Story: Within The Heart

Rating: M

Anime: One Piece

Pairing: T. LawXOC

Author: ILoveBeingLyric

Chapter 24: The Right To Live

As the darkness casts over the bright sky to turn day into night

A figure sneaks about completely out of sight

For what the eyes cannot see, the hands cannot touch

Leaving this little hidden figure completely untouched

(A/N: I made up the little poem, you guys like?)

Amore chuckled lightly as she remembered the little poem in the book she had read a long time ago. It was in a story she had always wondered about when she first was brought on Law's submarine but, she never thought she would experience that same feeling as the character in the book did. Her smile faded when she thought of Law. Only god knows what they could be doing to him or what they have already done. It made her blood run cold at the thought.

"Do you see the entrance to the ship?" Penguin asked through the Den Den Mushi.

"Yeah, I see it." Amore said as she hid behind a few bushes.

"Tell me what you see. Are there any guards or surveillance Den Den Mushi's anywhere?" Penguin asked.

"Nope, just me and the bushes. My guess is that the bird brain knew that I'd come for Law and he planned to catch me off guard or lead me straight to him so I can fall into a trap." Amore said as a sinister grin on her face.

"You've found another way in, haven't you?" Penguin asked with a light chuckle.

"Yep, I sure have. He'll never see me coming." Amore said as she spotted an entrance on the side of the ship.

"I bet it's an air vent." Shachi said.

"It sure is and I can fit in it perfectly." Amore said as she quickly opened it and closed it behind herself.

Amore crawled through the vents as quietly as she could with the baby Den Den Mushi in her hand. She soon heard voices as she passed by an opening but stopped when she heard a good piece of information.

"Haven't you noticed how weird he's been lately?" The blonde maid said.

"Yes, I have. Ever since he came back he's been very tense and jumpy." The red haired maid said.

"Maybe we should pay him a visit. It's been a while since the Young Master let us play with him." The blue haired maid said.

"Stop that Minnie, this is something serious! There is something wrong with Law and it has nothing to do with sexual tension." The blonde maid said as she scowled at Minnie.

"I agree with Jasmine, there is something wrong but it's none of our business so we'll stick to what we do and leave it at that." The red haired maid said as she walked off.

"Well said, I don't need to be in trouble with the Young Master." Jasmine said as she and Minnie walked off in the same direction.

"Well that confirms that he hasn't done anything to him yet." Bepo said through the Den Den Mushi.

"At least nothing that has hurt him too much but he has hurt him." Amore said as she crawled along the vents.

After stopping a few more times she finally found the room Law was in. Amore smiled happily as she saw him sitting on a bed with his nodachi in his arms and his head down. As soon as she was about to call him someone walked into the room.

"Why the long face, Law-chan?" A woman asked. Amore glared into the room as she recognized whose voice it was.

(A/N: Remember the tramp Law slept with when Amore had been caught by Doflamingo, yea this is the same chick.)

"Why are you in here? Did he send you?" Law asked smoothly with his head still down.

"Don't be so mean; after all I snuck in here just to see you." The woman said as she stepped closer to him.

"The last time I let you near me I almost lost the one I cared for most, but now you're out of luck." Law said as he smirked at her.

"Oh really, how so?" The woman asked with a light chuckle.

"I'm wrapped around her finger, no matter what you do or say I'll never give up on her." Law said smirking even wider.

"Who's finger, that little girl? She's just a child compared to me. What can she possibly do for you that I haven't already done and more?" The woman asked smugly.

"She gave me love. Out of all of the times I had been with you I only ended up getting hurt or hurting others, but with her everyone is always happy including me." Law said with a smile.

"Yea, you tell that whore who owns your heart!" Amore thought with a smirk.

"I can't believe this; the Surgeon of Death is head over heels for some little shrimp that can't even save herself, hell she can't even save you! Have you really lowered your standards for that slave?" The woman asked in disbelief.

"I sure have, and guess what else? I plan on marrying that slave as soon as she kicks your ass and breaks me out of here." Law said as he looked up at the vent. Amore smiled brightly.

"Like that bitch could even touch me!" The woman said smugly.

Amore kicked the vent open and jumped down into the room. As soon as the woman looked up to see Amore she was kicked straight in the face.

"I sure am glad I apologized or that would've been my face instead of yours." Law said to the woman with a chuckle.

"Were you serious?" Amore asked as she looked up at him.

