A/N I got my inspiration for this story after reading The Selection by Kiera Cass. If you haven't read it, you should, it's good! If you haven't, don't worry, you will understand after this.

"Your highness!" I turned around groaning when I heard someone calling for me. Andrew, one of my father's footmen ran up to me. "His majesty wants to see you in his study immediately."

I rolled my eyes and changed my route of course to Abe's study. Wonder what he wants now. Another appearance, more charity work, another ball?

My name is Rosemarie Janine Margaret Hathaway-Mazur, Princess of Turkey, and I have just turned 18 years old. My father is Abraham Mazur, King of Turkey, and my mother is Janine Mazur nee Hathaway, Queen of Turkey formally Princess of Scotland. I am their eldest child of three

I have a younger brother, Caleb Abraham Maxwell Mazur, Crown Prince of Turkey. Caleb is 16 years old and is set to become the future King of Turkey. My younger sister, Kennedy Katherine Janine Mazur, Princess of Turkey, is now 11 years old. She will endure the same thing I will have to, be put into an arrange marriage for allies.

Every country in the world is now run by a monarchy, so it is more important then anything to have allies since a lot of the powerhouses are known to invade smaller countries. Turkey being one of them.

When I got into my father's office, I saw my mother, brother, as well as several other council members. They bowed to me, but it didn't even phase me anymore.

"What do you need old man?" I asked as I sat down in one of the large chair in front of his desk. Caleb rolled his eyes at me while some of the council members looked appalled that I would talk to the King that way. Abe just ignored the comment.

"Rose, this is Aleksandr Bulshakov, the ambassador from Russia." I shook his hand and greeted him.

"Your highness, it is an honor to meet you." He kissed my hand before we turned our attention back to Abe.

"Mr. Bulshakov has informed me that the Crown Prince of Russia, Dimitri, is about ready to take the throne, but in order to do that, he needs a wife." Here it was, here was my arranged marriage. At least, I hope that it was an arrange marriage instead of- "And it has been decided by the Russian government that she shall find a wife through a Selection." I groaned and put my head in my hands.

This was the worst news I could have ever received. When a Prince has reached the age where he decides he will marry, he has two options, find a bride through an arranged marriage or go through a Selection.

A Selection is a competition where 25 different girls, Princesses, from different countries are invited to participate in hopes of becoming the Prince's wife in the end. Almost every King agrees to send his daughter since the Prince that is holding it usually comes from one of the more powerful countries. In the Selection, the Prince will almost be dating all of us at once and as the competition goes on, he will eliminate girls until he is down to the last one.

It has been done several times in the past; it is actually how my mother met my father. When he was 21, he decided he was ready for marriage and held a Selection. My mother was the eldest Princess from Scotland so she came to Turkey, won, and became the Queen of Turkey.

"This is a huge honor Rose," My mother said from her seat. "Russia is becoming the top country in the world and if you were to marry Dimitri, then Turkey will advantage from it greatly." I wanted to object, but Abe knew it was coming.

"Kiz," He said in a fatherly tone. "I know that you are ready for marriage and I think you and Dimitri would be excellent together. Mr. Bulshakov will be escorting you to Russia in one week. You should probably go upstairs and start packing."

I knew that was his way of dismissing me so I left his study in a daze. Of all the things I did not want in my life was to participate in a Selection. It leaves girls heartbroken and embarrassed if they didn't get picked. Plus, it meant that I would have to leave my home in Turkey.

As I was walking to my room, I passed the Mazur room. Only my parents and my siblings used the room and nobody else was to enter it except for maids. We spend a lot of time there playing games and just hanging out.

The door was opened slightly and I could hear someone playing the Grand Piano in there. I opened the door and saw Kennedy sitting at the bench playing Greensleves. Out of everyone in our family, she was the only one who knew how to play the piano since she was the only one of us with patience. Even though she was 11 years old, she played liked she was 30.

