NOTICE, SEPTMEBER 12, 2015: I wrote this story when I was 13 years old. I was a snarky little thing, quite confident in my abilities. I responded poorly to a certain person who offered me criticism, and I would like to apologize.

I will be editing this story for grammatical errors, historical inaccuracies (some of them, anyway), story flow and structure, and anything else I happen to come across. However, I will try to keep the original "tone" of the story. I am sure I will miss some things, but I hope this story is simply more legible overall.

Thank you!

Yay! New story :D Got the idea from the song "Witch Hunt." There's an English and a Japanese version, so you can go check it out. BUT I changed the ending, so not to worry! Just the concept came from it :)

Thank you to everyone who read, supported, and reviewed my last story! Especially: Guest (that would be frigging amazing! :O Poor Yuugi XD But that would be so cute :3 And thank you! :)), MetTheRealWorld (sadly :( But here's another!), Ryou Bakura13 (Thank you sososososo much for helping out last time ^_^ And thanks XD No poll, but is Blindshipping good?), MokubaKaiba14 ( Thank you for the input! And smiley faces will one day rule the world! :)), and a (Neither do I XD How about just a whole other story?).

Huh. That was quite a few. Well! Hope you like!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yugioh! Or Witch Hunt, though it doesn't really follow that storyline too much...

[Edited 9/12/15: grammar, flow, time differences (only a bit, I'm still clueless and lazy when it comes to historical things), and lil bit of plot stuff]

Yuugi Muto rushed around his house. It was just after dawn, and the streets were already getting crowded. He needed had to get to the market before the bread and eggs he required were snatched up by someone else.

Yuugi lived alone in his small house. He had to provide for himself, so there was always a lot of work to be done. Yuugi glanced out of the window and saw the wind throwing people's hair and clothes behind them. He grabbed a bandanna and wrapped it around his hair, like a bonnet, to keep it from becoming a tangled mess.

He had unusual hair. It was mainly black, but turned purple at the tips, with golden bangs. It was nearly impossible to work with, and always had a vague star shape. It looked even more unusual when wind-blown.

There was hardly a cloud in the sky in Salem that day, but it was even windier outside than it had seemed at first. Yuugi stepped out onto the busy street, quickly slipping into an alleyway that he knew was safe. He'd used it as a shortcut to the market before. It was always much less crowded than the main streets.

Just before he stepped out onto the next street, he suddenly stumbled. His arms flailed as he tried to prevent himself from falling over. As he regained his balance, he noticed that his bandanna had flown off. His grandfather had given him that bandanna! He looked around and gasped when he saw it flying through the air, caught by the wind. It came to a rest in another's hands.

"I believe you dropped this?" the stranger inquired. He was a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties, which would make him a few years older than Yuugi. He wore a lot of jewelry—golden earrings, bracelets, rings, and a necklace. He was handsome, Yuugi supposed, and seemed kind, though Yuugi liked to avoid judging a person based on a first impression. He also looked strangely similar to Yuugi, but his skin was much tanner, and his eyes and hair tips were red instead of purple.

"Oh, yes!" Yuugi cried. "Thank you so much, Mister...?" Yuugi's voice trailed off in a question.

"Atem," the man answered, giving Yuugi back his bandanna. "Prince Atem. And who might you be?"

Yuugi blushed. He was speaking with a prince? A prince had stopped to help him? "Yuugi. Yuugi Muto," he replied. Yuugi put the bandanna back around his hair. "I'm very grateful, sir. Thank you again. This was my grandfather's bandanna, you see. It's very special to me."

Atem smiled. "The pleasure is all mine, I assure you." With the slightest bow, he turned and continued walking the way he had been. As he did, Yuugi saw his free hair, almost identical to his own, flowing out behind him.

On Yuugi the hair looked silly and childish, making him seem younger than he really was. On Atem, the style seemed regal and masculine. Yuugi sighed. He was used to seeming immature. He turned back and continued steadily towards the market.

Atem was lost in thought. Yuugi...One short encounter with him, and the younger man already occupied his thoughts.

His mind wasn't on his legs, which had carried him further than he thought. He jerked when he realized he had reached his destination. Running a hand through his hair, he turned and walked up the steps into the town's church.

It was quiet inside. The sound of his footsteps reverberated around the room. Atem walked up to the altar to find another person already kneeling there. He shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to leave, but also not wanting to disturb the woman at the altar. He decided to take a seat on the front pew and bowed his head. Eventually, once the girl had presumably finished her prayer, she turned. She started when she saw Atem standing there.

"Hello, Anzu," Atem greeted politely.

"Oh, hello Atem!" Anzu Mazaki was the daughter of the town's minister. It was not surprising that she was in the church. She was wearing her usual robe, with her short brown hair hanging freely to her shoulders. Her blue eyes were wide. "Is it May again already?" she asked.

Atem sighed. "Yes, I have come to light a candle for my father." He'd been going to the church on the 17th if May for the past six years to light a candle in memory of his father, Akhenamkhanen. He had been ruler in Egypt. After he had died, Atem had needed a break and moved away.

"Of course," Anzu curtsied slightly and retreated into a room in the back of the church. Atem walked up to the altar silently and lit a candle. He knelt for—he didn't know how long. An hour? Two?

But Atem did not cry. He was long past feeling much but an aching regret about his father's death. Sometimes though, when he came here...It would all surface again and Atem would break down. But he never let anybody see.

Anzu came back into the sanctuary just as Atem was about to leave. She said, "I'm sorry," but Atem knew it was just formality. Anzu apologizing was as much of a tradition as lighting the candle was, at that point.

"But you do seem...lighter, somehow, Atem," she added.

Atem half-smiled. "Yes, I suppose I am. I met the most wonderful person today. Yuugi..."

"Yuugi?" There was something unreadable in Anzu's eyes. "Come sit in the back with me for a while, Atem, and you can tell me more about this 'Yuugi!'"

While Atem was in the church, Yuugi was rushing to the market. Due to his stop, he'd been late, but the stall vendor had known what he would need and had set it aside for him. After all, Yuugi had come to him for all his essential groceries every week for almost the past year. Yuugi thanked him profusely. The vendor, Katsuya, was a rugged man with blonde hair. He was typically very nice to Yuugi.

"Oh," Katsuya said, waving the thanks away, "it's not a problem. Just glad I could help you out."

Yuugi quickly got home, and gratefully stepped out of the wind. After bringing the groceries to his kitchen, Yuugi sat down in a chair in the main room.

Atem...Yuugi could do easily recall his face, hair, voice. Oh, he wished he had someone to confide his sudden feelings in! But he didn't have many friends, and none he would call "close."

But, Yuugi suddenly realized sadly, Atem wasn't unattractive or rude—he was kind and handsome. Surely the man was already taken?

If he isn't, though...

Yuugi knew he wasn't ugly. Maybe not handsome or beautiful, but cute, he was cute. He had wide eyes, a young face, and a petite frame. Even at nineteen, he could still pass for fifteen. But he could act mature. He felt like he may at least stand somewhat of a chance against about any other suitors Atem had.

I wonder when I'll meet him again?

How do y'all like it so far? Is it any good? I'm pretty darn proud of it, if I do say so myself :D

Tell me what you think, and have a wonderful day! Bye!