Being Loved

The helicopter landed on the landing pad, Christopher Redfield got out slowly. Instead of his normal BSAA uniform he was wearing a long, black trench coat and jeans. He looked around skittishly as if something would come out and attack him. Chris walked toward the BSAA headquarters. He passed the guards at the front door who immediately greeted him.

"Welcome back Chris!" the one man said as he patted Chris's shoulder.

Chris flinched and walked past him with out a word. The guy shrugged and went back to protecting the building. Jill Valentine smiled at him as walked through the doors.

"Chris! How was Russia?" She asked cheerfully.

"Good, I guess..." He replied hoarsely.

"Well you didn't miss much here... Just Piers and Jake played a prank on Wesker and he got super pissed. He told all of us to do five more reports! Can you believe that?" Jill mumbled as she glared at Jake who was hitting on the girl at the front desk.

"Oh, sorry to hear that Jill." Chris said distantly.

"What up with you?" Jill said tilting her head to one side.

"Nothing…" Chris said as he rubbed his arms.

Jill put her hand on his arm. He flinched and frowned at her. She frowned back at him and tried again. He pushed her away.

"Just... stop touching me…" He said as he walked away.

Jill looked at him with hurt and confusion in her eyes.

"I've got to tell Wesker." She thought as she stormed to her captain's office.


Jill flung open the door without knocking. Wesker was reading through some reports at his desk.

He looked at Jill and grumbled.

"What is it now?"

"It's Chris." She said simply.

"That blockhead is back already, huh? Anyway what is wrong with him this time?" Wesker said looking up at Jill from the reports.

"He is acting strange. He is wearing Jeans and a trench coat for one and then he doesn't want me touch him…" Jill frowned remembering the reaction she had gotten from her friend.

"Well, where did you touch him?" Wesker snickered.

"I'm serious! It's just weird… He is never like that…"

"Maybe Russia has changed him somehow. Well, I'm sure Christopher will be fine." Wesker replied with a nod impaling Jill to leave. Jill rolled her eyes and stormed out. Something was seriously wrong and she was going to find out...


Jill walked to Chris's office. Chris had walked passed everyone without a word. People eyed him confused and Jill wanted to know why he wasn't talking. Chris looked up at her when she walked in. His eyes were red and puffy and a tear rolled down his cheek. Jill had never, ever seen Chris cry. One of the sleeves of his coat had rolled up. Black and blue fingers imprinted the man's skin. Jill grabbed his wrist and Chris yelped. He shoved her hand off and walked out of the office leaving Jill there, shocked and more determined to find out what had happen to him in Russia.


Wesker walked out of his office. He looked at Chris with his usual sneer. Wesker pushed up his black shades and walked toward Christopher, who had also walked out of his office.

"Hello Christopher." He greeted.

Chris tensed but looked up at his towering captain. Wesker could've sworn he has saw tears in the man's eyes.

"Can I... I talked to you Captain?" Chris stuttered.

Wesker snorted but led him into his office. Chris sat in a chair that was in front of a large wooden desk. Wesker sat behind it in a nice, leather office chair.

"So what is it Christopher?" He asked.

Chris fidgeted in the chair, clearly nervous.

"What did he do this time?" Wesker thought to himself.

He let out a sigh and took off his glasses. Wesker rubbed the bridge of his nose and looked back up at Chris. Chris on the other hand was shaking. He was sweating and rubbing his arms.

"Just tell me already… I really don't have anytime for this Chris…I'm sure it isn't-"

"Wesker, I got raped…"