Jemma. While growing up, Emma's family have been convincing her that her older brothers best friend, whose from a trailer park, is no good. As she grows older though, she begins to understand their friendship and how great Jay Hogart really is; great enough to fall utterly in love with. Will her family?

"Emma! Sean!" called her mother from down the stairs, "Dinner! Your brothers home from college too!"

The two ran downstairs quickly, Emma was 11 and Sean 13. He smirked as they raced another down the stairs and Emma giggled trying to shove passed him but he won and as Sean hit the kitchen, he slapped his older brothers hand.

"What's up?" Tracker greeted, while Emma kept running, not being able to stop. Tracker laughed when he saw her and bent down grabbing her up into his arms.

"Not in the house." groaned Spike, putting plates on the table.

Emma was put down and laughed once more before crawling onto her chair at the kitchen table.

"How's that girl friend I've been hearing about?" Tracker taunted Sean, sitting down.

Sean glared, "There is no girl friend."

Tracker laughed, missing how he use to always bug Sean. Being 5 years older then him, at 18, put them apart alot sometimes, him with Sean just starting highschool. Emma didn't realise the distance between them yet, but she will.

"Still wear this ugly thing?" Tracker taunted, ripping the black tuke of Sean's head and revealing blonde curly hair that Sean embarrassingly ran his fingers through.

"I told him to try a ski hat." Emma informed, "Then he could hide his face too." she smiled cheekily as Sean threw the bun on his plate at her.

"Now Emma." said a deeper voice, their Dad. He came in through the back holding a plate of burgers and hot dogs.

As the family all sat down, Spike smiled taking a sip of her drink, "Finally, a big family dinner."

Tracker nodded, biting into his burger, "It's been a while."

"How's college?" Snake asked him.

Tracker shrugged, "Passing."

"Better be." warned Spike and he smirked at his mother.

Emma gasped seeing Sean texting on his phone to someone, "Mom! Sean's on his phone at the dinner table!" she smiled happily when he gave her that scowl.

Let's just say being the only sister of the family, she had to get her revenge whenever she could.

"It's that girl friend." Tracker playfully noted.

Sean rolled his eyes, "It's Jay."

"Boy friend?" Tracker corrected and laughed when Sean glared, "Joking!"

"Can he come for dinner?" Sean asked his father.

Snake looked at Spike who shook her head no slowly, eyes on her food.

Sean frowned, "Why not?"

"Jay Hogart right?" Snake asked Sean, "His father is Ben Hogart?"

Sean thought about it and shrugged, he'd never been to his house before, they were new friends.

Snake sighed and tossed his older son a look, Tracker got the vibe this kid was bad news and Emma titled her head curiously wondering where the tension started

"Sean, it's not safe for you to hang around that boy."

"We go to school together." Sean explained.

"His family is known for..." Snake sighed trying to look for the word.

"Being criminals or low lifes." Spike happily finished for her husband, "They all live in a trailer park by the 401."

The two went back to eating but Sean sat there a bit shocked and looked at his brother for help. Tracker swallowed his food hard and looked away from Sean, it wasn't fun fighting against their parents.

"you're not going to say anything?" Sean asked Tracker.

"Sean.." Tracker began, "They know what's best for you."

"Easy for you to say, you don't live with them!"

"Watch your attitude." Snake snapped at Sean warningly. He understood maybe it was hard to be told who to hang out with, but Snake knew the rumours of Jay's family were true, he was just watching out for Sean.

"I know exactly where this attitude is coming from since who you've been hanging out with now." Spike muttered.

Sean madly stared down.

Emma giggled, not seeing how bad this situation was and spoke up, "Sean's always had attitude, mommy."

Her mother looked up and gave her a stern look, Emma then understood this wasn't funny buisness.

Sean got up and stormed out, "Sean!" called Snake, shutting his eyes for a second.

Tracker got up and replied, "I'll go after him." he ran out the back door.

Emma sadly looked around, finally noticing something was wrong.


Snake looked at Spike who just shook her head, not wanting to talk about it

Emma finally asked, "Why can't Sean hang out with his friend?" if anyone told her she couldn't hangout with Manny, whose been her friend since BIRTH, she wouldn't know what to do!

