Rocky: Wow. That's incredible. But what happened to Divatox?

(We pick up outside of the Angel Grove High campus. Some time has passed since we last left off. Rocky passes by the Adam, Katherine and Tanya, dressed in a purple cap and gown.)

Adam: I don't know. I guess she went back to wherever she came from?

Katherine: It has been quiet.

Rocky: Great.

(Rocky takes a seat at the top step of a nearby staircase. An unfamiliar, high pitched voice chirps in.)

"I still can't believe you don't want your powers back, Rocky."

(He turns to his right, a very young, fresh faced boy with a brown bowl cut and eager eyes looks at him.)

Justin: It's so cool being a ranger!

(Rocky seems to feign a grin, then looks away, somewhat uncomfortably.)

Rocky: Yeah… I'm glad you like it so far, Justin. But um… (Shrugs) I've got a lot to do. Opening a karate school and all. I think at some point we all have to put our time in and move on. But, I think the power's in good hands.

(His tone reads a lot more than what Justin can understand, but the others present understand completely. They share, knowing glances; each of them wondering whether or when their time is up.)

Jason: Hey guys, you're about to start.

(Jason jogs in from the left, pointing behind him. The others scramble to gather their things and scurry off. As the graduates, their friends and family take their seats, guests continue to file in from the front. Including one of note. Looking unsure of herself, Trini takes a few tentative steps inside the dressed up campus.)

Trini: …

(It's a campus she hasn't been to in quite some time; one that brings back a lot of memories, and opens some wounds that have not yet begun to heal. Still, she manages to will herself inside. And before she can wrap her head around it, she finds herself in the middle of the makeshift venue, between the two aisles. Mr. Kaplan, who spots her, stops what he's doing to walk up to her. They have a short exchange, when Mr. Kaplan reaches into his pocket and hands her a manila envelope and heads toward the stage.)

Trini: …?

(Not being told what's inside, she studies it in her hand briefly, before Jason approaches her from behind and waves her toward two empty chairs near the back.)

Mr. Kaplan: Thank you class, families. Today is a special day for all of us.

Jason: So, how've you been?

(As Kaplan begins his speech, Jason takes a second to catch up with an old friend.)

Trini: (Shrugs) A little sick to be honest. Have been for a while.

Jason: You might wanna get checked out.

Trini: Yeah.

(Trini simulates a conversational chuckle at his passive suggestion. Yet, from the vacant look in her eyes, anyone truly paying attention can see that it's merely a front to maintain appearances. Inside, she's completely shattered, and barely chokes out a response.)

Trini: How… about you? Miss being a ranger?

Jason: Nah.

(He looks off somewhat casually. Or at least trying to seem that way.)

Jason: I think I left at the right time. Even if I was practically kicked out.

(Even Jason looks preoccupied. His fingers start to twiddle as he tries to navigate the rest of this exchange.)

Jason: I… think I was at the end of my leash. I've been spending a lot of time with Sam. It's nice, you know. Just worrying about living life with someone you care about.

Trini: Right. I get that.

(As soon as it came out of his mouth, Jason looked frustrated with himself. Clearly, he had navigated incorrectly.)

Jason: How are you? Really.

(She shrugs.)

Trini: I'm okay. Some days. Others, I barely make it out of my room.

(He thinks pensively again before putting his arm around her chair.)

Jason: He'll be alright, Trini. Zack will keep him from getting into too much trouble.

Trini: …

(She looks back at him and cracks what might the first real smile in some time.)

Jason: I just hope you don't vanish. We all miss you. You're family, you know.

Trini: Thanks. I won't.

Mr. Kaplan: Today is a bittersweet day for me. These past four years, I've gotten to know each of you. You're all like my children. And while I'm proud of all of my students and all their accomplishments and the bright futures ahead of each of them, it pains me to say goodbye.

(Behind him, Ms. Appleby is seen wiping her eye.)

Mr. Kaplan: But don't feel bad for poor old Mr. Kaplan. It is the way it needs to be. And you all sitting here today means that I, as well as all the all the dedicated teachers in our amazing faculty have done their jobs.

(A warm applause follows. Jason leans in to whisper in Trini's ear.)

Jason: There's more than one now?

Trini: Shh.

Mr. Kaplan: But some of you may be wondering how you'll be remembered in these halls. Will you be remembered in these halls? Short answer, yes. Each of you will carry a legacy that will remain for generations to come. Sadly though, some of us that started this journey, are not here today to end it with us. And yet, even they continue to carry the same legacy.

