A/N: Medal of Honor one shot.

"Hey Mother, it's me again."

Preacher stood looking down at Mother's grave. The three by two foot tombstone rested quietly in the ground. The fresh dirt from the burial was still seen even three months later.

"Well I guess you'd be glad to hear we complete another mission." Preacher sat down in front of the tombstone. "No casualties for us. Those Somalian pirates didn't stand a chance." Preacher gave a sad smile as he pulled at the grass. "It would have been better if you where there. Things haven't been the same since Voodoo took over."

Preacher thought back about how the team use to been. Back when it was Mother, Voodoo, Rabbit, and him. Back when the War in Afghanistan had started.

"I guess it couldn't be helped," Preacher gave a small laugh. "We all said that mouth of yours was going to be the death of you."

Preacher slowy rose to his feet and looked down at the grave. "If you see Rabbit up theer, tell him his kids are doing good. See you later brother." Preacher looked at Mother's grave one last time before slowly walking away.

In Loving Memory

