Chapter 1

"Fang, come down here!"

I looked up from my computer at the sound of my mother's voice. I was surprised to say the least. My mother didn't usually raise her voice, and when she did it was only when she was deeply stressed or found herself in deep anxiety. Tentatively, I slowly made my way downstairs, towards the living room where I found my mum and my dad, sitting next to each other on one of the plush white couches that adorned the wide room. My mum smiled at me, a strained smile that I couldn't help but notice was accompanied by sad eyes, and motioned towards the neighboring couch. I sat down, suspicious of the news they were undoubtedly going to announce.

"Fang," my mum repeated, "Your father has great news for us." As she said those words, she looked up at him beaming, all trace of sadness that had previously etched her face long gone, and took his hand in hers.

Father looked at Mum, smiling, before turning towards me, "We're moving!"

I gasped.

I felt my brain swimming inside my head.

"Where to?" I managed to choke. Why now? Why now, when I'd finally settled in so well?

"Fang, we understand that you're sad. You've done so well here! Heck, you've even made friends," dad smiled, completely ignoring my question.

"Where to?" I repeated. I'll have to start from scratch. Once again. Don't they realize how hard it is for me? Every new house, every new school.

"Chicago. I'm sure you'll love it there!"

I hated it. I hated it when they did this. When they pretended like nothing was wrong. When they didn't take me into account.

I took a glance at my mum, and when I saw the way her eyes were begging at me, I mustered a ghost of a smile.

"Sure dad. I'm sure I will," I stood, sent a quick questioning look at my mother, and left the room.

I put my key in the ignition of my red beaten up truck and drove out of the front drive of the house. My house. Gosh, every time. It always took such a long time to get used to it. New places. New people. New names.

I checked the name of the roads as I made the way to my new high school, Lake View High. I had driven around the area the day after I arrived, a habit I had developed when arriving to a new place.

After a few minutes, I was making way into the school parking lot. Judging by the stillness of it, I was late. I quickly parked the truck and made way into the unknown school.

You'd think I would be used to it by now, but no. The corridors that all looked so similar yet were so different, having to learn a whole new schedule every time. To be honest, I've stopped bothering. I walked around the hallways in confusion, when I bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch where you're going!"

I moved back and looked at my victim; it was a guy about the same height as I was, but that was where the similarities ended. He was singularly pale, with ice blue eyes and strawberry blond hair and he was sporting a grin.

"Fresh meat?'

"Yeah, came here from Santa Fe."

He outstretched his hand at me and I took it.

"My name's Iggy."


His eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"I've never met someone that had a name that was anywhere close being as weird as mine."

I grinned before handing him my schedule, "Nice to meet you Iggy. Could you please show me the way to Calculus?"

He looked at the piece of paper I had handed him before giving it back to me.

"Come on," he motioned towards the other end of the hallway, "My schedule is basically the same as yours."

"So Fang. Iggy told me you were from Santa Fe?" a girl asked from the other end of the lunch table. I didn't remember her name. Elise? Elena?

I simply nodded, not bothered to tell her that no, I wasn't from Santa Fe, and that I had simply lived there for about a year, which was a record for my dad.

"Don't bother Ella," Iggy interjected next to me, "I've spent about 3 hours with this dude and even I know that there's no point in trying to strike a conversation with him. He'll talk when he'll want to talk."

Iggy was a great guy; he'd shown me around school, and had introduced me to all of his friends, Ella, Nudge and Gazzy, and they all seemed like a cool bunch so far.

I was taking a sip from my glass of water when I noticed a tall muscly jock and a cheerleader enter the cafeteria. I couldn't help but notice them, and the whole of the cafeteria couldn't help but notice them.

"Who are they?" I asked Iggy, watching them as they made way towards the lunch queue.

"Angel Martinez and Dylan Jones, head cheerleader and quarterback. They're the golden couple. The kind that wins homecoming queen and king every year. The kind that everybody admires for no reason whatsoever except for the fact that they are more attractive than the average human. The kind that every school has."

I nodded and followed them round the cafeteria and as the sat down at a table with numerous other jocks and cheerleaders.

I watched the Angel sit down, and I couldn't help but see her sending a look of disgust towards a table discarded at the other end of the room.

I shifted my attention towards the table, and noticed a girl sitting there eating her lunch. I was used to seeing the school loners. Heck, I was even used at being one. But she wasn't like all the other loners I'd seen, all hunched up over their lunch tray.

She had an air of confidence about her, an arm slung over the back of the empty chair next to her. And she was stunning. She had beautiful brown hair streaked with natural blond highlights, and breathtaking pink heart-shaped lips and-

"Yo Fang, snap out of it," Iggy snapped his fingers at me.

In response I simply nodded towards the girl, "And who's that?"

Iggy chuckled, "That's Max Martinez, Angel's twin. She's the complete opposite of her sister, and doesn't give two shits about what people think about her," He glance at me before adding, "and completely inaccessible."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that I see the way that you're looking at her, and I know she's a hot piece of ass, but if you keep staring at her, or if you even dare speak to her, she'll just bite your head off. Don't even think about it." A massive grin was plastered on his pale face.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled, embarrassed, as I watched her get up and strut out of the cafeteria, unable to stop my eyes from moving downwards as she walked away.

A/N: I hope you like it? this is my first maximum ride fanfiction, and I'm scared that its slightly OOC? please review if you liked it (or if you hated it) and if you have any recommendations. ~S :)