Hey guys. I know it's been forever! But a new laptop, final exams, and pure laziness have kept me from updating. So sorry. Anyway I know it's been a long time so here's a quick summary to catch you up

Summary: Edward is making unwanted (or so she says) advances towards Bella. After incriminating evidence that Edward is dangerous Bella decides to join him and her sister Jessica to a party to keep an eye on him. There she meets Jacob who takes a liking to Bella which obviously upsets Edward and makes the traditional feud between them. Bella gets upset with both of them and demands to go home.

I woke up the next morning exhausted. Probably because I'd spent the whole night dreaming. Some had been nightmares and some had been… pretty pleasant.

And all of them were about Edward.

The nightmares were actually comforting, they made sense. But the good dreams confused me. I wasn't sure what to think about Edward.

Sometimes he was kind and thoughtful and other times it seemed he seemed like a Ted Bundy reincarnate.

The good dreams always included him and I. Always alone, and always in what seemed like I a weird coupley happiness.

Cheesy I know.

I had no idea what any of this meant nor did I want to know what it was.

What I did know was that there was no way I was going to spend the day alone with him.

My car would just have to wait.

I went downstairs to break the news to my mom, but stopped in the hall when I heard her and Jessica talking about me.

"I don't get it" Jessica said. "They were talking and Edward was being so sweet. Then Bella just freaked out and made us leave. She wouldn't say anything about it."

"Well Jessica, sweetheart-," I could hear the sympathy in my mom's voice as well as a touch of surprise- "Bella's just not used to boys the way you are. She's probably just overwhelmed."

"But why can't she just be normal? She has TWO hot guys who are into her! She should be over the moon!"

Mom sighed "Bella will mature and ease into her love life in her own pace."

I couldn't believe my mom and sister where having this conversation about me but at least Mom was kinda on my side.

Mom continued, "Puberty is a difficult thing. Not everyone adapts as quickly as you did."

Jessica wrinkled her nose. "Gross, mom, I just can't believe you just said the word puberty."

"Well what else am I supposed to call it?"

"Um nothing. I'm so done with this conversation. Maybe you shouldn't talk to Bella about this. I'll help her with Edward."

Hearing a chair scoot back from the table, I started to creep back up the stairs, but I heard my mom's stern reply.



"You leave your sister alone."

"But Mom, you didn't see her! She needs help."

"Stay out of it." Mom said again. "She'll ask for your advice when she's ready for it."

Ha! Like that would happen.

I waited in my room until I heard Jessica turn the shower on in the bathroom and then went downstairs to face my mom.

Thankfully she didn't say anything when I walked into the kitchen. She sipped her coffee while I grabbed my bowl of Lucky Charms.

"So, any idea what car you want?" she asked out of the blue.

"I doubt I'll have many options with only four thousand dollars to work with," I said, finding the perfect segue into cancelling my plans for the day without bringing up Edward.

"You'd be surprised Bella. Remember Sue Clearwater? Her husband Harry runs the dealership down in La Push. He said he has a couple great deals right now and is excited for you to come today."

Crap! Not that I wasn't thankful for my mom's attempt to get me a deal despite our family's lack of motor vehicle connections but how was I supposed to get out of this now?

"Hey Mom? If you now this guy why don't you come with me today?"

It took her a long time to reply. "Oh honey," she said sighing. "That is going to take all day and I've got a whole list of things to get done."

"But I'm just a kid. Don't you think I should have an adult with me for something like buying a car?" I argued.

"You're paying cash, so you don't need to sign any papers and you know more about cars than I do."


"You're sixteen, its time for you to start taking n some grown up responsibilities. Especially if you're going to own your own car." She paused to smile at me over her coffee mug. "I trust you to make the right decision."

Ugh she was going for the guilt trip thing. She'd been lecturing me on the responsibilities of having my own car for weeks. If I told her I couldn't handle it on my own, she'd tell me I couldn't get one.

Well if she could go for the guilt trip thing, then so could I.

"Don't you want to go with me, Mom? We could go just the two of us. Spend the day together. Get some lunch? We don't do that often."

The truth is, offering some quality time just the two of us was a low blow from me.

