Chapter 1


The week after we faced the Volturi was happy but also sad, Rose and Emmett decided to stay with Esme and Charlie while we would be going with Peter and Charlotte when they left. The Guardians disappeared silently, soon after the Volturi, not giving us a chance to thank them for standing beside us. Jake and Mel went back to Alaska, they both still had a job to do, promising to return at Christmas for a reunion. Sam and the pack redrew the treaty so Charlie could still visit Harry who was fading since Billy's death and also promised to catch up with us at Christmas. I think Dad and Esme planned on getting married but they would be moving the much smaller Cullen, soon to be Swan, coven from Forks. After all Charlie was now a vampire so he could hardly turn up for work every day, sparkling in the weak Forks sun.

As we packed the car to leave Charlie came out and hugged me,

"I'm going to miss you Bells."

I hugged him back, still a little unnerved by the brilliant red eyes,

"We'll see you at Christmas. Just look after Esme. She's been through too much as it is."

"I will. I just need to get the hang of this vegetarian diet. It still seems wrong to be killing animals without a gun. You take care of Jasper, I think he's been through enough too. I'm glad things worked out with Jake in the end."

"Yeah me too.

We kissed and hugged everyone before setting off for Peter and Charlotte's place and some well earned peace. Jazz and I sat in the back wrapped in each others arms and lost in each others eyes when I heard Peter snigger. Glancing up I saw his eyes in the rear view mirror,

"What's so funny Peter?"

"Well Bella, I've seen The Major, pissed, furious, annoyed, contemplative, and even bored, but I never saw him love struck before"

Jazz ignored him kissing my cheek but as usual I couldn't help rising to the bait.

"Maybe someday you'll have that affect on Char"

"No Bella, Peter loves himself too much" she answered and I had to smile.

Life with those too would never be dull!


I wasn't sure exactly what Bella wanted to do when we got to Peters. We could stay there as long as we wanted I knew, but I thought it would be great to build our own home from the ground up. The house in Port Angeles we'd mothballed for now although I'd given a key to Emmett so he and Rose could bail if things got too hot between Esme and Charlie. It would be funny having a new couple possibly even hotter than Em and Rose in the house!

"Bella? Would you like to go house hunting or buy a plot of land?"

She kissed me tenderly, ignoring Peters snort,

"Lets build our own place. It means living with the pest longer but then Hey, I kinda like him."

"See folks, I'm fucking irresistible"

I didn't even need to see the response from Char, we heard his curse.


I was hoping they might decide to hell with it, and live at our place but I guess kids today need a home of their own. It would be nice having them nearby though, I'd got used to having the Major around full time again. Bella was fun too, like having a real sister and she and Char got on so well. I was sure we'd be doing plenty together.


I watched as the various branches of the Cullen/Whitlock coven went their separate ways. They would be so much easier to deal with in smaller groups, especially the less experienced ones. They had no idea they were being watched, no idea that the danger wasn't over. Give them time to relax and forget about everything that had happened, they would drop their guard and be an easy target for me. I was surprised that they had been so leniently dealt with but it made my task so much easier them having to split up. I only wanted one, but getting the others would achieve what I set out to do, my target would be crushed, left staggering and alone, just as I wanted. I would start small, take out the easy targets first, I didn't think anyone would know who was doing it or why which was just the way I wanted it. My ultimate target wouldn't suspect me until it was far too late. I would get my revenge and it would be so much sweeter for the wait. What was the saying? Revenge is a dish best served cold. How true!

Right folks, who do you think is after The Whitlock/Cullen coven now?