He couldn't really blame 007 for the situation however much he wanted to. He should also stop thinking about the 'if onlys' too. If only he had taken his suppressant before he had left for work; that would have bought him another day. If only he hadn't been kidnapped on the Tube; then Bond wouldn't have had to rescue him. If only it had been another spy to rescue him; a beta perhaps? If only Bond had already had an Omega; current crisis would have been averted.

Moneypenny told him it was fate when they had finally reported back to headquarters five and a half days after he had been kidnapped. "Fate!" he had snapped back at her. "Of course. Makes perfect sense now; it's fate. Fate that two people with nothing in common apart from working for MI6 and drinking the same beer should be mated. Let's not mention the twenty year age gap."

"Fifteen," Bond had helpfully corrected from the doorway to M's office. "M would like to speak to you."

"Oh good. I have a few things to ask our esteemed leader too. Such as, why he would send an Alpha to rescue an Omega who is most likely without their suppressants?" He had stormed into M's office sending a parting glare at Moneypenny as he went.

"007 simply volunteered and was on his way to your location before your intern found your suppressants in your drawer, Q." M and double-oh had shared a look then that clearly said 'silly little Omegas - aren't they funny'.

"I know you're thinking that my mind is all jumbled from the pheromones, the shock of being kidnapped, and then mated in quick succession. Well, I'm perfectly fine. Just very pissed off and I think I have a very good reason to be so."

"I sympathise, Q, I really do. Perhaps you should take a couple of weeks leave. Sort a few things out. You'll need to find somewhere to live, I assume."

"My flat's fine." He wasn't moving for anyone. If they were going to live together it was going to be at his flat. M accepted that Q's flat was indeed 'fine' when Bond didn't argue. Fucking Alphas.

"Alright, well, take two weeks anyway to move 007's belongings in and get used to your new relationship. Bond, report for duty tomorrow at 0800 hours. I have a new assignment for you." Q knew a dismissal when he heard one but he was one pissed=off Omega and he wasn't just going to let these Alphas make all his decisions.

"Two weeks, M? And Bond gets to just return tomorrow?"

"Q, you're being emotional, irrational, and just downright irritating. You're not the Quartermaster I need right now. Take him home double-oh but make sure medical check him over before you leave." Bond had pulled him from the room then, hand securely over his mouth to stop any other arguments. Fucking Alphas. To top his day off, medical had officially deemed him 'unfit' for duty. Thank god that his contraceptives took at least a month to leave his system, ensuring that he wouldn't be having any baby Bonds this time round. His suppressants had been confiscated though. Apparently it wasn't healthy for a mated pair to not experience heat together. The contraceptives were staying; medical hadn't argued with him on that front.

Once back at the flat Bond had told him that he would go and collect his belongings and had left him to his sulking. So here he now lay, contemplating the entire sorry situation. Mated. He was mated to James bloody Bond, spy extraordinaire, master seducer, and all round great Alpha. Fucking Alphas. Now he had to live with this guy and be a submissive little Omega to him. The thought of cooking for Bond or pressing the man's expensive suits knocked him a little sick. This was not in the plan; the plan was to remain un-mated until he was at least 40 and was past child-rearing age. He planned to be mated to a like-minded computer geek who had no intention of starting a family and was happy to simply sit about the flat de-coding each other's codes. If Bond asked him for a child, he couldn't very well say no, could he?

Q heard the front door open and shut, signalling Bond's return. He should probably go and help the man unpack, he thought while hoisting himself up with a big sigh. 007 wasn't in the living area but Q could hear him shuffling about in the spare room. His spare room was bare; the full-length window which looked out over the city was the room's main focus. The walls were white along with the bed sheets, the only things that varied were the black dresser and wardrobe. The room was clinical; the room was Bond. On the bed was a small suitcase and Bond was putting a couple of suits away which still had plastic over them from the dry cleaners.

"Is this all you have?"

Bond opened up his suitcase, which seemed to contain a spare pair of shoes, shaving supplies, hair products, and his MI6-issued laptop. "MI6 sold all my belongings when I was 'killed in action'. I haven't got round to buying anything I don't need yet."

Q moved more into the room when Bond entered the en suite to put away his toiletries. "You do realise that this is the spare room, don't you? My bedroom's the other one."

Bond sent him a withering look as he came back from the bathroom.

"I thought you'd be more comfortable with me in here." The suitcase was put away in the wardrobe and the room looked no more lived-in than it had before Bond had started unpacking.

"That's very considerate of you, Bond." Q bent his head as a sign of submission which he felt was an appropriate 'thank you' for an Alpha. 007 growled in response and gently pushed Q from the room.

"This is why I never wanted to be mated; I didn't want to have to deal with a simpering, over-emotional, needy Omega." Bond sat him down and placed a pizza box on his lap. "I hope you like pepperoni."

Q was in shock, and completely offended, but he knew his behaviour since he'd come out of heat had been... Well, let's just say it wasn't the sort of behaviour an Alpha desired in an Omega. He decided it was probably in his best interest to just eat what Bond had provided and not take offence to what the Alpha had said. Swallow your pride and all that.

"I'm sorry," Bond bit out while he was clearing away their take-away boxes. "I shouldn't have called you those things. I realise this must be difficult for you."

"No. I'm the one who should be apologising. I've been difficult; not for one moment have I considered your feelings on the matter. I'm sorry." Q headed to his room. It was a huge relief knowing that Bond didn't want to be mated either. That way they could both continue with their lives with only the bi-yearly interruptions of his heat. Maybe things wouldn't be quite as bad as he thought. Fucking Alphas.