
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha!

Chapter 7: Expectations

Saturdays were Masato's equivalent to everyone else's Monday; the start of the school/work week. He'd choose Monday over Saturday any day. School was far more bearable than getting up by ten to see some dumb psychiatrist. Masato sat outside the building in his car; he sat there for a good ten minutes, just glaring. It was evident to anyone that knew him that he had schizophrenia, and that there was a possibility it'd forever affect his life. Why it was necessary for him to meet this lady every week was a question he'd sure love to hear the answer to.

Masato gave a growl when he saw a familiar face appear at the door of the office. It was her, his psychiatrist, Akiyama. Masato watched as her brown eyes found their way to his car too easily. She gave him a smile, and waved at him. Masato huffed, finally yanking his keys out of the ignition and getting out.

"I was sure you were going to skip today's session." She said as they entered her office.

Masato snorted, "Right, so you can call my parents later and have them get on my ass about it? No thanks."

"We all only want to help you." Akiyama replied, glancing at him.

That smile meant nothing to, or for, him. Just that she got her days pay, and he would have time wasted.

"Now," she started, opening up a thick, beige colored folder, "how was your week? You must be excited."

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Masato asked.

"Well, for a long time you've told me you weren't sure about college. Has that changed? What will you do? Find work?"

Masato rested his feet up on the coffee table, "Well I was thinking about dealing drugs. I've got just the stuff some people want…"

Akiyama blinked at him, and didn't say anything for a moment. Masato watched as she twirled a pen around in her fingers, giving him a peculiar look. He rolled his eyes,

"You're reading too deep into it, aren't you?"

"No, I thought maybe there was more you wanted to say before I asked my next question."

"No, I've got nothing else to say. Look, I don't know what I want to do with my life. I've still got a bit of time. I can always take the entrance exams next year." he said.

She nodded, "Of course. How's your family, Masato?"

"No more weird than usual." he answered with a shrug.


Masato didn't say anything right away, and she looked at him.

"Something you want to tell me?"

He didn't want to tell her. Masato didn't like people snooping around in his life, especially people like this. As if reading his mind, Akiyama moved onto her next question,


He furrowed his eyebrows, and then repeated, "Girls? Girls what?"

"Is there anyone you like?" she asked, smiling at him.

Masato snorted, "Are you serious? Me?"

"Nothing should prevent you from dating. I remember you telling me about feeling insecure in that field because of your disorder. Don't let your mental disorder stop you from living your life, Masato. I'm certain there have been many girls you've wanted to ask out, right?" she replied, scribbling in the folder.

"It's not like I can ignore it." he said, watching her closely. "Every life decision I make, I have to include the schizophrenia."

"You can live a normal life, Masato." she repeated.

Masato retorted, frowning now, "Normal for who? Is remembering to take pills every day, or something bad might happen, normal? Is always ruining a family outing normal? Is having to come here every week normal? Face it, my life won't ever be normal."

"Normal is relative, Masato. Is this also why you don't want to go to college?" Akiyama asked. "You don't think you'll have the experience everyone else will?"

When Masato didn't say anything, she sighed. Akiyama crossed her legs.

"Let's forget about normal. To be honest, whose life is normal? I'm going to rephrase what I said previously. You can live as decent of a life as the next person. Bad things happen, and sometimes it's just out of our hands. Some people get dealt bad hands, but you know what? They're usually the strongest of us all." Akiyama gave him a smile. "You're a strong person, Masato. I know you fight with this disorder, and you try not to let it ruin your life. I want you to work harder at that. I bet with your mindset, you've missed out on so much. You've looked past all the girls I'm sure want your attention, and pushed aside opportunities several people want to give you."

Masato didn't say anything right away, at least letting all of that register to him. He relaxed back in his seat, not even noticing how tense he'd gotten,

"Whatever you say, doc."


Masato had never been happier to get out of there than today. Their discussion had never gotten so...personal before. Well, of course they always talked about him, but that was a lot for one session. Masato was in the process of unlocking his car door when he felt like someone was watching him. He opened his door, but stopped to look around. There were people driving off, driving up, and walking about the parking lot. Any of them could've looked at him.

After a minute, he decided to shake it off, and then got into his car. Before he could drive off, his phone began to ring in his pocket. Masato took it out, and answered,

"Yo, talk to me."

"Hey Masato!"

He knew that cheerful voice anywhere, and grinned.

