny and he must be sent alone."

"Too much is left to chance that way though," Kara answered when she felt the butterflies flapping in her stomach. "I know you've observed the family that you plan on taking in Kal-El but….what if you are mistaken? Or what if someone else reaches him first?"

Lara smiled sadly. "Questions I have asked of Jor-El but someone with his intellect, he does not plan for failure. Yet he holds the burdens of the destruction of the entire planet in the palm of his hand. Rao knows that Jor-El's flaws are many, hence while he hopes to exorcise them when he crafts the AI to guide our son."

Lara's voice dripped with a great amount of skepticism and Kara picked up on it immediately. "Do you not trust that will go as planned?"

"He wishes to transfer everything to the AI, with the exception of his emotions," Lara responded when she hung her head, hiding the look of discontent on her face.

Kara frowned before she stated the obvious. "But without emotions, we lack understanding and empathy and the ability to adapt to the unforeseen."

That was one of the points that most Kryptonians missed in their point to be the stoic and unfeeling race who prided themselves on logic and let emotion falter. Despite the fact that without emotion they rarely understood each other and war occurred. This point drove Kara's mother mad when she was alive and it upset Kara more than a little bit. She was considered to be a bit of an oddball at her school, not accepting things as they were supposed to be.

Perhaps the planet blowing up was a blessing, well not in the sense of a blessing that it would lead to many innocent people dying. It would be a blessing in the sense that anyone who had the foresight to evacuate before it was too late. Yet, the Council continued to assure everyone that everything was going to be okay and there would be a tomorrow on Krypton.

"Kara, you are correct, but you know the stubbornness of Jor-El," Lara answered when she eyed the red sun. It was so peaceful and so beautiful but in the back of her mind Lara came to the realization that this would be the final time the red sun would set on the planet. In many ways, the sun would set on their world. "If his calculations are correct, Krypton will explode in one orbital cycle."

Kara grimaced at that thought, one orbital cycle and the entire planet went up in an explosion.

"My father I…."

"I managed to send him off so we could meet together without any interruptions, Jor-El is busy making the final preparations for the escape pod," Lara responded as she stroked her niece's hair fondly, a smile crossing over the bright features of the blonde woman. Zor-El went halfway across the planet, on the false message Lara sent about an associate finding a rare mineral. By the time he returned, Kara should be gone and Zor-El would be left behind as the planet died. "You must leave soon, so you can make it to Earth before Kal-El does."

Kara swallowed a lump in her throat. "Aunt Lara….there is plenty of room on my ship….we could…."

"Jor-El forbids it," Lara stated in a voice that dripped with disbelief and Kara understood it to mean that her aunt really disagreed with Jor-El. "And there is a concern that I may not be able to travel this soon after giving birth. Especially given that Kal-El was a high risk pregnancy…"

"I know," Kara responded, understanding the issues that her aunt went through with the birth of Kal-El and how much time she spent under the care of a healer.

"He really was my miracle baby," Lara remarked fondly but it was not the time nor the place to get sentimental. "His upbringing on Earth….the powers that he will have, they will be amazing but there is a chance….no I dare not speak it."

"What?" Kara asked her eyes bright and widened, grabbing her aunt around the hand.

"My husband understands many things but I have studied his notes and made some conclusions about the long term consequences of exposure of yellow solar radiation to Kryptonians," Lara answered her niece while the woman pulled the younger girl close so they could talk easily. "The consequences of his powers without the proper grounding, when Kal-El reaches his sixteenth or seventeenth birthday; he will have excess energy that he must work off. If it is not tempered, there will be serious neurological effects that could impair his development with his abilities and his own mental and emotional development."

Lara paused before she added.

"Then there is the change that all Kryptonian males go through during that age," Lara stated carefully. "Normally….if we survived, I would be there to help guide him through everything he needed to know."

Kara understood precisely what her aunt was talking about.

"Aunt Lara, I will do anything for Kal-El," Kara responded, putting her hand to chin and watched her aunt.

Lara pulled her into a crushing hug which Kara returned looking quite flushed but very pleased.

