NOTE: Some of the earlier chapters are still undergoing a few edits. If they don't get your attention, I suggest you persevere with the story until you have decided it's definitely not for you. After all, most of the later chapters are far more enjoyable than the ones I wrote when I first started writing. I am endeavouring to improve the quality of the earlier chapters still, as they do perhaps lessen the quality of the story as a whole, in my opinion. I've improved a lot since then, so soon they'll be much better and draw you in more effectively, like the later chapters do.

To my longer term readers: The edits will only improve quality, and will not include pieces of information that I have written already, or additional information unless it absolutely fits.

*I will remove this note once I've done the editing process of these first few chapters*

I hope you do enjoy it if you get yourself past the first 6 or 7 chapters, which are due clean up and general editing anyway.

Strange Encounter

Edited: 02.04.14

"Eeeh!?, there's only one magic store in this town?" Lucy exclaimed. She had been searching around for more Spirit Keys to add to her collection, for she was a Celestial Mage, who used spirits to do her bidding in battle.

In this world, there were a few types of magic. Celestial Mages used 'Holder Type' magic, where objects were used in conjunction with the wielders magic power, to various effects. The magic Lucy wielded involved the use of Celestial Magic, which centred on constellations and stars, and even Spirits from another world called the Spirit World.

"I'm afraid so, yes. Only about 10% of the people in this town can actually use magic, so it's hard to find anything magical here. But please, I'm sure there are things you might be interested in here! Please spend some jewels in this poor old man's store!" The shopkeeper stared at Lucy with quivering lips and some of the best puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"GAH!" cried Lucy. She couldn't resist the man's tearful expression and coughed up a few thousand jewels for a silver spirit key. "Maybe it won't be a total waste…" she murmured.

Outside in the central plaza of town, a group of women were crowding around. From where Lucy was now standing, she could only make out the name 'Salamander' being called out by various blushing women.

Salamander? she thought to herself. Isn't that a famous wizard from Fairy Tail? Oh wait, I know it is! This is my chance to get into Fairy Tail! Grinning madly, she hurried over to the crowd to see the famous Salamander for herself.

"Please ladies," he said, "one at a time!" A tall man with purple hair was standing there wearing a black cloak, and a gleaming smile. He looked rather handsome, with a rather trim body, and some semblance of muscle was evident.

All of a sudden, Lucy felt her heartbeat go through the roof, and an uncontrolled blush appeared on her face. What's happening to me? Why am I feeling this way?

This strange feeling suddenly disappeared, as a man with a tattered midnight black cloak and hood walked steadily and with purpose towards the Salamander. The women parted around him, as a slight chill descended on the area, dulling their exuberance slightly. Even if they were enthralled to see the Salamander, they simply didn't want to stand in the hooded man's way. Something about him just warned them off.

"Who are you!?" Salamander exclaimed. "You're awfully rude!" he rebuked him, with a slightly irritated look.

The response he got was slightly unnerving. Everyone watching could see a sudden shark like grin pop up out of his shadowed hood, blindingly white somehow, with sharp incisors, reminiscent of some animal like feature, that many couldn't quite place, but somehow realised they were. As the man cocked his head, almost in a curious manner, the smile fading into the shadow, as he began speaking in a low voice, though it carried to everyone's ears, as though he was whispering the words into them directly.

"I should be asking you that question, actually. Am I right Bora? Pretending to be the Salamander, and tricking women with your illegal magic charms… I seem to remember you were kicked out of your old guild for stunts like this…"

A sudden stony silence came over the crowd, as they processed the fact they were under some sort of magic spell. Their new found knowledge of the situation rendered the charm useless.

The colour drained from Bora's face as he realised the game was up. The cloaked man had still not removed his gaze from Bora, as Bora felt he was being looked at by some sort of predator. He couldn't shake the feeling before he began speaking frantically.

"B-but, h-how…?" he stuttered, trailing off as the man had not moved a single bit more, all throughout the moment. It was terrifying and almost exhilarating to the crowd as he stood as still as stone, causing Bora to shiver involuntarily.

"Bora of Prominence. Formerly of the Titan Nose guild." The man suddenly intoned monotonously. "User of illegal charm magic."

His voice grew slightly colder as he continued, amidst Bora's slight squeaks of horror.

"User of sleep magic."

Bora could only step back slightly, before the man continued his revelations.

"Female. Slave. Trader." He ended with an icy crackling voice of disdain, causing Bora to flinch unwillingly.