"What's up Nori? Calling people in your sleep again? Do I need to explain sex again?" he asked, sticking his keys into the ignition.

There was a long silence, and his grin widened. A heavy sigh finally came,

"Can I not talk to you once without being picked on? That was a long time ago, and I wish you'd just forget it."

"Never. Now, really. What's up?" he asked with a laugh.

She sighed again, "Well, I was going to be nice and just talk, but well...I forgot you had to see your psychiatrist, and came over like I usually do every weekend. I'm in your room right now...enough said right?"

Masato started his car up, "Nori, I'm going to break your fingers if you went snooping around my room."

She just giggled. Masato hung up, tossing the phone into the passenger seat, and then quickly put on his seat belt. He sped out of there, grumbling about girls and their nosiness.


When he got back, Masato found that not just Iva's car was in the driveway, but Yukio's as well. He nearly forgot to park his car trying to get out. Masato walked, and immediately heard laughter coming from upstairs. His mother poked her head in from the living room,

"You're back. How did-"

Masato didn't wait for her to finish, and hurried upstairs. He stormed into his room to only be greeted by a pillow slamming into his face. Masato fell onto his back. The room erupted with laughter. He grunted, blinking several times, and then sat up on his elbow and looked into his room to find everyone. Kazuya, Yukio, Natsu, Nori...just, all of them. Laughing at him as he lied on the floor. Masato sneered,

"What the hell?!"

Kazuya grinned, throwing the pillow into his face, "What? We thought you'd need an immediate distraction from therapy today."

"By smacking me in the face with a pillow?!" he growled. "What are you all doing here anyway?"

Nori got up off his bed, walking over to stand beside Kazuya; she offered her hand to help him up, "We told you already, to cheer you up. That, and we need to talk about HADIT."

"Yeah right. More like entertain yourselves." he grumbled, ignoring Nori's hand and getting up only to glare down at her.

She smiled innocently, "Maybe that too."

"None of this was my idea." Iva called. "Just so you know. We were originally going to meet at Yukio's, but Kazuya suggested this and everyone was all for it, so…"

"Oh, stop kissing his ass." Renata laughed. "You know it was funny. You laughed after all."

She blushed, and then laughed nervously. Masato rolled his eyes,

"Can we move this somewhere else. I don't want you people in my room."

"So a dog." Kiyomi said, the first to get up and walk out. "I guess that explains the stench in your room."

"As if you're not a bitch yourself." Masato said.

She looked at him, "You do realize you said that and included yourself, right?"

"Whatever!" he retorted, closing his door once everyone was out.

Yukio grinned, "So, are we not going to get to discuss the collection we found in your room?"

"Wha…" Masato looked at him with wide eyes.

Natsu laughed, "You were right!"

"I think I want to wash my hands." Renata said, frowning.

Iva nodded, "I second that."

Nori frowned, "Oh, that's so gross!"

"He was just lying! I didn't know what he was talking about." Masato retorted. "You guys are seriously pissing me off."

"Subject change!" Iva yelled. "Where are we going to talk?

Yukio sat on the floor, "Let's just sit out here in the hall. See, this is why I said we should've gone to my house. At least there's a room for things like this."

Everyone gave him a dirty look.

"Well, not everyone has or wants unnecessarily fancy houses, Yukio." Iva said, sitting down with the others.

He looked at her, "You say that now, but wait until you're married. It'll be the first thing you'll be asking for."

Iva crossed her arms, "Doubt it. My husband is going to be a humble man."

Yukio laughed and Natsu snorted at the same time. Iva frowned,

"What was that? Natsu?"

Natsu held his hand up, "Whoa, relax, sis. Based on observation-"

"Your observation does not mean you can predict the future." Iva interrupted, getting up quickly. "Things change real fast."

"I couldn't agree more." Yukio said, looking up at her. "People can change pretty fast."

Iva looked down at him, and then at everyone else. They were all looking between them curiously.

"I'm going to get drinks and snacks. Or something." she muttered, turning and heading down the stairs.

Yukio got up, "I'll help."

"You don't have to." she called back as she headed down the stairs.

He followed after her, "But I want to."

Iva glanced back at him, glaring. He just grinned and continued to follow after her. Once downstairs, Iva went to go into the living room to ask Kagome first, but found that no one was there. She frowned,

"Where'd they go?"

Yukio shrugged, leaning against the doorframe that led into the kitchen, "There's a lot of teens in the house, and it's InuYasha's day off. Maybe they ran away."