"Thank you Kara, I know that he'll be safe when you're watching over him on Earth, along with the Kents," Lara breathed, but there was a moment where the woman looked reflective. "I do not….I fear what might happen to him if he does not have the proper guidance and the assistance."

Kara understood what her aunt was going through, it was the fear that any mother would have while sending their son out into the under known. The teenage girl understood that because of this she had a huge amount of responsibility thrown upon her shoulders, more than should be given to any one person.

She was ready for it.

"I fear that allowing Jor-El free reign might lead to some disastrous consequences," Lara added carefully, biting down on her lip to the point where the woman nearly drew blood. "The last thing I wish is for my son to become some glorified Vulcan with more problems than an Arithmetic textbook."

Kara smiled; they got Earth television on Krypton, granted one had to work to get the signals aligned right. And Lara was obsessed with a certain show.

"Zod has fallen but he's left his mark," Lara responded, more to herself than to the girl beside her.

"His body destroyed, his spirit in the Phantom Zone," Kara said absent-mindedly but Lara clasped her niece's hand.

"And not before he corrupted the Brain Interactive Construct," Lara said with much remorse dripping from her voice when this particular statement was given. "It's a shame, I found her to be quite endearing and protective towards Krypton and its people. She would do anything to serve them but Zod corrupted her loyalty and turned the machine to be his puppet."

Kara understood what Lara was talking about, Brainiac was willing to learn from Krypton and their people but Zod corrupted her. She even downloaded her mind to a body and left the planet for a few years to live among the humans under the codename of Indigo for a short time. Kara got to know Indy a little bit when she returned, not well, but they got along well. And now Zod corrupted the programming to the point where it had an identity crisis and no sense of what the program used to be.

"But our time grows short," Lara added in a far off voice, before reaching into her pocket and handing a glowing blue crystal to Kara. "Take this."

"What is it?" Kara asked curiously, looking at the crystal.

"More insurance that Kal-El won't be alone and isolated," Lara stated in a calm voice, wishing she could explain the details of her plan more to Kara. "I have added something to the pod as well, a failsafe if you must call it that."

Kara nodded and smiled, sadly, realizing that this is the last sunset she would experience on Krypton. It was with a heavy heart she stood tall and proud and Lara placed a hand to the cheek of the blue eyed teenager, standing tall and confident.

"Your mother would be proud of you," Lara commented lightly to Kara and with that the woman brushed her niece's hair back and planted a light kiss on her forehead. "I know I am."

Kara looked pleased in spite the situation and offered a bright eyed expression towards her Aunt. "Thanks Aunt Lara."

"Time grows short, you must get on your ship, and I must oversee Kal-El's depature," Lara answered when she made sure the crystal was secure in Kara's hand. "Protect the crystal, as if it is an important as your life."

Lara paused before she added.

"Even if nothing compares to your life, remember that," Lara answered and Kara nodded, a smile crossing her face and a tear rolling down her cheek, thinking about all would be lost with Krypton.

There was no time to think about how everything could have gone wrong. Jor-El warned the Council since even before Kal-El was born that there were instabilities in the planet's core. Yet they denied his claims and spurned them as being inaccurate. Despite the fact that Kara clashed with her uncle on several matters, she saw his findings on the core and knew them to be accurate. Even her father agreed with them, which should have raised a red flag because Jor-El and Zor-El never agreed with each other.

Speaking of her father, Kara must depart before he returned. The blonde carefully edged herself towards the ship. It was with a heavy heart that she took this journey alone and the ship was built for two, maybe three occupants. Kara sighed, her father thought he meant well but his devotion in RAO's prophecy alarmed her.

The guidance controls were mostly manual; a toddler could operate this ship. Although as with all technology, there was a possibility and a probability for error.

And anything that could go wrong often did in the most inconvenient way possible. Kara, then eighteen years old, came out stasis in the summer of 2003, when a huge tremor rocked Smallville and broke her ship open.

Kara changed into a pair of Earth clothes that she liberated a short time ago. A tight blue blouse stretched over her chest, stretching up to show her midsection with the merest of motions, with a yellow diamond shape on it. A red skirt flipped in the breeze, wrapped snuggly around her legs to show her shapely legs and a pair of red high heel boots that topped off the outfit.