I stood in the doorway and saw her face in concentration as her fingers moved across the keys effortlessly. She has memorized this piece a few years ago but it was also her favorite to play. Once she had finished the piece I clapped for her causing her to jump.

"I didn't know anyone else was here." She said in a hushed tone.

"That was beautiful Kennedy." I said as I walked over to the bench and sat down next to her. She leaned her head against my shoulder the second I sat down.

"Are you really leaving for Russia?" I don't know how she heard that. "I overheard Baba talking about it to Anne. I know that it's wrong and not something princess should do, but they were talking loud." She defended herself without me saying anything, which caused me to laugh.

"It's all right." I said knowing I would have eavesdropped if I could. "I leave in a week." She looked up to me with so much sadness in her eyes.

"I wish you didn't have to leave." I just hugged her not knowing what to say. "He has to pick you you know." I laughed at that statement. "Rose, I'm serious." She got up to look at me. "Look at you, you are so beautiful, kind, and every quality a man would want for his Queen." She seemed so sure of what she said.

"Thanks Kennedy." I gave her another hug. "I should go start packing, go back to your playing." She nodded, not needing to be told twice, and quickly started playing Beethoven Moonlight Sonata. I shook my head at her as I left the room closing the door behind me.

When I finally got to my room, some of my maids were already packing my clothes up. I just decided I wanted to sleep so I flopped down on my bed, not wanting the week to be over.


Of course, the week went by so fast. Everyone had been busy making sure this trip would be a success and that I would have everything I would need when I was in Russia.

Today was the day that I would be saying goodbye to my family. I hugged my mother first since she already gave me all the advice I would need last night. Then it was Caleb.

"I'll miss you Rosie." He said jokingly but his smile was wiped off his face when I sent him a deathly glare. "You will do amazing, I know it." I just hugged him before he could say anything else. Next was Kennedy who already had tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to miss you so much Rose." She said hugging my tightly. "You will win, I just know it! Next thing I know I'll be there for the showing of the Elite Eight."

I just laughed at her eagerness. "Slow down Kennedy, let me get through the first day first." She just went on about how I was sure to win and that I am irresistible.

Out of all of everyone in my family, she and I looked the most alike. We both shared our tan olive skin, deep brown eyes, and long dark brown hair that sometimes looked black. Even though she hadn't reached that age yet, I knew that when she matured, she would get a figure like mine. I had an amazing body with the best curves a woman could ask for. A lot of men always referred to me as an exotic-desert princess. I guess that fit for living in Turkey.

Once she finished her spew, the last person I had to say goodbye to was Abe.

"Good luck Kiz," He said giving me a hug. "I knew since the first day you were born that you were going to be the center of the world. If it makes you feel any better, I was planning on an arranged marriage between you and Dimitri, but before I could put in the offer, the Selection was announced. He is a good man and leader, you two will work, trust me."

"Thank you Baba." I said giving him another big hug. "I hope to do you proud." He nodded and gave me a kiss before I was ushered onto the Royal plane.

Mr. Bulshakov was already on the plane and I sat down in a seat where I could see my family still on the terminal. They waved to me once more before being ushered back into the limo to be taken back to the palace. I sighed as I sat back in my seat. Everything has happened so fast, hopefully this plane ride won't go so fast.

"Your highness," I was pulled out of my thoughts and turned towards Mr. Bulshakov. "I have to give you some information of the Prince." I nodded and he continued. "Prince Dimitri is 23 years old and-" But before he could continue, I stopped him.

"Sorry Mr. Bulshakov, but is there a file I could read or anything?" He stumbled but handed me the folder from his hands. When I saw the picture of Dimitri I was stunned. He was hot, his hair was pulled back, had the most gorgeous brown eyes I have ever seen; he looked like a God.