"Yeah, I'm sure InuYasha is totally fine with a lot of teenagers in his house." Iva said, walking past him and into the kitchen.

He walked in after her, "Well, you're here. Why not?"

Iva's hand froze just before grabbing the handle to the refrigerator. She looked over her shoulder at him,

"Was that meant as an insult, Yukio?"

"It wasn't an insult." he said with a laugh. "I just mean, of all of us, you're the most trustworthy and responsible; you wouldn't allow us to destroy anything. Plus, we all know Kazuya's a Mama's boy."

She shook her head, turning back to the fridge and opening it, "You're such a bully."

"Lighten up, Iva." he said, laughing again.

Iva ignored him, and scanned through the contents of the fridge. There were some leftovers, but she only wanted a snack for everyone. She smiled when her eyes landed on the jelly.

"Crackers sound good?" she asked.

Not really caring if he thought otherwise, Iva sat the jar on the counter and began searching for the peanut butter. Yukio shrugged, watching her looking around,

"I don't care."

The kitchen filled with silence. Soon enough, Iva found the peanut butter and went to find a container to mix the two together. She could feel Yukio's eyes following her every move. Occasionally, she'd look at him, but it didn't make him revert his eyes. If anything, it just made it more awkward. Iva knew why the air felt so strange around them.

She began to scoop some of the jelly into the container, zoning out and remembering the events of last night. She remembered how determined Yukio seemed; following her, and then eventually backing her up into his car. The way he teased her, the way she couldn't seem to form words, and then suddenly...him embracing her, his scent, the feel of his mouth on her neck, and...and…

"Iva, you planning to use the whole jar of jelly? I mean, I know there's a lot of us but I doubt we want that much,'re making a mess…."

Iva blinked out of her thoughts, and focused on what was before her. Almost the entire jar of jelly was empty now, and some of it had smeared onto her fingers.

"Oh, shoot. I guess I zoned out. Oops." she said with a nervous laugh, beginning to put some of the jelly back in the jar.

He smiled, walking over and leaned against the island, "What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." she said, too quickly. "I just zoned out is all. Promise."

Yukio's smile widened, "Why do you even try lying? You're horrible at it."

"I am not. I grew up with you liars. I'm just as much of a pro as the rest of you." she retorted, frowning at him.

He laughed, "Yeah right. Every time you lie, you say 'promise' afterward. So convincing when you have promise people you're telling the truth."

"Shut up!" she said.

Yukio just kept laughing at her, "I'm just saying."

Iva licked some of the jelly off her fingers, "Whatever."

"But really, Iva. What were you thinking about?" he asked, watching her closely.

She glanced up at him, but no response came. Yukio cocked his head,

"Too preoccupied with the jelly to talk? If you need help…"

"Nah, I'm done with the jelly." she said, screwing the lid back on the jar.

He shook his head, "Not what I meant."

Iva looked at him again, her nose scrunching up, "No, ew. I don't want your saliva on my fingers. You're so weird."

"You didn't seem to mind having it in your mouth." he said, reaching over and grabbing the peanut butter, uncapping it.

Meanwhile, Iva's face went from normal to blood red in two seconds. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Those bloodthirsty butterflies seemed to be back, raging about in her stomach. Once he was scooping the peanut butter into the container, he looked up at her,

"Part cat demon got your tongue?"

Yukio grinned at her. Usually, Iva would love that common smirk of his, but right now it was not okay. In fact, it irritated her.


"I'll take that as a yes?" he asked, scooping the peanut butter off the butterknife once he was done.

Iva slammed her hands on the counter, "Yukio! I can't believe you said that. The way you put the kiss made it sound totally disgusting."

"Well saliva is common when kissing with tongue, you know." he said.

Iva felt her face getting hotter by the second, "I know that! I'd just prefer not to acknowledge that! It sounds nasty."

"Nasty?" he laughed, licking the peanut butter off his finger. "How old are you again?"

Iva huffed, "Yukio."

"Alright, fine. I just wanted to somehow start the conversation about the kiss. Did you really plan to just ignore it?" he asked.

She retorted, "I told you. It shouldn't of happened. We should just forget it ever happened. You have a girlfriend, and other stuff, so…"

"If you'd let me talk yesterday, I would've told you I broke up with her. We had an argument about that fight, she was more worried about what to tell her friends than what had happened, and that was pretty much the end of it." he said, standing up, and walking around the island to stand in front of her. "I've wanted to be with you for a while, Iva. What happened yesterday wasn't spontaneous. Whenever I got the guts to ask you out, you were with some guy. Normally, I'd dismiss the fact you had a boyfriend and ask anyway, because...well, I'm awesome."