The blond also remembered that most humans took offense when people were not wearing the proper undergarments so she liberated a pair of those two. She did make sure to clean them first and a few other setbacks delayed her arrival until now. With a heavy heart, Kara approached the Kent Farm.

Her calculations projected Kal-El's ship to arrive somewhere in the autumn of 1989. Kara caught sight of the calendar and she was in the early summer of 2003.

'I guess I might be a little late for dinner and meeting my cousin's adoptive parents,' Kara thought when she tried to keep the mood light. Another grim thought crossed through her mind. 'Providing he hasn't been picked up by the government and dissected.'

No, Kara refused to think that, no matter what. No matter how much it twisted her stomach, that was not a thought she considered to be applicable. Kal-El arrived without any problems, he had a happy childhood and hopefully the Kents helped him cope with his abilities when these powers manifested themselves.

She hovered above the ground; this was not a trip she could take until the evening. Kara got the impression that most people would freak out if they saw a flying girl in daylight. Even if the super speed made her a blur, Kara did not want to get noticed, not now.

The eighteen year old blonde hovered in the air, before dropping down in front of the mailbox with the words "Kent Farm" etched on it. Kara remembered it well, from her visit here with Lara all of those years ago. A teary eyed expression spread over the blonde's face when she edged towards the front door. The farm did not look as pristine as she remembered it and it was in disarray.

Remembering the crystal, Kara clutched it in her hands, along with the hard drive of her ship. Both of those elements should not fall into the wrong hands but other than the hard drive, the ship was useless scrap metal. The blonde carefully stepped towards the front door and raised a hand.

Then she paused and faltered.

After all of those years, what if the Kents never found Kal-El? Or worse found him and decided against taking him in? Kara shook her head; those thoughts of doubt were not healthy.

The blonde raised a hand and tapped gently on the door with her knuckles. Kara waited, listening for the progress of footsteps from the door. If no one was home, then so be it but it turned out there was someone present. The blonde watched through the glass window when a woman with red hair walked forward and opened the door up. She looked tired as if she went through a terrible ordeal as of late.

"Mrs. Kent?" Kara asked, questioning her.

"Yes," Martha Kent responded, seeing this blonde on her doorstep and wondering what this was all about.

"I'm here to talk to you about your son," Kara stated, jumping right to the point.

Martha eyed the girl for a moment and raised an eyebrow. This line of inquiry caught the woman off guard and left her flummoxed. She blinked and stood up straight like it did not. "My son?"

Kara's dread increased by approximately three hundred percent and the knot tightened in her stomach.

Martha wondered why this girl looked like she was about ready to become ill on the carpet but as it turned out she asked a question before Martha had a chance to.

"Yes your son….you found him….didn't you?" Kara asked when she tried to lead Martha on to make sure the older woman knew what Kara was talking about and did not think of her as a raving lunatic. "Adopted him."

"Yes we have an adoptive son," Martha responded carefully but it did hurt to think about Clark, given he ran off after what happened with the ship.

After losing the baby, Martha felt that this was the worst week in her life.

"He's gone."

"He died!" Kara yelled, when she jumped up, eyes flashing in alarm and the feeling of failure erupted in her.

Martha wondered why she had such a negative reaction. "No, no he's not dead…."

The woman shivered when she thought about that; that was really something that could make this entire situation far worse than it was.

"I know you found him in a field," Kara whispered to Martha and this caused Martha to step back in alarm.

Martha feared the absolute worst, this woman, was some kind of government agent and potentially found out that her son was an extra-terrestrial.

"His birth name is Kal-El," Kara answered when she eyed Martha, watching for a reaction.

"You're….you've got the wrong house," Martha responded in a frantic voice, shaking when she watched this young girl frown at her.

Kara knew this was the right house; this was one thing she was not mistaken about. She been here with her aunt so the blonde knew and was not fooled by this hastily put together lie for a moment.

"Martha what's going on?"

Jonathan Kent heard the voices and after everything that happened, he was on the edge. In hindsight, while he was upset with Clark, he should not have yelled at him and drove him off. Chalk one up for the notorious Kent temper he guessed.

He saw this young girl standing on the doorstep. He blinked, surprised, before the obvious question was spit out. "Who are you?

