I do not own [K]. It belongs to GoRa and Gohands.

I just like to write about their characters.

A blank expression filled the face of the Red King who stood quietly in a department store with a few of his friends. A few steps away, his second-in-command argued with his Vassal about colors and paintbrushes, absently holding up a variety of paintbrushes. The blonde and the brunette spoke quietly in their own world, not caring about who was around to hear them.

Near them, Yata and Kamamoto were roaming around the store, pushing Anna around in a shopping cart. The three chatted about what should be bought and how much whatever was needed should be purchased for.

Annoyed, Mikoto sighed, turning to Izumo and Tatara who still bickered about colors. The red-head took several steps in order to hear what they were saying, catching the end of Tatara's comment.

"Kusagii, I really don't mind what color to paint the room. I'm happy with anything! And I'm pretty sure they'll be happy with anything too!"

Izumo shook his head quickly before replying back, "No Tatara. The color is important! It's the first thing they will remember of their childhood! Now stop being difficult and help me pick!"

Sighing, Tatara sighed, "Ay Kusagii~"

"Trust me! You may not care now but sooner or later you will! Seri-chan had a fit when she wanted to change the color of the room several months ago! You don't want our King to experience the first Totsuka-rampage just over colors!"

Mikoto sighed again as Izumo pointed at him, not understanding the point of this friendly exchange.

"I would never go on any rampage! And really I wish King would just pick the colors for me! It'd be a lot easier!" After saying this, Tatara turn toward Mikoto, smiling brightly at him.

"Will we leave faster if I just picked one?" The King grunted.

The little brunette nodded.

Carefully Mikoto out stretched his hands to the rows of paint samples and picked out one, never looking at which color he choose. He brought it to Tatara's line of view and muttered, "Here. Can we go now?"

Izumo screeched, grabbing the sample out of his hands before scolding, "Mikoto that is not how you pick out colors! This is important! We cannot half-ass it!"

"You should have brought your woman then. This would have been done with a lot sooner."

"Seri-chan had to work! And if she were here I know we would have been done with this hours ago! Now tell your woman to choose a color so we can get the room started!"

"Ugh..."Mikoto turned to look at Tatara, who still smiled brightly at the two others. He rolled his eyes before asking, "Tatara, which color would you like?"

Without any hesitation she replied, "Any is fine really!"

He grumbled something inaudible before glancing at Izumo, who looked like he wanted to strange the girl. Shaking his head, he took the color samples Izumo had in his hands and put it in the woman's face. "Which is better?"

Rubbing the back of her head slowly, she eyed each card before replying, "All are really nice in their own way."

Irritation rising in the two men, they looked at her. She turned away to gaze at the many different samples again. "I don't really care which color we choose. I seriously think any would be fine."

Mikoto and Izumo gripped their fist, wishing to get themselves to the bar and drunk; too exhausted from the day in dealing with the ever-smiling girl. Before the two could open their mouths Tatara shouted with joy. "Anna-chan!"

There came Kamamoto and Yata, who pushed the white-haired dolled, surrounded by blankets in the basket. Tatara wobbled over to the girl and put her arms around the girl to lift but Mikoto picked up the younger child up by the back of her dress before the woman could lift. As far as she could, Tatara bent down to speak to the girl, smiling still.

"Anna-chan! Can you help me decide what color to paint the room?"

Izumo sighed from the side, mumbling under his breath, "You do remember she is color blind."

But before anyone could say anything further, Anna held up a sample entitled Jasmine. It was a pale yellow, drifting to almost white. Tatara, pleased with the little girl's findings took the little card gently from Anna's hands and held it up. If her smile could get brighter, it did.

She looked back down at Anna before saying, "Thank you Anna! I love it!"

The little girl could only look down, a light blush forming on her cheeks.

Proudly did Tatara turn to her oldest friends and put the card in their faces. "The Princess has chosen! The room shall be Jasmine!"

Signing for the hundredth time that day, Mikoto grabbed the card and walked over to the counter, Izumo following along his trail.

Distracted already, Tatara made her way to the cart Yata and Kamamoto pushed; excited at the many different baby beds they choose. The duo and Anna began to loudly explain the reason why they choose these.

Talking to the man at the counter, they ordered several buckets of paint. Izumo finished signing the paper work and glanced at his King, watching as he watched Tatara. He chuckled to himself before straightening up. He patted the man's shoulders, which led him away from his focus. Mikoto turned back to Izumo in silence.

"Now that that's over, time for the real fun to begin."

A snort, "We have 4 months until the brat comes."

"4 months will fly by. Trust me."

"I can't wait." A smile placed itself on Mikoto's face.

I apologize for my little hiatus! I've been extremely busy since the last time I wrote...

I've graduated high school, had a mini adventure at Disneyland, and in the recent week I have started University in the summer instead of the Fall. So right now I am buried with homework.

But that is no excuse! So I'm sorry!

Anyway, this occurred a few days ago so i wrote it. It's unedited so pick away at it. I plan to write more for this little series.

Female Tatara entertains me greatly! (Because you hardly see it!)

Anyway, I plan on making more "The Lion and the Rabbit" shorts soon, so look for that!

And More of this family series.

Reviews would be lovely and help!

Thank you for reading!
