A/N: So sup' guys? This is a little something that popped into my little head when i randomly found a picture of Iggy's girl counterpart... And so i wrote it down so you'll have something to read while i finish When outcasts are bored... Anyways enjoy^^

England stood in his circle of magic, today he had decided he would practice his summoning. Since it had been a while since he had used magic. He recited the summoning spell, and almost finished when a certain obnoxious american burst in through the door «Yo, Iggy! What's up!?» he shouted. England was about to yell at him for ruining such an important spell, when white light pulsed through the entire room. England was knocked over, but America catched him before he hit the ground. England swore as he pushed himself away from the American, he mumbeled a small 'Thank you' and brushed the dust off his clothing. England turned away to see what horrid creature he may have summoned, and gaped when he saw what he had summoned.

In the middle of the circle, stood a person almost identical to himself, except that it was a girl. Her long dirty-blond hair was put up in two pigtails, a pair of glasses resided on her nose and her eyebrows were as thick as his. She was wearing the same turtle-neck as he wore, and a black knee-long tight skirt rested nicely against her small figure.

America's mouth dropped when he spotted the girl version of England. She was like, totally identical to England, except that this girl was pretty! Even her thick eyebrows seemed to fit her. «What are you staring at!?» the girl barked «Why did you summon me!? What's your names!?» the girl barked, she was England all right, insecure and a major tsundere as Japan had called it. «I'm Arthur Kirkland, i'm sorry for summoning you, it was a mistake on my part… I was going to summon Flying mint bunny… But a certain American here, whose name is Alfred F. Jones, i'll have you know. Took me by surprise and ruined the spell…» England's fleeting english accent echoed nicely throughout the room, America had always liked the english accent… «Ah! Flying mint bunny! But, can't you normally see her?» America just stood there, not understanding what they were talking about. "Yes, but it has been a while since I had summoned anything. And besides, nobody else can bloody see her. So if I summoned her, people will see her…" England ranted, the girl-England nodded "That's smart… As expected from the male me… My name is Alice Kirkland, pleasure to meet you Arthur…" she held out her hand, and England took it and smiled, yes he actually smiled! America hadn't seen him smile since he was a kid! "Likewise… " England said. Alice then turned to America stretching her hand out "Pleasure to meet you too Mr. Jones…" America gaped and frowned "Hey no fair! England gets called Arthur while I get Mr. Jones!?" England raised one of his thick eyebrows "Of course… We are basically the same person…" he started, then he turned to Alice who was nodding in agreement. " So, I take it you would like some tea as an apology for sending you here? The journey between worlds are always tiresome…" England smiled, Alice returned the gesture "Ah, yes… Some Darjeeling sounds absolutely marvelous at the moment… Do you have scones as well?" England nodded enthusiastically "Of course! I will go and warm the water and then I'll get the scones into the oven!" he ran up the stairs, and America couldn't hold in his laughter anymore. "S-scones!? You like those deathtraps!?" For a moment Alice looked offended but she seemed to manage to calm herself "As a matter of fact I do…" she puffed and walked ahead "Arthur dear! Do you need any help!?" she shouted America could hear a muffled 'yes please' from the kitchen, America went into the hallway to find a bucket in case the England duo would incinerate the kitchen, something that was very likely.

A few minutes later, tea and scones were set to the table. Except, that these actually looked edible, America stared at them, disbelief in his eyes. These scones didn't only look edible, they looked delicious! Alice and Arthur grinned victoriously at Americas expression, and they high-fived under the table. America bit carefully in to one of the scones, it was crunchy on the outside, but soft and fluffy on the inside, it was good. America chowed down a few scones, making both Alice and England filled with pride over their scones "Well, I wouldn't be a british woman if I couldn't cook, now would i? Don't worry Arthur dear… You are doing a great job in the kitchen… And your tea is simply marvelous, it's the best cup of tea I have had in years! I can't make this good tea…" England smiled and chuckled "Well, tea is one of the most important things of the day… I have to admit, these scones make mine seem…" England looked like he couldn't find his words "Like crappy deathtraps…" America finished. England glared at America, hurt flashing through his eyes "My scones may not be as good as Alice's but they sure as bloody hell aren't deathtraps!" Alice took a sip of her tea "You only need some more practice dear…" she stated, England sat down again, nodding slightly.

"Hey, Alice! You like horror movies?" America suddenly said, looking at Alice with sparkly eyes, Alice cocked her head to the side "I do not believe I have ever seen one… Maybe you should show me one before I say anything?" she suggested, England rolled his eyes "I don't know why bother seing these movies if you get so scared… Alice dear, you don't have to watch them…" Alice shook her head, pushing her glasses up "No, I'm actually quite interested in these so called 'horror movies'…" America fist pumped the air "Yes! I'll bring some over tonight!" Alice nodded in agreement "Interesting… I like the way you are thinking… Darkness gives a scarier atmosphere, correct?" America nodded then he turned to England "You'll join too right?" his eyes were pleading, he was about to say no when Alice said "It will be more interesting with more people no?" England seemed to think before replying "I suppose… Fine, I'll join…" Alice smiled victoriously while America did this ridiculous happy/victory dance.