Iva crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes slightly, "Honestly, Yukio, you really aren't awesome at all. You've been with Seika for a long time, and you jump right to me just like that? Just because you broke up with her, does not mean that I'd accept any sort of relationship with you."

"Well, that's what you imply when you keep pointing out I have a girlfriend." he replied, raising an eyebrow at her.

Iva rolled her eyes, "Do you honestly think you're so irresistible that every girl will want you on the spot? Girls are no objects for you to use, and then throw away when you're done with them. Nor are they all dying to please you and your needs. I love you Yukio, as a very close friend that is, but why would I date such a conceited jerk?"

"If you aren't interested," he replied, taking a step closer to her, "then why did you kiss me back? Why do you act the way you do around me sometimes? Why have I always caught you staring at me, and the past few girlfriends I've had? Were those signs telling me you didn't like me?"

Iva didn't move away, but clenched her hands into fist nervously, "Well, I admire you. You're a smart, and good person when it doesn't come to girls."

"And the staring? You also never answered the returning the kiss part." he asked.

She stumbled on her words for a second, but soon got a hold of her thoughts, "Because I'm a nag, remember? I may be more responsible than you guys, but I have my flaws. Maybe I was thinking about how that girl wasn't right for you, or something. I've done it to Nori plenty of times with her past boyfriends, and Natsu with his girlfriends. With everyone who's ever been in a relationship, in fact."

"The kiss, Iva." he reminded.

Iva looked away, and then shrugged her shoulders.

"I...don't know. Heat of the moment, maybe? I promise it isn't what you're thinking." she muttered.

Yukio gave a laugh, "Un huh, right."

She looked back up at him, glaring now, "You didn't hear a word I said, did you? Not every girl wants you, Yukio."

"I heard you, Iva." he said with a sigh. "I understand I can be a bit of a pig. I can change, you know. Just give me a chance. I like you, you like me...why not give it a try?"

The humor in his eyes was replaced with sincerity. With all this fuss she was making, Iva never stopped to truly acknowledge his confession.

"I've wanted to be with you for a while, Iva. What happened yesterday wasn't spontaneous. Whenever I got the guts to ask you out, you were with some guy."

"Why do you like me?" she asked, the words coming out quieter than she'd meant.

Yukio smiled down at her, "It's been a while since I started liking you, Iva. I've known you my entire life. I're beautiful, so smart, kind-hearted, a pretty decent fighter, and you know me. You know the people closest to me. It may be platonic right now, but I love you. There aren't many girls outside my family I tell that to, ya know. Hell, there's no other girls beside you, Nori, and Maiko I say I love you to outside my family. Point being, you're special to me...and I like you. I'm not sure what else I can say or do that'll convince you. You can lie about it all you want, but you can't fool me. I know that you like me, and that's not me being conceited. That's me reading the signs."

By the time he was finish, Iva was blushing a light pink. Every part of her wanted to say 'yes', or 'why not'. However, too many bad memories prevented her from the naïveté of her old self. Swooning over sweet words and a charming smile, to only be cheated on, or dumped for varying reasons. She was too much of a nag, or there was someone else they became interested in.

"Story of a young girl's life, though, right?" she thought to herself.

Yukio sighed, "I'm not trying to force you, Iva. If you're really set on not-"

"That's not-, just wait." Iva interrupted, and then sighing herself. "I'm just not sure. My past relationships haven't exactly ended as I've wanted, and I guess I'm just scared, you know? You're one of those guys. You have the look, the walk, but your personalities always lead to me getting hurt. Plus, cliché complaint coming, but...I don't want to ruin what we have. This friendship I've known since I was born."

"Iva, I have no intentions of hurting you." he retorted.

Iva gave a small smile, "Would you have had intentions of hurting Seika? I mean, if she saw us kissing...she probably would've been hurt. It wasn't your intention, but in the end she still would be hurt."

"No she wouldn't. Seika and I had a mutual understanding. Our relationship wasn't based on one liking the other. It was…" he paused, thinking for a moment. "...selfish. Let's just put it that way. She wouldn't be hurt. Pissed, sure, but not hurt. You're far more important to me than any girl I've ever dated, Iva. Hell, if I've anything to do with it we'll never break up. And I know you're hesitant, but what's life without risk? Even if it doesn't work, I won't exile you from my life, and I'd hope you wouldn't exile me from yours."

