Summary: Squeal to "Jaden Yuki is Mine". Chazz and Jesse are still at war to win Jaden's heart. Kiya, with a little help of the others, plan a game for the two. Who will be the winner?!

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh GX. I own the plot and the device to write this with. I will be making a special appearance in the story. I own myself!

Notes: I will be continuing the YGO FanFunnies and "Truth or Dare ~ Kiya's Style". And you may send requests for what might happen in Part Two for "It's Time to What". If you haven't read part one read it or you'll be confused. Enjoy!

The War for Jaden!

(Prologue- Kiya's Arrival!)

Alexis sighed loudly. She was currently standing with the abnormal duelists at the docks for the arriving ferry. Crowler announced the mission to pick up a 'special' duelists for him. At the moment, Jaden, Syrus, Zane, Chazz, Jesse, Blair, and Atticus stood with the female duelists. "Hmm… I wonder who is coming to the Academy." Jaden thought aloud. Alexis sighed again. "Maybe someone important. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here." Blair nodded. "From what I heard, she's a very talented duelist." "So it's a girl?" Chazz asked, getting closer to Jaden and earning a glare from Jesse.

Since last week, the friends played a game. Jesse was dared to confess his feelings to who he loved. Apparently, it was Jaden. Jesse was not the only one who loved Jaden. Chazz did, too. He wanted Jaden as much as Jesse.

Since then, the two fought for Jaden's love and the brunette tried to avoid it. There been times when the Supreme King came out. Hey, it's not Jaden's fault.

"Chazz… I would appreciate it if you realize Jaden." Jesse growled. Chazz chuckled and kissed Jaden's cheek, who blushed. Syrus noticed that a fight would get more intense so he took the liberty in to distracting the two duelists. "OH! THE FERRY IS HERE!" he shouted/lied. Well, not exactly. When the friends looked beyond the ocean, there a ferry was approaching. Syrus had to give himself credit.

Aster noticed something. "Hey, where is she?" The friends looked around and back at the ferry. They were expecting the female duelist, but no show. "Hmm… that's strange." Blair commented. "What's strange?" voice said. The gang screamed and turned to see a tanned skin girl. "KIYA?!" Jaden shouted. Kiya smiled and flipped her black wavy hair. "Who else? So what's up?" "You're the new duelist?" Alexis asked. Kiya nodded. "I'm Ra Yellow. And I'm here to solve a dilemma." She glared to Jesse and Chazz. "So… a war for Jaden's heart, huh?" Jesse crossed his arms and hissed at Chazz. Hissed at him I say. Chazz growled. "Jesse, give up. Jaden Yuki is mine." "No! He's mine! I deserve him! We have so much in common!" "We're so different! Opposites attract, fool!" "Not if I propose first!" "Oh hell no! He's my future spouse!" "Mine!" "Mine!" "Mine!" "I'm Chazz fucking Princeton! He's going to be Jaden Princeton!" "I'm Jesse Anderson! And he's going to be Jaden Anderson!"

"SSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPP!" a loud shriek interrupted. The gang turned to see a golden eyed Jaden Yuki. "How dare you! Standing around deciding my future! I'm not some prize to be won!" With that Jaden turned on his heel and walked off with a huff1. Kiya chuckled and tapped her foot. "Well, it's time to say good bye to arguing and hello to winning!"

Hearing a words, Aster smirked. Syrus huffed. "No. No. NO." "I smell a card, I mean love game." Alexis smiled. Little did she know, it was no ordinary love game.

1~ If you know what Disney character said this… review! XD I don't own Disney.