A/N: There is no excuse for being away as long as I have been. I mean wow... long time. But here's the deal; my brother had a brain tumor and we were dealing with a lot. He just had surgery at the beginning of this month and he is recovering. Now that it seems he is starting to not need as much help as he did before his surgery I am gonna start writing again. Thank you all for your patience. I really missed writing these stories. I will be continuing with this one as well as my other one although I have to reread that one to make sure I'm consistent. lol. It's been a while.

Anyway. I hope you enjoy this short chapter. I hope I'll be able to update soon.


Helena snuck into her home late at night; knowing her family would be sound asleep as all the lights were all turned out. She quietly put her bags down and headed upstairs. She stopped first at her daughters bedroom, smiling at the blankets kicked and tangled at Sarah's feet; she untangled it and covered her up, tucking her in. She kissed Sarah's head and whispered goodnight, leaving the bedroom door cracked open slightly as she headed toward the bathroom.

Helena took a quick shower and changed into a t shirt and underwear before going to her room, slipping into bed behind her beautiful wife who immediately pulled her flush against her. Even in her sleep, Myka was strong and fast.

"You're home." Myka sighed, sinking further against Helena who's lips were now pressed against the taller woman's neck.

"I'm home. I missed you so much my darling."

"I missed you too baby." Myka rolled over, looking over Helena's beautiful face; noticing how tired her eyes were. "You need to sleep." She leaned forward and kissed the Brit softly, cradling her chin in the palm of her hand.

Helena shook her head. "I'm not tired." Helena breathed against Myka's lips, biting her own as she sat up, straddling Myka's lap, taking off her shirt.

"How..." Myka was lost for words as she took in her wife.

"How what?" Helena made quick work of Myka's button down pajamas.

"How is it that every single time I look at you, you get even more beautiful? It's not fair." Myka whined.

"You, my darling... you're stunning. Every second of every single day I wonder how I got so lucky. Now I want to get lucky with my wife that I haven't seen in weeks." Helena smirked as she got them both completely naked.

They made love into the morning; sensual, greedy, lustful, loving, gentle, rough. It was everything they were feeling. Even though they were both exhausted, they wanted to show the other how missed they were, how wanted they are and everything they couldn't say out loud. It was all said in whispers, moans and soft touches until both women collapsed into a pile of tangled limbs, pillows and sheets; both finally succumbing to exhaustion.

Helena moaned and stretched as she felt the sun peaking through the curtains. She would have stayed in bed all morning but she heard Myka cursing in the bathroom.


"Myka, darling is everything okay?" Helena ran to the bathroom and quickly wrapped her robe around her body as she saw Myka with one leg up on the tub, her thigh exposed. "Darling! What... was that from me?" She noticed the dark red lines and scratches on Myka's thighs which caused her to cringe. She ran to her wife and knelt in front of her, examining her skin more closely. Helena brushed her fingers over Myka's legs lightly before kissing every mark. "I'm so sorry baby. It must be..." Helena looked at the shackle. "Why didn't you tell me last night?"

"I... didn't want you to stop." Myka blushed. "I missed you. These are so worth it and I've had worse injuries."

"I know love but we can't expect to have a normal love life with this stupid thing on my wrist. It's huge."

"It's... not subtle, that's for sure. I wonder how Jane did it." Myka said questioningly, then shook her head at the thoughts that jumped into her mind.

"I don't care how she did it, I want to figure out how we can deal with this." Helena looked at it closely. "Perhaps Claudia and I can work on modifying it..."

"Don't you dare!" Myka shouted before covering her mouth with her hands. "Sorry sweetie. It's just... what if something happens and you guys get hurt. Maybe it's like that for a reason."

"Yes all the other wearers didn't have a healthy sex life or good taste. Darling if you ever want me to touch you again you will help me figure this out because you know I hate hurting you." Helena pouted, staring at the shackle.

"Why don't we talk to Jane later okay?" Myka suggested as she gently kissed Helena and pulled her sweat pants up. "I'm hungry. Let's get breakfast."


"Hey! H.G. you're back!" Claudia ran and hugged the Brit tight as they walked into the B&B. "We missed you around here. Is Sarah coming to breakfast?"

"Not sure actually. She wasn't home when we got up this morning." H.G. said sadly. "I guess she went to school already."

"Then she'll have a great present when she gets home later." Myka whispered kissing Helena's cheek and the Brit leaned in an extra second longer, sighing in comfort.

"I've missed you guys." Helena said as she sat at the table with her friends. "Did I miss Pete as well? Don't tell him but I actually missed his jokes that I rarely get."

"Don't we all." Jinks walked in and gave H.G. a quick hug before putting a bagel in the oven.

"Steve how are you dear?" Helena smiled softly.

"I've been pretty great actually. Been out retrieving artifacts with Claudia which has been nice." Steve eyed his friend who raised her eyebrow and sighed.

"Yeah, since my whole becoming caretaker thing... I haven't really been able to go out into the field."

"Well, things need to change every once in a while." H.G. rested her hand on Myka's thigh, brushing her fingers over it lightly. "Claudia darling, I was actually wondering if I could have a word with you later."

"Sure." Claudia smiled. "What about?"

H.G. cleared her throat and felt Myka's hand squeeze hers, silently telling her no. "Well, it's more of a discrete topic and to be honest Myka doesn't want me to talk to you about it, but you are a wonderful friend and I enjoy confiding in you so I hope my wife understands." Helena flashed Myka a charming smile which made her chuckle.

"Fine. I just don't wanna be around when you have this conversation because it's embarrassing."

"Ew... is it about sex?" Claudia whined.

