Preview of Sequel to Brothers Three:

Working Title: Quod Erat Facendium (QEF)

Pairings: Lestrade/OFC. The rest is simply friendship unless you want to read between the lines.

Warnings: Rated M for dark themes. Violence, nonconsensual drug use, captivity and references to past abuse especially in even numbered chapters. If you have triggers for same you might want to avoid. Some language. Both Q and John tend to use obscure words. Unbeta'd and not Brit picked. I apologize in advance for any anachronisms, grammar errors and/or typos. Author's notes, if any, will appear at the end of each chapter.

Standard Disclaimer: All characters and settings belong to their respective owners. I am merely playing with them for my own as well as your amusement. I own no rights. I make no profit.


Precognition is not my strong suit but I knew in my bones that something was afoot. Something big and dangerous. Even my fae friends with the gift couldn't seem to get more than a vague premonition that something bad was going to happen very soon to one of those I cared for. I did everything I could. I checked on my people especially those important to the health and security of the nation. I took a look at the contingency and succession plans in place. Finally I left a warning with the one member of the government whom I knew wouldn't ignore it. Unfortunately my warning was not specific enough and came too late to avert what happened. I've rarely felt so helpless, rarely been in a position where I was unable to act to protect my own. Now all I can do is watch and wait and see if the other two can extricate the first from his predicament.

Author's Notes: As promised here's the prologue for the sequel. It will be cross posted shortly as the start of a separate story but I wanted anyone who followed and enjoyed this one to know that I've taken it onward. The plot outline is complete but the draft is not quite finished but I'm going to start to post anyway to put a little pressure on my muse.

For those who didn't figure it out...the POV for the Epilogue and for this Prologue is that of Arthur Kirkland the personification of England from Hetalia.