(That last statement seems to strike a somber chord within the crowd, specifically among the ranger teens, who know what he's referencing. He elaborates.)

Mr. Kaplan: The determination to get things done despite, seemingly impossible odds. The capacity to care for your fellow man, even when the easier road is to care for yourself. And the will to rise and live up to your true potential. That is what they'll be remembered for. And each of you sitting here before me. That too, is your legacy.

(Trying to distract herself from remarks, which at least in her eyes, are being screamed directly at her, Trini turns back to the envelope in her hand. She opens it up.)

Mr. Kaplan: Each of you have come together, from different backgrounds, different creeds and each no doubt with different struggles. Yet, despite all of that know one thing today. You got it done.

(The crowd erupts into a loud applause. Meanwhile, Trini reads what's inside.)

"Diploma of Graduation

Certifies that

Roberto Clemente

Has satisfactorily completed all necessary requirements of study and is hereby awarded with this


Mr. Kaplan: Class of 1997, I'm proud of each and every one of you. I salute you, and wish you good luck in whatever in whatever the future holds.

(The scene breaks down into a jubilant hoopla. Rocky, the ranger teens and Justin, all rush toward one another to celebrate. Jason runs over to them and bear hugs them all like a proud papa bear. Trini remains in the background, but smiling. Not only is she happy that her friends graduated, she envisions that he's in there celebrating with his best friends. Because he did it too.)

Trini: …

"And that was his last day of school. And the end of his story."

(We fade into another point in time in the not too distant future. Trini, who now looks a little older, speaks to a little boy in bed.)

Trini: One of grit. And resolve. He never had a lot in his life, but he never made excuses either. He just did what needed to be done. And even if though he was born with nothing, somehow by the end, he got everything he ever wanted.

Boy: He even got his own song?

Trini: (Smiles) He even got his own song.

Boy: Wow.

(The boy looks off in amazement.)

Boy: Tell me more. What was he like?

(Her eyes seem to drift away, to a happy place.)

Trini: He was sweet. Handsome. He had your smile.

Boy: …

Trini: When I was with him, and he smiled at me. It was like, everything was right in the world.

Boy: I wish I could've met him.

Trini: Me too, sweetie. Me too.

Boy: I hope I can be as good a student as he was.

(She chuckles to herself.)

Trini: Way to reach for the stars.

(Trini tucks the boy in and gets up from the bed.)

Boy: Do you have any more stories like that one?

Trini: Maybe some other time. It's getting late.

(She heads for the door as the boy calls out once more.)

Boy: Mom?

Trini: Yeah?

Boy: I sometimes like to pretend that he's still around. I listen to your stories, and I like to imagine he's still here.

Trini: …

Boy: Like, maybe we're in another world. Where none of that happened.

(The boy shifts about, as if feeling embarrassed for sharing that and expecting some sort of ridicule. Instead, she smiles at him meaningfully. The isn't new to her either.)

Trini: It'll be our little secret.

Boy: Okay...

Trini: I mean it. Don't say any of that when you start school tomorrow.

Boy: Okay. Goodnight.

(Trini smiles once more before shutting off his light. She enters her room, and heads toward the window. She looks out vacantly, trying to bring herself back to reality. Before the whimsical thoughts of her teen years ultimately bring her down. It's been five years, and she's careful not to let her mind go there anymore. But tonight, she suddenly thinks, she'll indulge it. She heads toward the bottom drawer of her nightstand.

Trini: …

(There, she's greeted by two carefully placed glass cases, one displaying a Purple Heart and another with a Congressional Medal of Honor. She moves those aside and shifts through photos and other items, untouched for some time, until she finds what she's looking for: A familiar looking Walkman. Inside, a tape reading "Happy 16th Birthday Robbie," a mixtape she herself made, designed to lift her then, secret crush's spirits. She turns it on. A classic tune plays.)

"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day. When it's cold outside I've got the month of May."

Trini: …

(A bright smile comes across her face. She slinks into bed, looking up into the sky as she lets herself be swept away by the good old days. Pondering how things could have turned out as the night fades away.)

(The music abruptly cuts off. Outside her window, a mysterious figure peers their head from behind the tree in her front lawn. Once in the clear, he steps out. He looks up through her window and speaks to himself.)

Robbie: It's not too late. Lord Drakkon isn't here. Not yet.

"I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl). Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)."

The End (?)