"Not about sex exactly but yes sort of." H.G. stood up and pulled Myka along with her. "We're off to the warehouse. I will text you later Claudia." They were out the door before Claudia could respond.

"Why does H.G. always feel like she can tell me anything? Especially the stuff I really don't wanna know about?" Claudia asked Steve, banging her head on the table lightly.

"You're just lucky I guess." He smiled and bit into the bagel laughing.


Myka and Helena were working side by side all day in the warehouse and they were officially buried in an aisle at least a mile into the warehouse. H.G. looked at Myka and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong? I can feel you staring and it's not a good stare either." Myka turned to face her wife.

"Myka let me see it again."

"Baby, my leg is okay I promise." Myka kissed her lightly but as she turned she felt Helena's grip on her wrist. "It's not a big deal."

"But I really need to see it again. It's a big deal to me darling."

Myka made a noise of slight frustration before giving in. "Fine but don't freak out. It's gonna look bad but I promise it's okay. And I'm only saying that so you can take a breath and stop yourself from being upset."

"Okay now drop your pants so I can take a look." Helena waited and Myka unbuttoned her jeans.

She shook her hips side to side and shimmied out of her jeans. Helena gasped and knelt in front of her wife.

"Darling that is..."

"I know. It's just bruising baby but it'll be better in a couple of days."

Helena ran her fingers over the bruise very lightly and frowned when she saw Myka flinch. "I'm sorry my love." She leaned forward and kissed around the bruise, whispering apologies with every light peck. Myka ran her fingers through Helena's hair in acceptance to every single apology. She understood that her wife needed her forgiveness even though it wasn't a big deal to her.

"Bow chicka wow wow." Pete came walking around the corner causing the two women to separate. Myka hurried to pull up her pants, a blush quickly moving over her face. "Mykes! What happened to your leg? And also what are you guys doing getting it on in the warehouse? You know bad things happen when there's a lot of sexual energy around the artifacts."

"Pete I'm fine okay?"

"No. Where did you get those bruises?"

Helena cleared her throat. "It was the shackle Pete. It's just so big and rough around the edges you know?"

"You just got home and you two already did the..."

"Pete! Not appropriate." Myka scolded him playfully.

"Okay one, I've never been appropriate and two, why can't you guys modify the thing?"

H.G. looked at Pete then at Myka. "Okay I guess if he can come up with that idea too it can't be good."

"Hey! I can have good ideas too."

"Ever so sorry Pete, of course you can." Helena entertained him for a moment. "Look I'm gonna go talk to Claudia love." She kissed Myka and left the warehouse.


"Claudia!" H.G. called out.

"Hey H.G. what's up?" Claudia sat on the couch and blushed. "Wait... is this about the sex thing?"

"Claudia it isn't about sex. It's more about what happened this morning when Myka and I had sex."

"Someone kill me."

H.G. held up her wrist. "This is getting in the way."

"The shackle?" Claudia quirked her eyebrows.

"My wife has scratches and bruises along her thighs because of this. I was wondering if you could think of a way to modify the design so it's smaller and smoother and just not this."

Claudia studied it closely for a few minutes. "I think I have to talk to Mrs. Fredrics and maybe Jane. If we can be sure it won't mess with the magic I don't see why we can't change the aesthetics."

"Really?" Helena smiled and hugged Claudia tight.

"I said I'll check dude. I can't promise anything."

"But thank you for trying. I just want you to try because I can't hurt Myka anymore. I know this isn't my fault but I feel the responsibility and if you saw Myka's leg you would understand. It looks awful."

"Sure thing. And don't worry about Mykes. You know she's made of tough stuff."

Helena smiled and laughed. "Thank you darling. At least now I'll sleep a little easier knowing we may be able to get this whole thing sorted."

"Don't mention it H.G. I'll see about having a meeting with everyone tomorrow morning and maybe we can get to work on a new design."

"Actually, I did start drawing some new designs up today. Maybe you could go through them when you have a free moment."

"Yes ma'am."

Myka walked in, exhausted from a long day at the warehouse. "Honey I'm home and I need a shower."

"Darling." Helena smiled and walked to her wife giving her a kiss. "A shower sounds lovely. I'll come with you."

Myka smirked. "Yeah you will."

"Still in the room guys." Claudia made a gagging noise as the two giggled and ran off to their house.


"What do you think is gonna happen with us and the warehouse?" Myka asked, spent in her wife's arms.

"What do you mean darling?" Helena had her fingers drawing circles over Myka's shoulder.

"You're not really an agent anymore because of the shackle. Claudia is gonna be the caretaker. What do you think is gonna happen with me? Am I just gonna retire and have nothing to do with the warehouse?" Myka sighed.

"My love, I am an agent but one day you and I will be too old to do this kind of work."

"No way! Look at Artie."

"I wasn't finished dear." Helena laughed. "We might come to a point where we decide if we'll retire from warehouse life or become consultants or maybe even regents."

"Would you want to stay with the warehouse? Even when we are older."

"If we want to we can. I honestly don't care what we do as long as I have you and Sarah."

Myka smiled and kissed Helena with as much love as she could muster up. "You are amazing. I love you so much."

"I love you darling."

They melted into each other in content. Resting in each others arms, considering the future and what they would be in reference to the warehouse. They worried about the future and wondered about it. They considered all angles and possibilities. They were endless.

HOLY SMOKES! I re-read the last few sentences and it sounds like an ending but it's not. lol. I don't know where that came from but I had to write it. This chapter may have been a little choppy but I swear it'll make sense in the end. I needed to figure out how to give the team challenges even though it's about a shackle. I wanted there to be some silliness in the issue so when Mrs. F and Artie find out it can be awkward and uncomfortable and I could write in some funny moments.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for sticking with me. Love you all xoxo