TITLE: To Take a Tree From the Forest

CHAPTER: Epilogue

FANDOM: Skyrim

POV: Brynjolf

The early morning sounds of water lapping against the dock and water birds calling and screeching as they hunt for their breakfast wake me. I yawned and stretched, which yielded a grin as I notice the small weight against my back. My tawny woman must have gotten cold during the night and sought my warmth by curling against me. This is a new experience for me. The gentle curling of her arms and legs around me when we sleep. Waking to affection and acceptance is a sensation I will never grow accustomed to.

Rolling over on my back I gather her up in my arms and she snuggles even closer. Her hair spreads over my bare chest and she stretches her arms across around me.

There's still work to be done, but I take this moment of peace to reflect on what's to come. Vika showed me the axe Ulfric commanded her to present to the Jarl of Whiterun. I'm not sure I approve of the look I see in Vika's eyes when she speaks of Ulfric. I may not have been a father for long, but I know it would do never do to show my disapproval, so I hold my tongue.

There's more war to come. What it will bring to Riften we cannot predict, but our small town council has discussed the possible outcomes and feel prepared for whatever this conflict may bring. There's food and weapons stocked. The city wall is repaired and fortified.

I take pride in the good things the Thieves Guild has accomplished. There's even talk of moving the entire guild out to Goldenglow estate. I'm not sure how Delvin will fair in fresh air and comfortable surroundings, but he deserves a better home than the Rat Warrens. To see him live out his days in comfort would please me.

Below in the cellar, where Vika has made a place for herself, I hear her singing as she sharpens her sword with a whetstone. She has water on for tea, I can smell the herbs brewing. It's a joy to watch Ingun and Vika work on their potions together. A man goes through life tough and strong and may never understand what he's missing until his heart knows the power of a woman's love or the joy of a child.

A tear slips down the side of my face and into my ear. Bah! I've grown soft and and scrub it away.

I turn my face toward the woman who shares my bed and my hearth. She sleeps without fear now, and I listen to the perfect peace of her steady breathing. I remember to thank Talos for my many blessings. I have my daughter back and my Ingun sleeps next to me each night.

Then my golden-eyed Ingun awakens, smiling and spreading her fingers over me, smoothing over the scars. The tips of her fingers ghost over the firm muscles of my abdomen. Muscles which were merely tools of my trade, until a woman's hand finds them pleasing to touch.

My body responds to her, her smile and her sleepy kisses. She told me she has a few years to catch up on and who am I say her nay? I turn gratefully into her open arms and allow her to lead me to her pleasure. You know how I love a sassy woman.