Furball: An Okami Fan Story, by The Grinning Cheshire.

Author's Note: I never pictured myself as an Okami fan, but after several recommendations, I tried it out. (A lot like My Little Pony, really.) Seeing as it is now one of my favorite games, it must be doing something right. And it's created a new favorite shipping as well, even if most don't agree on it. Lastly, it gave me a desire to write stories again…

And now that my shameless advertisement is finished, I'll actually say something useful.

I enjoy writing little one shots, so this will simply be a bunch of little drabbles with very little continuity except for one theme.

I'll leave you to guess what that is.

As a final note, I have not yet finished Okami, so please forgive me if I get anything wrong. I'm writing this for both your enjoyment and my own, and I hope to accomplish that.

So, may you find this enjoyable, and please remember to review.

Disclaimer: Watashi ga shoyu shite inai Okami.

Chapter One.


One second, that was all the time it had taken for the sky to go from blacker than night, to filled with brilliant, shining light.

And it was a full minute later before the small man was able to speak again, his usual overflow of words having, for once, been frozen in his throat, as he gazed up at the newly born burning ball of light that blazed brilliantly in the sky.

The sun, created by powerful brushwork, seemed to bring alive the land below. Even now, from the viewing platform, Issun could see the previous still land seeming to light up, as the wind returned, filling the air with a cooling breeze.

And right underneath Issun, looking very smug about what she had just created, was the white wolf Amaterasu, or Ammy, for short; though he wasn't quite sure he should call her that anymore.

After all, doing anything the sun god didn't approve of was probably a death sentence.

He had known she was powerful brush artist, she had already shown him that, but being able to control the sun itself…

"Wha…Wha…What the heck?" The Poncle finally managed to get out, still fixated on the red orb, which seemed to spin in the air, as if showing off for all that could see.

Which, in truth, it probably was.

Swallowing down his amazement, Issun did his best to act as naturally as possible; and started bouncing up and down on the larger animal's head.

So what if she was no ordinary god? He was still the great Issun, wandering artist and handsome to boot. Besides, he was also a warrior, and few could match his blade.

So the wolf could raise the sun, big deal! Maybe she had the power to master brush techniques instantly, who cared? She would never match HIS greatness.

None the less, he was glad when the village elder, Mr. Orange, appeared, giving him a perfect distraction to take his mind off of the celestial sphere which taunted him.


Some wise words of advice, if one is a mischievous imp looking for a poor soul to terrorize, at all costs one should avoid a white wolf with crimson markings; for if that beast bears its fangs against you, your time in this world shall not be long.

Issun made a mental note to always abide by this newfound wisdom, as he watched from Amaterasu's back as the divine canine divided one of those flute-playing monsters from its lower half. He could feel the power of a magical brush reverberating through the air, as the creature let out a final scream, before its body faded from existence. The second demon, seeming to pause at the sight of its comrade being cleaved in two by an unseen force, jumped away from the wolf, and extended its wooden flute, preparing to attack.

It had not the chance, however, as Amaterasu leapt over the creature, before striking at its exposed back.

Though Issun hated these monsters, he shuddered slightly as the imp wailed, before collapsing to the ground, its body, like the first one, disappearing into the ground, beautiful flowers taking its place.

It wasn't the wail that disturbed the small artist however; it was the way his companion's claws sunk into the thin skin, tearing it apart, what little blood the monster possessed staining the wolf's white fur.

Then, in a flash, it was over, and the barrier the demons created faded from existence, leaving the duo in the middle of Shinshu Field, the tree Amaterasu had been napping under only a few minutes ago still cast its cooling shadow, seeming completely oblivious to the battle that had just taken place.

"Heh, guess you showed them not to try to sneak up on us, huh Ammy?" Issun asked, realizing that the slaughter had ended.

Panting slightly, the majestic wolf gave a bark of confirmation, before curling up on the soft grass, looking to resume her interrupted slumber.

Issun simply sighed, and started smirking. Only Furball…

"Oh well, you deserve some more rest, and I don't mind a little myself."

With that, the tiny person hopped off of his friend's back, and sat on the ground, leaning against the warm fur of her side. Gazing off into the distance, the rejuvenation master felt himself relaxing, all cares fading away from him, as he prepared to enjoy one of his favorite activities, napping.

But just as his eyes drifted shut, Amaterasu suddenly leaned her head over, and gently nuzzled the traveling artist, startling him.

"Hey, hey, hey! Cut it out Ammy!" Issun shouted, pushing against the larger snout, yet there was a hint of laughter in his voice. "Some of us are trying to sleep here!"

The wolf seemed to give him an amused smile, before shaking her head, and resting it back on her paws. When he was sure she couldn't see, Issun smiled back, before returning to his relaxed position, snuggling against the warm fur.

It still confused him how his friend could go from a fierce warrior who used every tool at her disposal to dispose of the demons that threatened the world, to the kind, fun loving canine that he was now using as a pillow.

From fury, to peace.

Honestly, he didn't care how, he was just glad she did.

"Only Furball…"


He never got tired of seeing it.

Every time she did it, he found himself amazed, because even though he himself was a brush master, her skill was so elegant, so powerful, that he only ever knew she had drawn when the results appeared before him.

And when she made the trees bloom, he couldn't help but admire her.

Issun had seen the wolf do many things with her Celestial Brush, from slicing a monster in two, to controlling the sun and moon, to manipulating the forces of nature, and even time itself.

And yet, out of all of it, her true heart was shown when Amaterasu took the time to grant new life to a single tree or clover.

And that was what he really admired.

Final Note: I know this was short, but I think that's best for this kind of story. I'll keep uploading until I'm completely out of ideas, and given how long Okami is, that probably won't happen.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.