Soo, this is the first book in a series of stories I'm TRYING to write. I calling it "The Star Razor Chronicles." Everything will be explained as we go.

Plot: Just when a battle with the Decepticons seems to become the end of the Autobots, a flying beacon of light again tips the Great War in the Autobots favor. Their rescuer; a red, and white femme. But they're not the only ones receiving back-up. A long lost member of the Decepticons returns also armed to the teeth. It seems that the most exciting chapter of the Great War has begun...


Optimus Prime X Override. Yes you saw that correctly.

Ratchet X OC (Maplesong)

That's all that are planned, but I will add more as they show up.

Communication Marks

"Normal Talking"

Bumblebee Talking



:Bonded Pairs Talking:

*The Thirteen/Matrix of Leadership*

Time scale:

Astrosecond .498 seconds

Klik 1.2 minutes

Breem 8.2 Minutes

Groon 1 hour

Joor 6 hours

Solar Cycle 1 day

Mega-Cycle 93 hours or 3.875 days

Deca-cycle 10 days

Quartex 1 Earth Month

Stellar Cycle 400 days

Vorn 10 years

Orn: 300 years

Two swords clashed, ringing loudly against the sounds of gunfire and echoed cries of pain. Every impact sent another jolt through the two warriors.

Megatron sneered at Optimus Prime, his sharp, shark-like teeth glinting in the sunlight. Optimus smacked Megatron with the flat of his blade, than dogged a slash from his archenemies' sword.

From somewhere he heard a cry of pain, unmistakably Smokescreen's. The Autobots where getting their afts kicked. Ratchet had already ground bridged to the battle scene and was tending to a terrible sword cut on Bumblebee's chest. Ultra Magnus was limping around the skirmish, leaking energon badly, but refusing to be fixed until Bumblebee was done.

Somewhere to the Prime's right, Arcee was cornered and fighting with an injured hip.

Megatron landed a punch to Optimus' jaw, sending a flare of agony through the autobot leader.

"You're getting soft, Prime." Megatron mocked, making sure to make "Prime" sound like an insult.

Optimus sent Megatron careening backwards with a powerful blow to the chest. The Decepticon leader grimaced ever so slightly, before plowing in to Optimus, sending the autobot leader to the ground.

The cold, sharp point of Megatron's sword rested on his neck. "Any last words?"

Ratchet's welder was working overtime, gliding over the young scouts wounds. Ratchet's other had was busy fixing energon fuel lanes, and cleaning out what had not been welded.

Bumblebee made a few clicking noses. Look out Ratchet!

The medic spun around, just in time to be punched in the face by a Vehicon. Ratchet fell backward, on to his rear, so that he was sitting next to Bumblebee.
Grab him! I'll take care of him! Bumblebee whirled.

Ratchet reached up and garbed the Vehicon's head and pulled him to the ground. The Vehicon fire of a blast directly at Ratchet's shoulder, hoping to harm the medic just enough to make him let go. The blast hit the amour, but only by Primus' grace was the armor tilted so that the round bounced off.

Bumblebee fired at the Vehicon's neck, killing him instantly. Ratchet pushed the dead Decepticon of to the side, before continuing to fix the scout. *Arcee? Is anyone able to get to my position? Need back-up, I can't fix Bumblebee if I'm being shot at and charged every five Kliks!*

There was a fairly long silence *Wheeljack's coming to your position, might take him a bit. Be careful* Ratchet sighed heavily, and returned to his job. We've got company!

Ratchet stood up, and faced his threat.


Three more Vehicons stood in front of him, weapons ready. Ratchet had never been much of a fighter, mostly because most of the medics during the Great War had been posted with guards. In his case it had been Ironhide. They were taught to fight, but not much.

One of the Vehicons charged him. Ratchet transformed his scalpels. Just as he prepared to strike out, the Vehicons head fell to the ground in front of him, the rest of its body following soon after.

"Heya doc! Heard you needed some help!" Wheeljack said

Ugh. Ratchet thought, with a silent groan.

As Wheeljack took care of the other two Vehicon Troopers, Ratchet, knowing that Wheeljack would not let anyone past, returned to Bumblebee.

An explosion of light even though far from his position sent Ultra Magnus flying like a ragdoll. A wave of pain tore up his damaged leg as it was unceremoniously crushed under the weight of several tons of Redwood Tree.

*Ultra Magnus what is happing?* Optimus Prime asked. He had managed to weasel way from Megatron's sword and was once again on his feet.

The seasoned Autobot warrior looked around at the destruction, than to the trees on his legs. *Although I am not positive, I believe that it may have been an Incendiary Plasma Cannon, Sir.*

There was a long silence from Optimus; Ultra Magnus was not sure whether it was because of the battle, or if it had been shock. *The Decepticons do no poses such a weapon.* Optimus answered.

Another loud explosion blew a squadron of seekers out of the sky. *The human's perhaps? They are firing upon decepticons.*

*No, the humans have not yet invented such, we have not taught them the likes of such a weapon either.* Was Optimus' only reply.

When the com had first come through, Megatron hadn't believed it, but now, he was a little quicker to rethink. Neither Autobots, nor Decepticons possessed Incendiary Plasma Cannons, but yet, there it had been a Plasma Cannon blast, A HUGE Plasma Cannon blast.

Starscream's voice echoed through the com-link. *L-Lord Megatron?* He asked.

Megatron snarled, and landed a punch to Optimus's face. *What is it you incompetent fool?!* He shouted through the com-link.

*A starship has entered this planet's atmosphere!* Starscream said, preparing himself for the verbal beating he'd get from his leader.

*WHAT?* Megatron yelled through the connection. This was impossible!

Optimus stabbed him in the shoulder, and Megatron wrenched back. *When did this occur?!*

*N-Not long ago my lord!* the gray seeker said, shuddering through the com-link.

*Find out who they are, and DO NOT let the Autobots know they are here!*

Arcee blasted the head off of a Vehicon Trooper, only to get distracted by a white, glimmering dot in the sky. She continued to keep an optic on it, even as she fought.

Soon enough it was with in visual range.

It was a Star Cruiser, the size of a small Cybertronian city. It was almost deadly silent, even as it hovered right over the battle field. Arcee couldn't see much of the ship; given the surrounding trees and the size of the craft, but it look pretty amazing.

The battle had completely stopped; everyone was staring up at the ship, in awe and in fear. The only one who was not watching was Ratchet, who was using his welder to free Ultra Magnus from the redwood trees.

Slowly, from what Arcee guessed was the Shuttlebay, a smaller ship appeared, making several circles around the battle field, before landing right in the middle of the now dead silent clearing.

The smaller shuttle was about the size of Ultra Magnus' ship. It was shaped like a bullet with wings, and a flat bottom. The windows where dark, and an array of weapons and defense covered it.

Optimus stared at the ship, his spark pounding in his chest. He didn't know who they were, or where they came from, but something seemed familiar about it. The matrix of leadership seemed to react to the ships presence, or maybe it was someone or something on the ship.

The smaller craft's door opened, and a ramp lowered to the ground.

Out of the door a red and white femme stepped, a sly grin on her golden face.

"Well, it's been a long time no see."

Can anyone guess who she is? No she's not an OC.

For the next chapter, I am going to need some help. I need as many places as possible that I can add as rooms on board the ship. So far my list includes:

Shuttlebay, Warpcore, Bridge, Emergency Bridge, Engine Room, Computer Core, Power Relay Room, The Fuel Tanks, The Shield generator, ext.

I need your help.

So how do you like this? Even if no one ends up reading this, I'll continue to write it anyway, just to get these darn plot bunnies out of my head.