Day 21: Shower Sex

The water is burning hot as it hits his skin, the perfect sting to relieve his cramped and aching shoulder muscles. With a small shiver, he steps into the full stream and lets it torrent over his hair, closing his eyes against the deluge. Any initial numbness fades away and the warmth spreads to every inch of his skin, licking along his limbs in drops and trickles that weave a path down to the tiled shower floor. With a low groan of satisfaction, he reaches up and twists his arm to massage the heat into the back of his neck, before moving slightly so that his face is free from the stream. Flicking the long strands of hair off his cheeks and contemplating the undeniable need for a haircut soon, he rubs into his eyes with his palms, vision gradually returning despite the steady steam. He looks up at the glass door and his heart gives out in a moment of surprise.


His boyfriend, standing naked and right in front of the shower, grins and waves back to him, before pulling the door open and giggling at Dan, who's stumbled slightly backwards, hand over his racing heart, only to get more water in his eyes.

"Phil, don't you ever do that again, you bloody near half scared me to-"

Phil silences Dan with a pair of steady, strong lips, pressed hard enough to muffle any words of protest. His teeth and tongue are ravenous, curious to taste and feel the soft lips that are parting so invitingly for him, so that when Phil finally pulls back, Dan's lips are red and swollen from their efforts. He goes to speak again, but this time Phil brings a single finger up to his lips, not bothering to explain the futility of conversation, and turns his attentions to the sensitive patch of skin directly above Dan's perfect collarbone.

Between Phil's ardent lips and tongue, the warm water still cascading down over them, the sensation of their skin moving smoothly against one another, the steam which is clogging his mind and his ears and the way Phil moans as Dan tangles his fingers into his long black hair; he never stood a chance.

He barely has a moment respite for thought or reason, Phil detaching his mouth from Dan with hot, open-mouthed kisses, as Dan tries to run his free hand along Phil's arm, craving the sensation of his skin more than anything, the warm and the soft caress that is Phil. But then the very person in question is down on his knees and it's all Dan can do to stop himself from gulping in galleons of water as Phil begins to lick and kiss again, the edges of his teeth barely scraping along Dan's sensitive skin, teasing and torturing with every turn.

The cold tiles are hard and unforgiving against his back and legs but Phil is so warm, almost too warm, as the tension deep inside his abdomen only coils up further, building with every movement. His fingers tighten in Phil's hair, not sure if he's trying to slow Phil down or begging for more, but Phil seems more than happy to interpret it as the latter, smirking up at Dan behind dark, wet eyelashes, before running his yielding lips over and across Dan's entire length, taking him into his mouth.

Dan's head falls backwards with a loud thud but he can't feel any pain, only the glorious sensation of every inch of Phil's mouth, as those terribly clever lips and one torturous tongue attack with even greater fervour, sliding back to let the hot water sting him, before taking him even deeper. His long fingers are alternating between dancing and grasping at Dan's thighs, hardly enough to distract him entirely but sufficiently keeping him on edge.

There's a moment of pause where they both seem to realise how far gone Dan is and how very little resistance he has left. With a chuckle that reverberates deliciously around Dan, Phil hollows out his cheeks and sucks, hard. With a shuddering gasp, Dan comes into his mouth, his entire body jerking violently against the wall as the overwhelming sensations course through his body in unbearable waves, only his hands in Phil's hair and Phil's mouth and fingers anchoring him to the cubical, as he slowly floats down, back to hot water and cold tiles and a very sticky, smiling boyfriend.

His heart still hammering, Dan smiles back at Phil, who wraps his arms around his torso, listening to the pounding beneath his skin.

"Never do that again?" Phil is hardly too out of breath to tease him a little more.

"You can do that whenever you fucking want. And some more. Please?" Dan's words come in short, heavy spurts, as he tangles his arms around Phil, drawing him closer, water still steadily falling as their skin and lips meeting once more.

I'm giving up on doing these in order! Hope you enjoyed this steamy encounter, written for all my fellow students who are study in exams and feeling a little frustrated! Also for the lovely people who reviewed the last part; DovahFinn, stellapurple219, Creature, NeverlandNat, PhanFictionz, gingylily, lifelane, Malteser 24, Midnight4568, afdsgdgf and Guest :D You guys make my collective days! Also because it was voted for on my poll (see my profile), will try and update the other ones selected promptly! And please go vote if you have any preferences for story updates :)

Until next time,

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