Later that night, everyone was sitting in the living room, Alice and America on the couch and England in a chair. The movie started, everything was peaceful until someone was stupid enough to travel to the rainforest, ignoring the warnings, digging up some ancient treasure and getting cursed. This movie, was actually scary. England even jumped a few times, and he almost gagged when a person was ripped in two, his intestines and blood spraying everywhere. Alice seemed intrigued while America was already clinging to her arm. England shivered when the monster ate someone alive, damn America for finally making a scary movie.

When the movie was over, America was still clinging to Alice, but he looked over at England, his hand was placed in his face, covering his eyes. It looked like he was facepalming, so America thought that it was a failure for a moment, until he saw England shiver. Was he scared? "Dude you alright?" America asked, England looked up, forcing out a laugh "That was the stupidest thing I have ever witnessed! What kind of idiot would ignore those types of warnings!?" America didn't realize it was fake, neither did Alice. America sighed, kind of happy that England hadn't gotten scared, because he had been all alone during the entire movie, and being scared when alone is horrible. Alice crossed her arms "I don't know… I found it scary and intriguing at the same time…" she shivered slightly. England sighed "Yes, America… You can stay over…" America lit up. "Can you sleep with me tonight?" Alice asked "I'm a little jumpy at the moment, and since we were both scared we should stick together, no?" America nodded, England snorted "Well, I'm going to bed… America you show Alice the room you two will be sleeping in…" And so he left.

England locked the door as soon as he reached his room. He he slid along the wall until he was sitting on the floor, shaking, his eyes panicked, why did this movie scare him so much!? He was angry, at himself, and at America. Tears were forming in his eyes, not on purpose but as America had stated, being alone when scared is a horrible thing. But he had to get it together. He was used to being alone! He shouldn't be affected by this! Then, why!? Maybe he should call Allistor? No, England didn't want to bother his brother because of a movie… But, as if someone had sent Allistor a note, England's phone rang. He picked it up, and Allistor's voice echoed in to the phone "Hey, how're ya doin Artie?" his Scottish accent somewhat soothing, "I- I'm good… How are you?" England answered, his voice shaking slightly "I was good, but now I'm not, I dun like it when yer lying to me…" the sound of his voice told England that he wasn't in the best of moods right now, well. As he had just said, he disliked it when England lied to him. "I'm fine I swear… I wouldn't want to bother you with such childish matters anyway…" England tried to shrug it off, "What? Somebody botherin ya? If they are… I do still have that gun…" his voice went dark, "No, no! It was just a movie… Little nervous, that's all…." Allistor went silent, and England prepared himself to be laughed at but it never came "Who's with ya? Are ya alone?" his tone was serious, meaning he wouldn't laugh "A-America and Alice…" he said weakly "Who the hell is Alice?" England knew his brother well enough to know he was raising an eyebrow "Alice is… well you see-" he told his brother what had happened earlier that day, Allistor snickered a little but managed to keep his composure, but then England got to the movie part "Well, his movies are normally stupid, and- and- He and Alice decided to sleep together so they wouldn't be scared…" England was almost ashamed "They didn't invite ya?" Allistor's voice was getting dark again, England hurried with his Answer "Oh, it's not that! They do not know that I am scared…" Allistor sighed "Ya need to stop actin tough… I'll be over in ten…" but he quickly added "And don't ya dare get the idea that yer being a bother, if ya do I'll hit ya… 's ok to be scared ya know?" England nodded, even though Allistor couldn't see him "Thank you…" he mumbeled.

And pretty accurately Allistor arrived ten minutes later, he burst through the door. England was sitting on the couch, as he had walked downstairs again. His head rested on his knees, shaking slightly. He looked up and smiled weakly when he spotted Allistor, who walked over to him and pulled his baby brother into a hug. England instantly relaxed in his grip, ever since he was little, Allistor had been the only one in the family who had been able to calm England down when he was upset or scared. "Now, less' go make ya some tea…" he smiled down at England, who nodded. England clung to Allistor's side all the way into the kitchen and back into the living room. Allistor added some chamomile tea into the boiling water, pouring it into England's cup "Here… This is sure to calm ya down…" he handed the cup to Arthur, who drank it carefully. When he had finished, he rested his head on Allistor's shoulder and fell asleep. Allistor began to play with England's hair, just like hehad done when England was a little kid "Good'night little brother…" he whispered.

When America woke up the next morning, the first thing he had seen was Alice. For a moment he had been scared, but then he remembered why they were in the same bed, the horror movie. He climbed out of bed as carefully as he could, in an Attempt to not wake Alice. He walked downstairs, only to spot something on the couch, it was a foot, but England should be in his room, and he sure as hell wasn't tall enough to reach the bottom of the couch. He gasped, an unfamiliar redhead was hugging England in his sleep, and England seemed content. He was about to shout, but England looked so peaceful, besides Alice was still sleeping. But America couldn't help but get a little suspicious, were the two of them lovers? "Stare any more 'an that and I'll punch ya…" the Scottish accent filled America's ears, America looked down at the scot, "Who are you?".