Snake took a deep breath, turning to his adorable blonde daughter, "There are people in this world that.. think stealing and lying is ok."

"Sean's friend steals?" Emma asked confused.

"Well no, but..." Snake got lost on what to say.

Spike spoke up, "His uncles and brothers do, and his parents do, and his parents' parents did." she looked at Emma sadly, "Unfortunately it's a Generation after generation of thugs and criminals.. he's due to be next."

Emma slowly nodded, still kind of confused but left it at that. She was a good girl, a smart one at that, and she listened to her parents.

As for Sean, Sean never stopped hanging out with Jay. Snake and Spike would worry all the time when Sean went to Jay's house, erm trailer, and Sean's parents tried to ask teachers to separate them at school but it never worked. Emma still had yet to even meet Jay, though Sean talked about him a lot.

Emma was now 14, which made Jay and Sean now in senior year and at 16 years old. And now, they were in the same highschool.


Emma grew up beautifully, she had straight across bangs and long blonde hair down to her belly button. She was known for being into environment and all that hippie kind of 'save the earth' stuff. She wore a cute yellow summer dress with floral printing all over it and a long silver necklace that had a peace symbol on the end of it.

"So should I wear my Prada bag.. or a purse." her best friend Manny Santos asked, sitting on her bed as they got ready for first day of school.

Manny was completely different from Emma, though both passed the stage of developing, Manny was a lot more interested in boys than Emma was. Manny always wore more.. revealing outfits, since turning 13.

Now at 14, Manny rocked a strapless red shirt and she had just as long brown hair as Emma did, and she finished with tight short jeans shorts.

"They are two completely different things." Emma noted with a small smile, standing infront of her mirror and brushing her long hair.

Manny rolled her pretty brown eyes, "You can't wear both."

Emma turned and lifted a finger, "But you'll need your bag for books, and your purse for your other things like make up and cellphone.." as she said this, she stuck her own exact items into her small leather backpack and put it over her shoulders.

"you're right, I'll just wear my purse." sighed Manny happily.

"That's not what I was saying." laughed Emma as the door knocked and in came her mom.

"Are you girls ready for your big day?!" Spike asked excitingly.

Manny rolled her eyes to Emma, smiling doopily and Emma laughed shaking her head, "yes mom."

Manny laughed, Spike was always like a second mom to her.

"You want a ride to school?" Spike questioned.

"No!" Manny and Emma said to quickly.

Emma coughed, "We mean no, we're going to walk.." she looked for an excuse, "Hate how cars pollute the earth, remember?"

Spike smiled, proud of her daughters ambitions.

Manny grabbed Emma's hand, "have a good day!"

"Be careful!" Spike called, "Walk with your brother!" she yelled to Emma.

Emma and Manny jogged down the steps and out the front door to then stop, "Woah!" Manny even said out loud.

Sean sat out on the driveway and he had grown alot too since 13, now at 16 he was pretty built for a teenager, and he always wore jeans and a white wife beater. Today he wore a bandana on his head but this was probably because he was working..on a motorcycle.

"Does mom know you got this?" gaped Emma, walking over.

Sean smirked, not looking up but shrugged, "Jay's uncle let me have the parts and all I had to do was finish it up."

Emma raised an eyebrow to Manny who smirked.

"Guess we can finally put a face to this Jay character today." taunted Manny, not knowing who this guy was either.

Sean looked up when he heard Manny and threw his tools into his toolbox, "If he shows up to class today." he joked a bit.

"Which he probably won't by the amount of times you've skipped with him." Emma noted.

Sean glared up before standing up, "You'll skip some days too while in highschool Em, he doesn't control me, I do what I want."

"Just saying Mom and Dad have always been right.."

"They don't know anything about him!" yelled Sean, now getting angry and Emma blinked stepping back.

Sean huffed and grabbed his bag that was near her feet and both girls shared a look until he got on his bike.

When he rode away, Manny muttered, "Woah he never stops defending that guy."

"Mind control." Emma insisted with a small smirk and the two giggled, walking to school

"When did your brother get so ripped?"

"Please don't start."