Sorry for not updating in a while... I was in one of my slumps, but here's a bit of filler for all the folks out there! :P

Disclaimer- I do not own the KnBs.


Chapter 9

Ayame had insisted Akashi join her at some party, so I was left at the Akashi residence with the orders to not leave my room. It could be a chance to read a bit, or perhaps I could try texting Aiya, but... I found myself at a loss. I wasn't sure how I felt about talking to her at that very moment. In fact, I felt a little confused and hurt in regards to her.

Why would she ask me to run away from what was my reality? I knew that Akashi was never going to fall in love with me, and I was very aware that I would probably be at his side for the rest of my life. It was my fate to experience this painful one-sided love... and I would probably have to watch him get married and help raise his children even, but...

I hadn't even realized when I had begun to cry, but there were already tears streaming down my face by the time I noticed. My life sounded really depressing! I quickly opened one of the boxes that had been brought from my parents' home and began pulling things out. Maybe unpacking would help me not think about it.

Next thing I knew, I had everything neatly placed in my closet... My hands were still itching for something to do, while my mind cried for a distraction. I didn't want to think any further about Akashi... I feared that the thoughts wouldn't just stop at serving him. They might go further along to other things. Like how fit he must be. I could just barely see the definition of his muscles under his usual dress-shirt and slacks, which he sometimes wore a tie with. Or what he'd look like... shimata! I had started thinking those things anyway!

I fell to the floor, covering my face with my hands. It felt like my face was on fire. I rolled back and forth, trying to maintain my mind. I wanted to know these things though, if not only to fuel my dirty fantasies. I hoped I would be able to get over this sort of thing soon... It kind of hurt to think like that too.

"Se-sei-chan!" Ayame laughed loudly. I immediately sat up. Something didn't seem quite right. Hesitantly, I peered out of the door and into the hall. I didn't see them so I stepped out into the hall. Ayame appeared suddenly with Akashi wrapped around her arm, pouting. When his eyes landed on me, I felt a shiver roll down my spine.

"Kouki-kun!" Ayame gasped, then she smiled, "Take care of Sei-chan for me~ He's a bit of a clingy drunk." She winked and disappeared into the darkness of the halls. All I could hear of her was the faint foot falls that eventually disappeared to. Then Akashi's arms were around me.

"A-akashi-san!" I gasped. I could feel his warm breath on my right ear. A blush immediately took over my cheeks. I wasn't ready for this kind of attack!

"Kouki..." Akashi muttered lowly in my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut. Warmth washed through my body. I didn't know how to handle this type of situation! Ayame-samaaaaaa! I cried silently. Akashi tightened his grip around me. I could smell a faint twinge of alcohol on his breath.

"What are you thinking about, Kouki?" Akashi asked me. He sounded vaguely annoyed. Was I not paying enough attention to him? Akashi then pressed a kiss to my neck. It was soft and warm, as well as a little messy. My eyes widened in shock. Electricity bouncing through my body.

"Akashi-san... I'm thinking about Akashi-san..." I managed to stutter. I could feel Akashi smile against my skin.

"Good..." he purred softly. It sent a jolt through me as I felt the sound reverberate through him. He was too close! I tightened my hands into fists, and tried to remove myself as much as possible from the situation, but I wasn't very good at it.

Then I heard Akashi let out a soft snore. He'd fallen asleep! I did my best to drag him to his room and tuck him into bed without tripping over all of the books that were scattered around his room. He always seemed like a neat person to me... apparently I was wrong to some degree. He just appeared organized, perhaps. I slowly crept toward my door, when something stopped me.

Suddenly, I was on Akashi's bed with him over me.

"A-akashi-san!?" I gasped, trying to calm my heart. I couldn't take the drunk Akashi... He curled his limbs around me then, leaving his head on my chest. And that was how I became Akashi's pillow...

Thanks for reading, please review!

I'll do the review replies for the last chapter and this one in the next update!
