Hey guys! So this is it. The last chapter of this story. It took over a year, but here it is. With that being said, I'll just jump right into it.

PhanJovie asked sixteen questions. Damn. Thanks, Jovie. Haha let's get to this!

Q: Where did you get your inspiration for this story?

A: I was inspired by all the other authors doing high school AUs. They're just so interesting to me and I wanted to share my own ideas revolving around this plot.

Q: Why does Tony even exist? Can we like send him to hell or something?

A: He exists because conflict xD But yes we can. Just not the real Tony… Because that's my dad.

Q: My cat really enjoys your stories, too. Is that even a question?

A: No, but thank you. Tell your cat I say hello.

Q: Do you think you could fall for a woman like me?

A: Girl, I already have ;)

Q: What's gonna happen next?

A: I think I covered everything in the epilogue.

Q: Are you gonna do a blooper chapter?

A: No. I think this is the only bonus chapter I'll do.

Q: If you had some sort of super power and could do some sort of horrible thing to Tony, what would you do?

A: I'd make him super gay. Not to say being gay is a horrible thing, but to him it is and I think it would be quite funny.

Q: Have you heard Beyonce's new album yet?

A: No :/ sorry!

Q: Is any of your story based on stuff you or someone you know had to go through?

A: No. I've luckily had it pretty easy bully-wise in my life.

Q: Why is it so cold today?

A: This just shows how horrible I am at updating my story. You asked me this when it was clearly cold outside. Now it's fucking July. I'm. So. Sorry.

Q: Can I potato?

A: Go for it.

Q: I don't know where you're going but do you have room for one more troubled soul?

A: I don't know where I'm going but I don't think I'm coming home.

Q: What do you think is gonna happen after this?

A: To me? I think I'll try to write another story if anyone will read it.

Q: Did you ever see a llama kiss a llama on a llama?

A: I hate that song omg no.

Q: Should Dan and Phil become porn stars?

A: You have no idea how much I would pay to watch Dan and Phil's sex tape.

Q: There's this thing called Phan. How do I cope?

A: You don't.

AmazingBethan asked six questions. All very good ones. I liked these a lot.

Q: When did you start writing smut in your stories? How old were you?

A: Hmm… That was chapter 21 of my first story so I was fourteen years old. However, I started reading it when I was thirteen haha… I was horrible at writing it my first time. Not that I'm good now.

Q: What inspired you to write this story?
A: Popular question I suppose. I just kinda decided to write it I guess haha.

Q: Was Tony based on any real life person?

A: Not really. Just the name from my dad. And for some reason, everytime I imagined him in a scene, I thought of Loomer from Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide… Not sure why.

Q: Have you enjoyed writing this story?

A: Yes! So much! Especially when I have such an interactive audience to give me support and feedback through it all.

Q: Would you ever do a sequel of any kind?

A: Probably not for this story.

Q: How come Martin (Phil's brother) wasn't included in this story, but Adrian (Dan's brother) was?

A: I think this is a really good question. I think I just didn't really see a need for Phil to have an older brother in the story if that makes sense. Like I didn't think he was a necessary character for any sort of plot building. Dan's younger brother on the other hand was kind of used to create a little extra conflict for Dan seeing as Phil had it worse in the story. Also, since he went to the same school as them in the story, it was like having someone who saw both sides of the story, who isn't Dan or Phil. I hope that made sense…

witbeyondmeasureXOX asked one question. Kind of a tough one to answer.

Q: What was your favorite story to write?

A: Out of all of my stories, probably this one as it has the biggest audience of all my stories.

apoorvathechoco asked one question. A really nice one :)

Q: Ever thought of being an author? I'd read your books.

A: Well thank you. That's very nice :) And yes I have. After getting better and getting more experience I might want to continue writing.

Pollzy Claire asked seven questions. Very quick and fun ones.

Q: Dan or Phil?

A: If I had to choose...Phil.

Q: Llamas or lions?

A: Lions.

Q: Bacon or nutella?

A: Bacon. Easily.

Q: What's your favorite number?

A: 9.

Q: What's your middle name?

A: Jordan, but I despise three girls named Jordan so…

Q: What are your favorite fandoms?

A: Probably this one as we're all so creative and usually close and nice to each other.

Q: What's your favorite TV show?

A: Survivor. Fuck yeah that show is my life. Also, Cutthroat Kitchen and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

Malteser24 (hey girl) asked twelve questions. Get it, girl.

Q: What's your favorite animal?

A: I don't know. I've always been quite fond of the hedgehog. And maybe kangaroos ;)

Q: What's your biggest fear?

A: Coming off as someone that I don't want to come off as. Also ants. (Ten points of anyone knows what YouTuber said that).

Q: How many plays have you been in?

A: Ten. But that number will keep growing.

Q: How's life?

A: It's treating me pretty well right now.

Q: How are you?

A: I'm fantastic.

Q: Do you like chocolate?

A: I love chocolate. Unless it's that really weird chocolate that is shaped into things like coins and bunnies. Ew.

Q: What music do you like?

A: I don't know. All music?

Q: What's the best movie you've ever watched?...ever.

A: I don't know! But I just saw a really good movie called Chained. It was about a boy who got kidnapped and his kidnapper named him Rabbit.

Q: On a scale of one to ten, how perfect is PJ?

A: Ten. That man is quite perfect. His eyebrows are amazing omfg.

Q: Do you know how much I love you?

A: Yes. Do you know that I love you just as much?!

Q: Who's your favorite member in the fantastic foursome?

A: Oh man. I thought we were friends. Why you gotta do this? (Phil, probs).

Q: Coffee or tea? (Or both or neither?)

A: Neither.

CapturetheFinnick asked one question. Quite a good question, if I do say so myself.

Q: I was wondering if when you write this story, do you picture Dan and Phil from now or from 2009 or just an entirely different version made up in your mind?

A: I know for sure that I imagine 2009 Dan. I think I also imagine 2009 Phil, just the same height as 2009 Dan, you feel me?

Phanstarlight asked one question. The last question. A very good question that is a good note to end this on.

Q: Apart from the Phandom, what other fandoms are you part of?

A: I am part of the Pentatonix fandom, the Superfruit fandom, and the Survivor fandom. I don't think I would consider myself in the One Direction fandom… I like them, but I'm not like obsessed, you know? I just follow some One Direction blogs on tumblr and ship Larry like...a lot. So… What's happening?

So that's about it! I hope I answered all of the questions that I received. They were all wonderful questions. I do have an idea for another story, so I'll write that if you guys would read it. But at this point, I'm not sure how many people are still with me. I know I lost a lot of you guys because I took too long to update. Also, I don't think many people read on this website any more… But I'm going to write my next story in advance, post it on whatever day I pick, and that will be that. I don't know when that'll happen, but it will. Also, I'll probably post that story on tumblr, too. I still have no idea how to make a master post, but we'll roll with it. If you want to know what that story will be about, just message me.

Thank you so much for reading Walking Through Fire Without A Burn. It's hard to mark this as complete after over a year of working on it. At least this one had more of a plot than the last one did. I love you all so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything. I'll see you soon.