Kara smiled, a pained smile, realizing how bad her arrive looked and tried to pacify it.

"Mr. Kent, it is an honor to meet you," Kara responded by shaking his hand. She tried not to grip him too firmly, given that humans were kind of fragile in that way. Still Kara's grip remained strong around his hand. "My name is Kara."

Jonathan remained cordial even though he was still suspicious. "Hello, Kara. What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for your son," Kara answered immediately.

"What does Clark have to do with anything?" Jonathan asked when he looked at Kara. She fixed an unblinking gaze on him and the farmer felt like he was being X-Rayed. "And….we don't know where he is."

Kara flicked her eyes towards Jonathan before nodding her head towards him.

"You don't know where your son is?" Kara demanded, not bothering to keep the accusation out of her voice.

Jonathan was about to go on the defensive but Martha cut him off before he could put his foot in his mouth.

"Is he in any danger?" Martha asked, nervously swallowing with her eyes widening.

"The red rock," Jonathan muttered out of the side of his mouth even though Kara could hear him with razor sharp hearing.

Martha understood immediately, it put everything in a certain amount of perspective and the woman looked fretful.

"Look, whatever it is, there's some kind of misunderstanding regarding Clark," Martha stated, almost pleading.

Now it was Kara's turn to be confused. "Mrs. Kent, I don't know what happened, but I'd like to. I'm just here to find him, find Clark, find Kal-El."

Jonathan went pale at the sound of that name and his gaze turned to Kara. "Kal-El?"

"Jonathan, I think she knows about Clark," Martha answered to her husband slowly and Jonathan backed off, wondering how he was going to deal with this.

"I know about him," Kara added when her eyes fixed upon them. "Why did he run off?"

Jonathan thought about it for a brief second and decided to give a version of the truth. "He met his….biological father."

That was news that displeased Kara greatly and her blood pressure spiked a tiny bit.

"Oh great Rao, no," Kara breathed, fearing the absolute worst.

"And his father….gave him the impression that he was here to take over the world," Martha picked up, feeling a bit nerve racked when she watched Kara. The blonde remained calm and Martha struggled to spit the next bit. "And Clark….tried to destroy the ship and….it didn't end well."

"How didn't it end well?" Kara asked, but when she spotted both Kents become uncomfortable, she shifted in guilt. Perhaps she brought up something painful with them, that they did not want to bring up.

"The tremors caused our truck to flip over," Jonathan responded, looking much older than he really was when he said this. "And Martha….she was pregnant and she lost the baby."

Kara bit down on her lip.

"I'm sorry," Kara breathed when she looked at Martha who nodded.

No mother would ever get over a loss like that but Martha was coping, as well as could be expected.

"And he put on a red meteor rock it…."

"Removes his inhibitions and causes him not to think straight," Kara responded firmly, remembering her mother's notes about certain parts of the irradiated core and what different colors met. Given the biological changes Clark would be due for; this could prove to have long term consequences. Kara hoped that this was Clark's first time being in contact with the red rock, because it would be trickier if it wasn't. "I have to find him."

"Why do you have to find him?" Jonathan asked Kara, grabbing her by the sleeve gently and holding her back.

Kara bit down on her lip and calmed down before responding, "Because…I'm the only one who has the strength to stop him before he does something that he regrets or exposes himself to the wider world."

"Why would you…."

"I'm Kal-El's cousin from Krypton," Kara spat out.

There was silence and Martha and Jonathan eyed each other.

"That explains a lot," Jonathan responded after letting out a whistle.

"When did you arrive here?" Martha asked Kara gently.

"I was supposed to arrive when Kal-El did, but my ship was delayed and I crashed into the dam outside of the town," Kara answered, eyes widened. Her ship was still there but useless without the hard drive that she had in her carry-on bag. "The tremors loosened my ship enough where I was able to swim out."

Kara declined to mention she almost drowned due to the fact that the green meteors at the bottom of the lake weakened her.

"Clark, nice name," Kara remarked in a conversational voice. Of course, she kind of liked Kal-El better, mostly because she picked it out. Still Clark was nice.

"Thanks," Martha responded, not really knowing much more to say.