Prince Dimitri Belikov

Age: 23


King Anthony Belikov



Queen Olena Belikova


Age 48

Princess Karolina Belikova-Volkov


Age 26


2 Children

Paul Belikov-Volkov

Zoya Belikova-Volkov

Princess Sonya Belikova


Age 21


1 Child

Natalya Belikova

Princess Viktoria Belikova


Age 17

The file went on to talk about his life and more basic information. I hate reading and I got bored so I just put the file down on a table and looked out the window and all the clouds.


When the plane landed, I was surprised when I saw outside of my window. I was expecting it to be a wasted artic land, but it was beautiful and sunny. However, I was told to still wear a lose jacket since it was only early March.

Mr. Bulshakov was supposed to escort me to the palace, "Your highness, I must warn you," He said before we got off the plane. "There are many people and cameras who are going to want to see you. So just embrace yourself when you get off the plane." I rolled my eyes at him, I was used to paparazzi, I was a princess after all.

When I stepped off the plane, I instantly pulled my coat tighter when I felt a cold breeze of air. The roaring of the crowds was something of its own. I could barely hear myself think once I got off the plane. A big smile came onto my face as I waved to everyone. Cameras were going off and reporters were already starting their new story.

"Princess Rose," They all cheered and as I walked past them, I would wave and sometimes stop for pictures. Finally, Mr. Bulshakov and one of the security members came forward and told me that we had to go. I said my goodbyes to the people before getting into the limo. Before we left the airport, I saw other royal planes already there on the tarmac.

"Am I first to arrive?" I asked as we started our way to the palace.

"No, you are actually one of the last to arrive. Several of the other Princesses arrived early this morning." A man in a dark suit said. I was shocked because I did not know who he was or where he was from. "I am Mason Ashford, head of your security team here in Russia." He said sticking out his hand to shake. "Princess, while you here, it is my duty to make sure you are safe and adjust well to Russia. Since the Selection has no set time, we do not have any idea how long you will be here for."

I just nodded my head and looked out my window watching Russia pass by. Who knows, maybe one day I would be Queen of this country.

It took about 30 minutes for us to reach the palace and when we did, my jaw almost dropped. The Russian palace was beautiful, almost as if it came out of a storybook. It was huge and defining making it known that the Royal Family lived here.

When we pulled up to the front, I could see other limos there that must have carried the other Princesses. Mason helped me out of the car and I noticed that he was a good-looking man. He had red shaggy hair, bright blue eyes, and well-defined muscles. I smiled at him as he escorted me up the stairs with Mr. Bulshakov right behind us.

"Princess Rosemarie," At the top of the stairs was an older looking woman with grey hair and looked like a vulture almost. "My name is Ellen Kirova, I am to be your guide and teacher during the Selection. Come, I will show you where all the other ladies are at." I knew that I wouldn't like her the second I put eyes on her.

She led me towards a room that held so many other girls wearing their tiaras and best dresses. I sat down next to a red head that I was guessing was my cousin from Scotland that my mother told me about. She gave me a small smile but before we could say anything, Kirova started talking while a slideshow was played.

"Welcome ladies to The Selection," All the girls gave a small applause. "Now, I know some of you know each other but we will be introducing every girl here. First, we have Blair Zeklos from England." A picture of a blonde petite girl came up on the screen and I've recognized her when we went to England for a treaty agreement. "Abby Badica from France, Isabella from Spain, Delilah Hathaway from Scotland," I turned towards Delilah and smiled at my cousin. Now I remember her and my mother talking about her. "Serena Drozdov from Germany, Scarlette from Canada, Natalie Dashkov from America, Camille Conta from Australia, Avery Lazar from Italy, Reece Tarus from Spain, Arianna Szelsky from Sweden, Laurel Jones from Ireland, Beatrice Voda from Poland, Natasha Ozera from Norway," Oh no, Norway is here. Norway and Turkey have never been allies. "Rosemarie Mazur from Turkey," I blushed when I saw my picture come up on the screen, I looked hot in that picture that was taken at my 18th birthday extravaganza. Some girls were shooting me glares but that only made me confident. "Elizabeth from Ukraine, Kristin Sawyer from Panama, Julia Cavendish from Indonesia, Iris Kane from Mongolia, Lisa DiStefano from Switzerland, Sonya Karp from Austria, Olive Sarcozy from Denmark, Gwendolyn Doru from Greece, Serena Barnes from Romania, and finally, Stella Carmack from Finland." It seemed like there were a wide variety of girls here and it was going to be interesting.