"Of course I was serious! What reasons do I have for not marrying you?" Law asked with a slight frown.

"None." Amore said as she removed the sea stone cuffs from his wrists.

"Oh, I feel that you have one very good reason. The biggest one is that she belongs to me." Doflamingo said from behind the two.

"What are you talking about? Amore doesn't belong to anyone." Law said with a glare.

"Oh, but she does. It's all right here on this paper that she signed in order to save her sister. She gave away her freedom to save her sister from being killed because of her disobedience. No matter where she may run or hide she will always be mine." Doflamingo said as he held up the piece of paper with a grin on his face.

"How did you get that?" Amore asked with a glare.

"I made sure I kept many copies of it just in case you got any ideas of disobeying me." Doflamingo said with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"You actually think that'll stop me from leaving here with her?" Law asked with a smirk.

"Yes, it will." Amore said as she glared at Doflamingo with tears falling down her face.

"What are talking about?" Law asked Amore with a dark look in his eyes.

"If I leave he'll only send them after me, and the only thing they'll do is kill everyone I ever cared for. I can't let that happen again, I can't lose all the people I love!" Amore said as she looked at Law with pain in her chocolate brown eyes.

"I've been fighting for you from the very start, what's so different about this?" Law asked as he starred at her.

"If anyone takes me in or hides me they are to be killed, he can send anyone he wants after me. That list of people includes the Admirals and agents of the World Government." Amore said seriously. Law was left speechless.

"Then we'll just have to die trying." Law said as he looked at her in her eyes.

"You don't get it! He owns me, if I leave we will die, all of us! I can't let you all die like they did. I won't do it no matter what you say." Amore said as she cried.

"You would actually give into him and stay here? The only thing he wants from you is to use you as a replacement for your sister!" Law yelled in anger.

"You know me better than that my little succubus, I have loved you since the day I brought you to Dressrosa with Allore." Doflamingo said as he tried to walk closer to her.

Amore covered her ears as the voices in her head came at her from every direction. She finally snapped as she opened her eyes and a gun shot went off.

~A Year Later~

"It's seemed like only yesterday you were here with me. You used to smile so much I thought that your face would get stuck that way. It's been a year since that day and I'll never forget how it all ended." Law thought as he wrote in his captains log book.


All of sudden Amore staggered back into the room holding her hands over her ears as if she was trying to block everyone out. She breathed as if she was in need of oxygen; she looked as if she was about to lose it. Then all of sudden a gunshot went off. I looked down at myself quickly remembering when she stabbed me with her sword a while ago, but I saw nothing. Just as quickly as I looked to myself I looked up to her and saw a gun in her hand pointing straight at Doflamingo. Soon he hit the floor with blood pooling around him. His eyes were lifeless, and his body unmoving.

I walked over to her slowly as soon as I heard the rushing footsteps approaching the room. I grabbed the gun and took it out of her shaking hands and then threw it out into the sea. I then teleported us outside and I ran with her in my arms back to the submarine. When my crew opened the door to see us unharmed they cried happily. For some time after that Amore had nightmares of Doflamingo coming back for her, but that would never happen.

It was confirmed by a certain set of eyes and ears, Doflamingo was dead and he wasn't coming back.

(A/N: Lol I bet you can't guess whose eyes and ears those were.)

~Flashback Ending~

"What are you doing? It's three in the morning, get back in the bed." Amore said as she sat up in their bed with her hair in all directions.

"I'm coming I just had to write a few things down." Law said with a chuckle as he closed his log book and crawled back in the bed with Amore.

Amore smiled as she hugged him close, pressing her 6 and a half month baby bump into his stomach. He smirked as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips and lightly squeezed her bottom.

"Don't get any bright ideas, I may be up but I'm not about to stay up for long." Amore said as she felt another hand caress her now sensitive breast.

"I just need at least 30 minutes." Law said as his smirk grew more dangerous.

"Yea right, you said the same thing the night I got pregnant." Amore said as she scowled at him. Law chuckled darkly.

"Ass." Amore said as he chuckled.

"I love you too." Law said with a smile.

Well that's the end of this story. I know I may have said that it would be 30 chapters but it turns out that I was wrong. If you guys are wondering if I'll make a sequel then the answer is "HELL YES!" so be on the lookout for it once I finish off these other two stories that have been biting me in the ass for the past few months. See ya guys later~ XD