"He's sixteen, seventeen about now," Kara prodded them, getting the sense that the Kents had a sense of stability in their relationship, which made her feel a lot easier about the type of house that Kal-El, Clark, was raised in.

"Yes, very nearly seventeen," Martha answered and Kara let out the breath she was holding.

"I might not be too late then," Kara remarked to herself before turning around and looking into the sky. There was nothing there, not a bird, not even a plane.

"Too late for what?" Jonathan asked, nervously tapping his foot on the floor.

"No time to explain now but Kryptonians have different biology than humans in many ways and a different culture, and when adding in the powers by the yellow sun…well Clark's going through a difficult stage now," Kara responded without missing a beat and the Kents exchanged a nervous expression.

She had no time to go into details, because it involved speaking about things that were considered to be taboo and wrong by most humans. The biological ramifications were not present in Kryptonians or other alien races as there were with humans. Humans would eventually evolve in a few thousand years to the point where they would not have to worry about them as well.

Providing they lived that long but Kara could not think about that. She knew what she had to do now.

"It's time I had a chat with my uncle," Kara remarked before she watched both the Kents with a bright smile. "I promise, I'll bring your son back safe and sound."

Kara sped off leaving the Kents to ponder the girl's intentions. They were caught so off guard by the news of her identity that Jonathan and Martha did not question it at first.

"Do you think we can trust her intentions, Jonathan?" Martha asked when her eyes closed and wondered if they made a bad judgment call.

"She might be the only one who could bring Clark back without hurting herself in the process," Jonathan responded after a moment.

All they could do was wait and hope for the best.

Kara arrived outside of the Kawatche Caves, determination flooding her eyes when the blonde dropped down into the cave. There was no one here and the blonde watched everything around her, before the cave lit up. She sensed what went on around her.

"I know you're here Jor-El," Kara responded in a crisp voice, the wind through the cave causing her hair to whip back and forth. "Do not deny the fact you are."

"You weren't part of the plan Kara," Jor-El stated in a cold and unemotional voice.

"Yeah, nice to see you too," Kara snapped sarcastically when her eyes flared with anger. "It's because of you that Kal-El has run off to Rao only knows where."

"Kal-El will learn to obey me and will fulfill his destiny."

Kara smiled knowingly. "The thing about destiny is that they can change in a heartbeat."

She paused before adding one more phrase.

"Including yours."

Kara held the crystal and moved towards the cave slot.

"Kara I demand you do not take this step. Kal-El must obey what I tell him, it is for the greater g…"

Kara cut him off. "Your visitation rights have been revoked."

Jor-El was put dormant when Kara inserted the crystal into the cave wall slot.

"Kara," the voice of Lara stated sleepily.

"Hello Aunt Lara, nice to hear your voice again," Kara responded, before she jumped into it. "We have a problem. The Kents informed me that Kal-El has been indulging in red meteor rocks."

"Yes, this is a problem," Lara agreed, dread dripping from her voice. "You know what to do."

"Yes, I do," Kara said with a nod.

"I will be able to guide both of you, now Jor-El has gone dormant and I now have learned of his plans for the future involving Kal-El," Lara informed her and the teenage Kryptonian nodded. "But find him and bring him home safely first."

Kara went to leave but Lara stopped her.

"Be careful, sweetie, you're just as susceptible to the red rocks as he is, should you come into contact with them," Lara warned her and Kara nodded.

"I will."

She sped off, determined and ready.

To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.

So the poll that I mentioned at the beginning. I kind of had this up last night but I've took it down because I want to limit the girls to make it a tighter group. Or maybe do straight Clark/Kara. (Or Clara if we're doing the mashed up ship name thingy.)

1) So Straight Clara or Trinity with a second girl but no more or Harem with three to five additional girls other than Kara?

2) If Harem, Three to Five Extra Girls? Six (Kara+Five Others), is the most that I want to go with for this story.

3) List of Potential Girls If Trinity or Harem is Chosen: Chloe, Lana, Alicia, Raya, Lois, Tess, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Power Girl, Maxima, Barbara Gordon, Patricia Swann, Indigo, Faora, Alia, Vala, Saturn Girl.

Next Chapter will be posted next week sometime to give people time to weigh their options in.