We were all looking at each other like we were sizing each other up. "This room is the Belikova room, only you, the Queen, and Princesses are allowed in here. A women only room if you should call it." She had a quiet laugh as if she was laughing at her own joke. I looked over at Delilah and we both just rolled our eyes at her, she will get annoying fast. "Now, as you all know, each one of you have a head of security, they will be with you a lot, so get to know them well. Also, you will each be assigned maids. You are free to go to your rooms to unpack and get settled. See you all at dinner." Then she walked off leaving us to fend for ourselves.

"Come on, let's go unpack." Delilah said grabbing my hand. Mason was waiting for me as well as another guy standing with him.

"Eddie Castile ma'am," He said introducing himself to me. "I am in charge of Delilah." Like Mason, he was also very attractive. He had sandy blonde shaggy hair, hazel eyes, and you could see the muscles through his shirt. I shook his hand and smiled at him. "We will show you two your rooms." He walked towards the grand staircases and down a lavish hallway and we found out that both Delilah and I's rooms are right near each other.

Mason opened to door for me and I quickly said goodbye to my friend and walked into my room. I looked around and saw some Turkish artifacts. "The Prince wanted each of the girls to feel at home." He explained as if he could sense my confusion. That was really nice of him. The bedspread on the bed was imported from Turkey, I could tell by the deep red richness of it. There was a glass double door that led out to a balcony. They were open and a light breeze was coming in making the white sheer curtains blow in the air.

"Is the room to your liking?" I turned around and saw a girl who looked like a little kid stand there. "Your highness, I'm Mia Rinaldi, your head maid. If the room is not to your liking, we can change it for you."

"No, it's amazing. Thank you." I said to her as I studied the room, seeing the Turkish artifacts really make me miss my home. I miss Baba, Anne, Caleb, and Kennedy. I never thought that I would. Mason just excused himself as Mia went her way unpacking my stuff, even though most of it already was.

"Tomorrow there is going to be a welcoming party for you, but it will be televised so the whole world will be watching." She said. "Me and your other maids have started on your dress for it. You will be interviewed so everyone can get a glimpse of whom you are."

I just nodded not knowing what to say. So I walked out onto the balcony and leaned against it staring into the gardens. The gardens they had were beautiful like the ones we had back in Turkey. Everyone though always thought it was funny to have roses in them for me.

Something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. When I looked to see what it was, there was a figure walking around the gardens by himself. I looked closer and saw that it was the Prince. I wondered why he was by himself and what he was doing out there now. Part of me knew that I should stare at him but I couldn't help it, even this far away he was captivating.

After a few minutes he turned around and noticed me standing there. My room was on the second floor but he could still see me staring at him. Our eyes met each other's and it was like I couldn't break from his graze. He was so handsome that I felt like I needed to continue to stare at him. It might have been silly since I have yet to meet the man and he has 24 other beautiful women here to compete for him, but I felt a connection. After a few minutes, he was the one to break our gaze. He bowed gracefully to me before walking away.

I stood there not knowing what to do with myself. "Your highness," I turned around and saw Mia standing there. "We need to start to get you ready for tonight." I just nodded my head and she directed me to vanity where another girl stood waiting. "Your highness, this is Jillian Mastrano, your other maid." She curtsied to me and started on my hair.

"If I am to stay here for awhile then you will need to stop using titles and just call me Rose. Understand?" I hated always being called Your Highness and in Turkey, rarely anyone used titles in the palace. It was always Rose.

