The Son of Hades:


"Seriously Charon? Why do my parents need to se me now?" I asked the tall ghoul wearing an Italian suit.

"I do not question my king Hades nor his wife Persephone. I only follow their orders and make sure they are done correctly. Also, it gets me away from fairing the dead across The Styx" he replied.

"Fine, just use that magic stuff you have and teleport us their" I told him.

"As you wish, young master" he replied and teleported us away.

In the Underworld in the Castle of Hades:

"You summoned me Father?" I asked the tall man in the black throne that had the appearance of being made out of a bone fusion.

"Yes I did" he replied to me.

"Oh stop being so dramatic you two" My mother said from his right. Hades cast her a quick look to silence her and continued.

"Are you aware what happened in Europe six months ago?" he asked me.

"Let me think, oh yeah, my idiot brother tried to conquer the world for you and failed miserably in May earlier this year" I replied.

"Yes. Unfortunately your brother Adolph was defeated by those Americans who brought a few of Zeus and Poseidon's offspring and that lead to a horrible defeat" he said

"Well, that happens. What does that have to do with me?" I asked

"The Oracle has made a prophecy, and it said that the next child of the 'big three' would either save Olympus, or destroy it. We made a pact to have no more children to avoid this catastrophe" he informed me.

"Okay, well I don't think I would save it" I told him.

"I have little doubt. However, to ensure that you won't get hurt, I have a quest for you to do. You are going to a different dimension to conquer it so when Olympus falls, we will already have a new kingdom to set up shop" he told me with a smile.

"What about the twins?" I asked him, referring to my two younger siblings that had a normal, Italian mother.

"They will be more than fine, I put them in the Lotus Casino" he informed me.

"Wonderful, so now we are all currently immortal" I said.

"Anyway, before I send you on your way, I have a few things for you" he said.

"Cool, what do I get?" I asked him.

"Let me see" he said as he grabbed the sack beside his throne.

"Okay here is your very own Helm of Darkness, an exact copy of my own" he said handing me a helmet

"Next we have a shield of Darkness" he said tossing me a large black shield that had a picture of a helmet in the middle. Of course he put his mark on it.

"Here are the recipes for ambrosia and nectar" he said handing me two sheets of paper.

"Also, I have a vest here for you. This vest can hold anything in its pockets no matter how large or small, and it has these two sheaths which contains two small daggers that have been dipped in The Styx" he said pointing two the sheaths on the upper part of the x-shaped straps on the vest.

I put on the vest under my overcoat and put the recipes in my back pocket. I took up the shield onto my arm and was about to leave when he said, "I do have one more thing for you unless you don't want it"

He then tossed a pen to me and I caught it. "Umm…no offense father, but what will I do with a pen?" I asked him

He was grinning from ear to ear when he replied, "That is the ORIGINAL Anaklusmos, the reason it isn't the actual one that was designed for Hercules is because it contains a dark energy that was too far to powerful for him too control. I think that since I can handle it, there is a pretty good chance that you can too. Zeus himself can not touch this blade because of its raw power" he said smugly

I took the cap off the pen and watched it change into a silver sword with a golden handle that had ancient greek symbols of power along the blade. It shown brightly in the shadowy atmosphere of the castle.

"Do well, my son. It is your duty to capture this realm before the others discover it. If there are inhabitants, as I am sure there are, it is your job to make them subject too our will. Good luck, and don't get seriously injured" he said with a smile

"Don't worry father, I will have this done in no time' I told him as a bright light enveloped me and I felt myself leave the floor and with a flash, I disappeared.