Kim's POV

Maybe if I had been smart enough to watch where I was going instead of trying to see how good I was at recognizing my surroundings with just the sense of touch, I wouldn't be stuck in this incredible mess. I had stupidly managed to run into the one person I didn't want to see and then slip and fall trying to stomp away angrily.

"Kim, fancy seeing you here." Brendon's deep voice spoke, filled with amusement. What an asshole.

"Fancy?" I said mockingly, making him roll his eyes.

"Besides, I should be the one saying that to you. This is my best friend's party and I'm pretty sure dickheads weren't invited." I bite out.

"Actually, Eddie told me he was going to a party and invited me, believe or not, I didn't know you were going to be here." He defended. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, yes, because I totally believe that.

Jack's POV

Kim: Jack, where are you? The party just started, people are wondering and my ex keeps eye raping me

I sighed looking down at the text from Kim. She sure is different from a lot of other girls.

Jack: Calm down babe, I'll be there in ten.

Kim: Make it five and I won't hit you for calling me babe

Jack: :* (A/N: For those of you who don't know what ":*" is, it is the kissey face emoji)

I took a quick shower, put on my swim trunks and headed out the door before Kim could get the chance to fly over here and cut my dick off, as she once threatened.

Kim's POV

Jackson Daniel Brewer, you are absolutely positively the worst fake boyfriend on the freaking planet. I huffed impatiently, sitting on a chair by the pool as the rest of my friends were trying to keep Jerry away from the grill. Kelsey has truly out done herself. The DJ is dropping some seriously sick beats and the everyone seems to be having a blast dunking each other into the pool. There's a small amount of alcohol for those who crave it and soda for those who don't take to kindly to the idea of drinking. Just as I was about to let out a sigh in frustration, Jack decided to kindly grace me with his appearance.

"Hey Kimmy." He whispered making goosebumps appear on my arms. I stood up and turned around to face him.

"You're late Brewer." I scolded.

"Sorry, had to look nice for the bae." He threw back at me with a wink. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit, he's such a flirt.

"You must be the infamous Jack Brewer." Grace's voice interrupted. Jack spun around and gave her an award winning smile.

"Yes ma'am, that's me." He said shaking her hand.

"Well, I'm Grace, Kim's best friend. It's nice to finally meet you." She responded. I scoffed at her, it's kind of funny how she decides to act normal once she meets Jack."

"Same here." He said in return. Pretty soon, the poor guy was crowded with my idiotic friends, asking him ridiculous questions and teasing him. It wasn't until about a minute later that I spotted Brendon's glare from across the yard. I resisted the urge to smirk and give him the middle finger.

"If you guys don't mind, I'm going to take my boyfriend, and go into the pool." I said before taking off my shorts, grabbing Jack's hand and leading him to the pool. I stopped for a moment and pull Jack back to stay with me.

"What are you doing? I thought we were going into the pool?" Jack asked while pouting. He then took his shirt off and threw it on the ground.

"I just want to say thank you Jack. This is a huge favor and I owe you big time." I said sincerely. He smiled at me before pulling me into a quick hug.

"No problem Kim." If he weren't such an idiot, then maybe the moment would have lasted longer. The ever so fantastic Jack Brewer thought it was a good idea to shove me into the pool. With water in both my ear and nose, I managed to resurface and stare him down.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I shouted furiously, but that only made him laugh harder.

"Sorry babe, couldn't help it." He said with that smirk that I was beginning to both hate and find adorable. The rest of the party was spent pretty much the same. Jack and I fooled around in the water, throwing in some couple-like actions for my friends. Every once in a while, Jack would put his arm around my waist, kiss me on the cheek, or carry me bridal-style in the pool. All of which Grace awkwardly took pictures of. It was now 10:00 PM and the party was still going on. I was sitting on Jack's lap, trying my best not to look uncomfortable, when Brendon approached us. Ugh! Kill me now!

"Crawford, can I have the pleasure of talking to you alone?" He asked with a fake, disgusting smile on his face. Jack looked at me for approval, when I nodded and got off his lap, he stood up and left.

"What do you want Bren-" I started to say when he ever so displeasingly smashed his lips onto mine. I tried shoving him back, but he was just too strong for me. Think Kim, think! I then bit his tongue, making him pull back immediately.

"What the f***. You little b****." Before I knew it, he had my hair wrapped around his hand. I yelped in pain. He's such a coward.

"What the f***?" Was the only thing that came out of Jack's mouth before he kicked Brendon right on the side. He let go of my hair and clutched his side. Jack then effortlessley punched him in the face and flipped him. I may not know a lot, but if there's one thing I do know, it's that my fake boyfriend is freaking amazing.