My mom's more like Jessica and it's no secret I'm my dad's daughter. I felt a little bad for manipulating her, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Mom got really quiet as she set down her coffee cup. I had her! She was going to give in- I could see it in her eyes.

When she finally spoke I waited for her to say okay, t what came out of her mouth was, "I'm sorry sweetheart. I just can't today."

That was when I realized what she was doing. "She's gotten to you hasn't she?" I accused.

"What? Who?" My mom sounded startled.

"Jessica! You're blowing me off because you want me to go with Edward!"

Mom couldn't find a reply. I'd hit the nail right on the head.

"You're as bad as she is!"

"Bella calm down" my mom said, with a guilty look in her eye.

"It was nice of Edward to offer to help you. He's brand new in town and just wants to spend time with people he knows. It would be rude to cancel."

I crossed my arms disappointed.

Mom reached across the table and put her hand on my arm. "You're a smart and beautiful young woman Bella. It was only a matter of time before boys started realizing it too. You're just going to have to deal with it."

"Oh geez." I sank in my chair, really uncomfortable.

"I'm serious Bella."

"So am I. I'll just wait for dad to get the car."

"You know how awful your dad felt about not being able to take you this weekend. He knows how much you've been looking forward to it."

"It'll be fine Mom, I-"

"You're going Bella." She finalized. And I knew she wouldn't budge.

"Of course she's going! This might be her only chance to go on a date with a hot guy!" Jessica commented, coming into the kitchen.

"It is not a date!" I shouted.

"You heard Edward on the ride home! He's really looking forward to today. You can't cancel on him, it'll break his heart."

"I bet I can. I'm not going anywhere alone with Edward!"

"So take your sister with you" Mom suggested quickly.

"On her date?" Jessica asked appalled.

But Mom had a point. Maybe there's a chance I could still get my car today. When Jessica was there, Edward did a decent job controlling his creep factor."

"It's not a date." I said again "And if you don't go, I don't go."

Jessica stared at me incredulously. "You're such a freak."

"Fine. I guess I'm not going." I said, turning to go to my room.

I got half way up the stairs before Jessica yelled "All right, I'll go. You big baby."

I locked myself in the bathroom before she started giving me wardrobe tips.

When I went into my room Jessica already had my clothes laid out.

Rather than argue I just put it on and got down stairs.

"Wow. You actually look kind of nice. Man I'm good." Jessica commented.

"Would you give it a rest? It's not even a date."

But two seconds later the doorbell rang and I answered it to find Edward standing there with roses in his hand.

Jessica gave me a very pointed look.

Edward's eyes raked over me from head to toe. When his gaze met my face he laughed at my scowl and handed me my flowers.

"For you."

I didn't realize I was standing there like an idiot gaping at the flowers until Jessica elbowed me. Edward had to actually take my hand to put the flowers in it.

"Um, thanks." I said.

Edward held out his arm to me and asked "Ready to go?"

I look at his waiting arm and then at Jessica. "I'm ready. Are you Jess?"

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Let me just get my purse."

"Your sister's coming?"

I looked back at Edward and shrugged.

"I thought it was just going to be us," He said evenly. His face was careful.

"She wanted to come" I lied.

Edward studied me for a moment, his gaze intense "Tell her no."

Thankfully Jessica came back then.

"Okay, I'm ready." She said while glossing her lips.

"Great." He smiled at her.

But as we walked out the door he pointed to her face and said "You smeared a little."

When I headed for the back of Edward's car, he grabbed me by the shoulders, steered me around the car and plopped me in front seat. "Stay" he ordered me and then hurried to slip behind the wheel.

After buckling his seatbelt, Edward brushed his fingers down the length of my arm and pulled my hand into his.

"Oh Bella, don't think that this changes anything. I will get you alone. Sooner or later."

I looked down at our intertwined fingers. I've never felt so guarded in my life.

"It's too bad you won't be coming home with a car like this today Bella" Jessica, who'd suddenly stopped fusing over her lips, interrupted as she climbed into the back seat.

At the sound of her voice I ripped my hand from his.

"You like it?" he patiently smiled and started the car.

His smile was obviously fake seeing as his knuckles were turning white from his grip on the steering wheel.

I could tell now that this was going to be a long day.

Thoughts? Please comment. Until next time….