Iva sighed again. It all sounded so convincing. She stood there, thinking about it. Yukio watched her with hopeful eyes. The same amber eyes that always managed to push all of them into doing something bad and disobedient, but also the eyes of someone she knew would never hurt those closest to him. Iva sighed,

"I need more time to think about it, Yukio. It isn't a no, but...I just need time."

"Alright." he said with a breath of relief, relaxing a bit. "That means I at least have a chance. Before we head back upstairs, can I just persuade you a little bit more?"

"There's more?" Iva asked, blinking up at him. "I don't think there's anything more you have to say, Yukio."

He wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her up against him. Yukio grinned,

"Who said anything about talking?"

Iva didn't even have time to react. The kiss was rather passionate right off the bat, not giving her the opportunity to even ponder pushing him away. Iva closed her eyes, and leaned into him, resting her hands on his chest. Slowly, she rose up on her toes and began to kiss him back. Yukio wrapped his other arm around her, resting his hand on her mid-back. They were both so entranced by each other, that they didn't notice that the entire house seemed to be in total silence.

Iva slid her hands down Yukio's chest slightly, and then wrapped them around his torso. However, before she could rest more comfortably against him, Yukio pulled away slightly, and laughed against her lips. She blinked, and then looked up at him,

"W-what's so funny?"

There was a loud thump, some laughter, and then Kazuya's voice yelling, "Masato! Get off!"

"That." he said. "We should go back upstairs. We're not here alone…..unfortunately."

"Oh crap!" Iva turned blood red, pulling away. "Did they hear all of that?"

"All but two are demons. What do you think?" he asked.

Iva covered her face, "I'm so embarrassed! I can't believe I let you kiss me here. What if Kagome and InuYasha are actually here, and we just didn't-"

"Relax. They're definitely not here." he said, giving a peculiar look and then smiling. "Hey, you know what I really want now?"

"W-what?" she asked, peeking through her fingers.

Yukio's smile turned into a smirk, "A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Always been a nice combo."

"Y-Yukio! You're so weird! Why would you say that?" she sat on one of the stools, slamming her arms on the counter and buried her face into her arms.

Yukio laughed, "What? I'm just saying."

The sound of several pairs of feet coming down the stairs made Iva groan.

"Are you lovebirds done?"

Of course, the first voice to be heard would be Masato. Iva groaned again,

"Please don't, you guys."

"But where's the fun in that?" Nori asked, scooting a stool closer to her sister, and sitting in it. "So, Natsu told us all an interesting story about last night."

"Come on guys, leave her alone." Yukio said. "It's got nothing to do with the rest of you."

"Awww." Masato cooed. "He's already getting so protective."

"Awww!" Renata said simultaneously with Masato, and then laughing.

"Seriously." Yukio said.

"Or what?" Kiyomi asked, eyeing the jelly and peanut butter. "You'll slap Masato again?"

"HAH!" Natsu guffawed.

Everyone else was either silent, or stifled their laughter. Masato, however, glared.

"Why'd you have to bring that up?" Yukio asked, glaring at his sister.

Kiyomi began looking through cabinets, "Where are the crackers?"

"Look, Masato." Yukio huffed. "I shouldn't of hit you, but you really were asking for it."

"Yeah, whatever. Just forget it." he said. "Next time, I'm not going to hold back. I'm just going to kick your ass."

"By all means." Yukio said with a grin, glancing past him and at Kazuya.

He was standing near the doorway of the kitchen, leaning against a wall, and glaring at the Yukio. He was about to say something, but Renata spoke up almost urgently,

"So! How about HADIT."

"Yeah." Yukio said slowly, looking back to Masato. "About HADIT. What's the plan, boss?"

Everyone turned their attention to Masato. He sighed, completely forgetting he'd been selected as Hakudoshi's co-captain. Masato sighed, scratching the back of his head. He wasn't the type to really lead, but there was a beginning to everything. Might as well embrace the power and enjoy the ride. However, a part of Masato was sure this would somehow end just as he was expecting it to. Just as most things he tried to control in his life failure and disappointment.

A/N: And there you have it. A fun (yet character developing) chapter to make up for my absence. I hope you enjoyed it. Peace.