They just nodded as Jill continued on my hair silently. I could tell she was a more quiet and reserved type but I wanted her to open up. Mia was getting my outfit ready and once my hair was done she helped me into it.

"You know I can dress myself." I told her still feeling shy about people seeing my naked body.

"We are here to help you and make you look perfect." She said as she took off all of my clothes. Mia helped me into a red dress that was in the Turkish fashion. It was a beautiful dress and made me look good but not over the top.

Once they deemed me fit for dinner, I walked out of my room and towards the dinning room. I could hear the other girls chatter from the hallway and when I got there, I could tell that I was the last person to arrive. Always late Rose, I thought to myself.

I was able to point out Delilah with her blazing red hair. She was the only girl here that had the red hair, but it was familiar for me, it was the same shade as my mother. There was a huge table that had enough seats for all of us but they already had name cards on it.

I wanted to see where I was sitting so when I finally found my seat, I internally groaned. On my right was Natasha Ozera from Norway, one of Turkeys enemies. On my left was Serena Barnes from Romania. Romania and Turkey currently had a treaty so I was happy that I could talk to her.

"Rose," I turned around and saw Delilah standing behind me with Sonya Karp from Australia. "You know Sonya right?"

"Yes, we met last year when we went to Australia. Nice to see you again Sonya." We hugged like we were old friends.

"Likewise Rose, I wish it was under better circumstances. But with it being early in the Selection, we can be good friends." Then she just walked off leaving me a little confused. I just shook it off when Kirova walked in telling us to take our seats.

There were exactly enough seats for us and not for the royal family. "I know many of you want to meet the Prince and Royal family, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Tonight is about you girls and getting to know each other." Then the dinner was served and I already wanted to stab Tasha in the eyes.

"Norway just made negotiations with Russia just last year." She bragged to Avery Lazar from Italy who sat across from us. "I am sure that I am a shoe in for this competition. Don't get comfortable ladies." I wish I could wipe that smug off of her face.

Instead I turned to Serena and talked to her. I learned that she was the eldest of 7 children and she missed them all too much. Part of me knew that she wouldn't last long, but she really was a sweet girl.

Thankfully, the dinner was over quickly and I went upstairs to change out of the dress. Mia helped me change into a simpler dress and a light coat since I wanted to go out to the gardens before I went to bed. She was hesitant but I told her that I needed to clear my head.

It was the start of spring and the flowers were starting to bloom. There was a bench close to a fountain that I decided I would sit at. The amount of stars I could see tonight astonished me. I was too busy looking at the stars that I didn't even realize a presence behind me.

"You shouldn't be out here without your security." I jumped up at the voice and turned around to see the Prince with an amused smile on his face. "Princess Rosemarie correct?"

"Rose," I said automatically. "I'm only called Rosemarie when I'm in trouble." It wasn't the only time I was called by my formal name, but I figured he would understand.

He motioned for me to sit back down and I did with him joining me. "Technically I am not supposed to meet any of the girls till tomorrow," I wondered why he was out here then. "But, when I saw you walk out here, I knew I had to talk to you."

"You don't know me." There it was, my hot headed and sarcastic part of me. My entire life, I had always been closed off, especially to love. Not after- No Rose, you will not go there. I thought to myself.

He looked at me as if he knew I was battling something in my mind but thankfully didn't ask about it. Instead he stood up and offered me his hand. "Come, I will escort you back to your room. You should not be out here alone." I wanted to snap back at him, but when he grabbed my hand, so much electricity passed between us.

I was shocked and looked up at him to see if he felt it to but his face was emotionless, almost as if he put a wall up. We walked in silence until we got to my room. He took my hand and kissed it before opening my door for me.

Astonished, I walked into my room and was in a daze as Jill got me ready for bed. That night, I fell asleep thinking out the Russian Prince.

A/N So I hope you like my new story. If you haven't read my other story, It's Complicated, you should :) I will basically spend my time updating both this story and the other one. REVIEW!