The women around him suddenly looked absolutely filled with disgust and horror at what could have happened to them. Lucy even looked at the now identified Bora with undisguised loathing. She absolutely despised people who used magic for their own selfish ends.

After a few moments of turmoil, as Bora frantically looked around at the crowd, and back at the statue-like man in front of him, he snapped.

"GYAAAH!" Bora cried. "I'm going to kill you dammit!"

A magic seal formed in front of his hand, and a strong jet of purple fire flew at the man standing before him.

"WATCH OUT!" Lucy screamed, although her shout would do nothing to help the cloaked man.

Her fears were for naught though, as the man simply raised his hand and swiped the fire away, not taking a single step as he appeared to be looking at the slightly shivering Bora. As Bora frantically started throwing even more jets of fire at the man, he became ever more horrified, as each and every single one was snuffed out with a single swipe of the man's hand. He had never felt so outclassed, as his limbs started shaking, realising he wasn't escaping this.

"Well…" the man spoke almost bored. "That was to be expected. And no, there is no one coming to help you. I already turned your slave ship into ashes." He added, almost as if he was reading Bora's mind, as he began stumbling backwards in an effort to find any way of escape. Anywhere would do, as long as he was away from this terrifying person in front of him.

"Well..." The man spoke. "I guess this is the end of the road." He ended, as within a blink of an eye, he closed the distance between him and Bora, shocking the crowd as they hadn't even seen him move, before the man cocked back a fist, slamming it into Bora's jaw with incredible blunt force, causing a cracking sound to burst out, seemingly indicating Bora's jaw being shattered, before he was suddenly flying backwards into a wall twenty feet away, hitting it hard enough to leave an indent. Perhaps it was a small mercy that the punch had knocked him out cleanly, than having to feel the jarring breaking of some of his bones upon the impact with the wall.

"I'll leave his punishment up to you ladies." The man said, as he turned around and walked back the way he came. "I'm sure he'll be there for a while before the Rune Knights come to take him."

Lucy momentarily stood there, gaping at the overwhelming strength of the cloaked man before she gathered her senses again, and ran after him. Though she did for a moment feel like she was being insane to go chasing the scariest man she had ever seen.

"Wait!" Lucy shouted, whilst running after the man.

He stopped for a moment, and then turned around to speak to her.

"Yes? What do you want?" he questioned.

"I just need some directions! I was sure you might know, seeing how tough you are." She mumbled slightly upon taking in the man's slightly unnerving demeanour, which started causing her to have slight doubts about the idea she initially had about asking the man for directions. Perhaps this wasn't a good idea...

The man simply sighed slightly, before replying, as his body language seemed to soften slightly, calming Lucy down.

"Directions to where?" he pressed her for further information.

"I'm looking for the guild called Fairy Tail. I thought Salamander could help me, but it seems that was a big fake." said Lucy.

"I see." The man replied simply. "That shouldn't be a problem because I'm heading to Magnolia now. You can follow me if you want, or I can give you the directions for whenever you wish to go." he replied.

"Oh great! I'll come along with you then!" she proclaimed.

"I see." He said. "And who am I going to be taking there?" he inquired, a slightly unorthodox way of asking the blonde lady talking to him for her name.

"Oh! It's L-Lucy." she stammered. "And you?"

"My name is Natsu." he answered.

And with that, he started walking to the train station.

"Hey don't forget me!" Lucy exclaimed, as she ran to catch up with the mysterious man called Natsu.

AN: 02.04.2014

Improved the quality of the writing slightly, increased word count a little more, which was only natural, I expect.

To anyone reading here: This story is Natsu-centric, meaning the entire plot will revolve around him as a main character, for those who don't understand what it meant. Also, as written in the story summary, this Natsu is smarter, stronger, grown up, and somewhat of an unknown type of person. The reason for this is shown later on.

One thing to keep in mind. You may never notice things in the beginning, but sometimes the slightest moment that seems insignificant at one point, becomes incredibly relevant later on. Do read with an open mind, and I hope you enjoy the journey from this point, to the eventual conclusion of my story. My style has evolved slightly as the story has continued, and I am still editing some of the earlier chapters to conform, or just to improve quality, while I work on my new chapters. Keep that in mind!

I appreciate every review I get, so please do take a moment to say what you think of a chapter, even if it's just a 'good chapter' it's always nice to know.

Until next time!