So this is it you guys, the final chapter. I don't know what to say besides thank you to everyone who has stuck with me through this story even though it's not that great. I mean let's be honest my grammar and punctuation suck. I am sad to end this, but at the same time I'm excited for you guys to read the end.

Thank you all again so so so much. I hope this meets all of your expectations. I try to address what happens to everyone and give you all a good ending. This is how I planned to end it since the beginning when this was just a idea in my head.

Disclaimer: I do not own TVD


The cool breeze of the fall was in the air. Trees were changing from their greens to browns, reds, oranges and yellows. Flowers no longer in bloom and bugs hiding away until the summer returned.

"Mama" a voice called behind me throwing his arms around my neck and pushing me over. The small boys falls down with me and hits his back against the ground. His blue eyes meet mine and his blond curls bonce into his face.

"I think someone needs a haircut" I say, pushing the hairs from his face. His lips turn up and he moves to his feet.

"I don't think Papa would like that very much" He replies back to me.

"Where's your sister it's almost time for dinner anyways" I ask my son. His smile turns into a straight line and he shrugs his shoulders. I shake my head at him and pick the blanket I was cleaning up with me.

"Now I'm going to have to clean this again" I say, my son's eyes look down to his feet and his lips frown.

"I'm sorry Mama." He says, kicking some dirt with his foot.

"I guess I can forgive you just this once" I say. I kneel down and place a kiss on my son's cheek. His lips turn into a smile and wraps his arms around me. I return his hug holding him close to me.

I can still remember the day I brought him into the world. He was pink and screaming his head off. His little finger and toes were so small along with his nose and ears. I was in such awe from the moment he was placed into my arms. Now seven years later he is his fathers son. Dirty blonde curly hair that falls into his sea blue eyes.

"Mama" A yell interrupts our hug. I pull away and turn to see my little girl a bright smile placed upon her face. She holds on tight to her fathers hands as he pulls her off his shoulders and brings her to me. She jumps into my arms without hesitation.

"Hello sweetie" I say, when she nudges her head into the crook of my neck. I place a kiss on the top of her head and tighten my arms around her.

"What no kiss for me, love?" I roll my eyes and walk up to my husband and push my lips to his. When he tries to deepen the kiss I pull away with a smirk on my face.

"So how is everything in the village?" I ask making my way over to the hut.

"It's good Bekah and Alexander are fighting again. Finn and Sage were chasing after four kids so I didn't get the chance to see them. Kol was being himself and flirting with everyone woman who could breath and Elijah and Tatia were taking care of there new baby." Nik says, taking a seat at the dinner table with our son doing the same, taking his seat right by his father.

"Good I'm happy for them, but Bekah and him needs to sort there stiff out. how do they plan to get married in a month if they keep fighting like this?" I ask, placing some bread on the table.

"No idea, love. Hopefully soon though. It took us how long before we finally got married?" He ask, cutting the bread.

"Three years and that's only because I was still mad at you for"

"I know, I know. You know how sorry I am about that, but come on look at us now. We have two beautiful children," He grabs our daughter and pulls her into his lap, "A home away from everyone. It's just us, you and me. It's everything we ever wanted." He says smiling. I smile back at him.

"Uh you forgot about me" Henrik says, walking into the hut with the finished stew.

"Of course and my favorite baby brother Henrik." Nik adds in, making Henrik smile. I walk over and take the stew from Henrik and grab five bowls and pass them out. I fill the bowls for everyone and take my seat across from Nik.

The wind and rain hit me hard as I made my way back to my home, pushing my horse to go as fast as he could. The every so often sparks of lightning lighting up the dark night sky helping me navigate where I was and how far away I was. Hours of riding and I could finally see the light coming from the village. Forcing my horse to speed up we reached the village and I felt my heart begin to speed up. This was it.

"NIK" I yell as loud as my lungs would let me. I jump from my horse and begin to push my way through the hard rain making its way down on me to his hut. It feels like the rain becomes twenty times harder the closer I get to him. "Nik" I yell out again right before a loud burst of thunder.

"CAROLINE" I hear from the hut. A candle must go on, because the hut fills up with light and the front door opens making me stop.

Nik stands at the door and meets my eyes. Even though were so far apart it feels like were so close. I feel a tear fall from my eye when his face turns into a smile. Without hesitation I run. I run as fast as my legs will let me to him. He follow what I'm doing and runs straight towards me.

A jump into his arms as soon as I'm close enough to him. His strong arms wrap around my wait and holds me close. He spins me in the air with his head in my neck. I can finally feel my breath coming back to me which I had no idea I had lost while running.

"Caroline" He say, putting me down in front of him. The rain still falling hard on us. "What are you doing here your family is"

"Right here." I say, cutting him off. "It's been right here this hole time. They were never my family and I should of known sooner. I remember Nik, I remember it all." I say, his face shows mixed emotions from my confession.

"Do you hate me or do you"

"Just kiss me" I cut him off then slam my lips to his. His arms wrap around my waist once again and he lifts me from the ground. He deepens the kiss and slides his tongue in my mouth. The loud sound of thunder makes us pull away from each other and look up to the night sky. Rain falls and hits our faces and I can't keep in the laugh that falls from my mouth.

"What do we do now?" I ask, looking from the sky into his eyes.

"We do what we should of done on the first place."

"And what's that? I smile at him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Get the hell out of this place and start over just me and you." He says, placing a kiss to my lips. I return his kiss for a brief second.

"We still have one problem" I say, pulling away from him. "I remember everything you did Nik. What you did to our child is not something I'm going to forgive over night. This is going to take time, a lot of time."

"I know, and I plan on spending every moment of the rest of our lives making that up to you."

"Earth to Caroline" Henrik waves his spoon in front of my face.

"Yeah, sorry what were you saying?"

"We were talking about maybe taking a swim tomorrow." Henrik says. I look from him to my son and raise a eyebrow at him.

"You do realize that the waters not warm anymore right?" I ask. Henrik shrugs his shoulders.

"I took a dip this morning and it wasn't to bad."

"I don't know" I say.

"Oh come on, love. Let the boys have some fun. If it's to cold they can just run right back into the hut and get warm. I mean the fall is just right behind us." Nik cut's in.

"Fine" I say, not about to start a fight with them. Henrik smiles at me then begins talking with my son, while my daughter is to busy eating her food to pay much attention to anything. She is two years old so I wouldn't expect her to be listening anyways.

"So what was on your mind, love?" Nik ask, sliding his hand into mine on the table.

I look at our entwined hands and think about what brought here to this point. All that we had to go through to get to this moment right now. So much has happened that I wish I could of changed, but in the end it was all that bad that got me here to the man I've been in love with since I can remember.

"Just how much I love you."

"I love you to, love." He says, giving me hand a squeeze. And in that moment I realize no matter what, we will always be together no matter what it is, because in the end we were and will always be Spellbound by each other.

The End