Derek POV

The months flew by and Derek was planning a surprise trip to Chicago. His mom had been wanting to meet Jacob since he first mentioned him. Scarlette was on desk duty anyway so she can work the computer. He spoke to Hotch about the time off and they were between cases so he wasn't needed.

He walked up behind Garcia. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Hey Baby Girl, what are you and Jacob doing this weekend?"

She spinned her chair around. "Well Jacob has a game Friday night but then we're free. Why?"

"We are going to visit my mom for the weekend. Because we are between cases Hatch gave us a long weekend." Since they had Friday and Monday off too he could have Penelope all to himself on Friday while Jacob was at school. "And The Cubs are playing The Cardinals at Wrigley on Saturday." Garcia leaped out of her chair and landed in his arms.

"Hot Stuff, how often do I tell you I love you?"

"Everyday...its implied." he replied with a smile.

Penelope POV

The next morning she woke up to hear Derek singing in the shower. It brought to mind images of him naked in the shower. No one knew this about Derek but he was a huge Boyz 2 Men fan. She could hear the lyrics of "I'll Make Love to You"

"Girl relax, let's go slow

I ain't got nowhere to go

I'm just gonna concentrate on you

Girl are you ready, it's gonna be a long night

Throw your clothes on the floor

I'm gonna take my clothes off too

I made plans to be with you

Girl whatever you ask me, you know, I could do" She got up out of bed followed the singing all the way to the bathroom. And there stood Derek naked as the day he was born singing in a deep bass that was making her insides melt.

"I'll make love to you

Like you want me to

And I'll hold you tight

Baby all through the night

I'll make love to you

When you want me to

And I will not let go

'Till you tell me to"

She quietly got in the shower behind Derek. Then she slid around the front; running her naked body along his. "Good morning baby-girl" He said slowly leaning down and taking her mouth with his. "I'll show you a good morning" She pushed him to the shower wall and traced her fingers down his abs. He pulled her to him. He turned her around to face the shower putting his front to her back. He latched his lips onto her neck as the water cascaded over his back. He ran his hands first around her hips, up either side of her body, and slowly ran his hands under one of her breasts barely grazing it and driving her wild. Every inch of her was hyper sensitive.

Torturously slow he made his way up her body again his hand grazing her nipple this time. "Derek" she whined

"I love the way you say my name baby-girl."he said in her ear.

She turned them around until Derek's back was to the shower wall.

*The rest of this scene has been edited out due to content.

It was almost 9:30 by the time Derek and Penelope got out of the shower. Penelope was making breakfast when all of a sudden she remembered. "It's my turn to host snack time after the game."

"So we'll grab some cookies and kool aid on the way to the game." Derek replied unfazed.

"No, Derek one of Jacob's teammates is allergic to cookies and it has to be healthy." Penelope said. "I'll have to make some chocolate granola bars."

"How long will that take?" Derek asked.

"45 minutes, but I have to run to the organic food store. A couple of the other moms demand only organic. I also have to run to the grocery store for all of the other stuff for the apartment, then I have to stop at the hardware store, and now that I think about it we should stop at the sports outlet. Jacob needs some new cleats."

Derek's POV

I sat there listening to Penelope's list. I watched all of the plans I had for us disappear into thin air. I guess she saw my look of disappointment because she turned to me and said, "If you go to the hardware store and the sports outlet, I will stop at the Grocery stores and we'll meet back here by noon and we'll have 5 1/2 hours to do whatever you want.

On his way out the door Derek thought to himself. She needs some new screws to fix her bookcase, a screwdriver set, and some lightbulbs. Then I will go to Scheel's for Jacob's cleats and knee pads. When he got to the Hardware store,however, is when everything went wrong. He had so much trouble finding anything he needed at the hardware store even though he had been to this store so many times before. Then when he got to Sheels it was so busy he was crawling through moms and children just to reach the soccer section and when he did finally get there he almost forgot what size of cleats Jacob needed. Then when he was able to grab what he needed and get into the check-out line there was this woman, who was admittedly very pretty, started hitting on him. However, she did not seem to take the hint when he said he was taken and finally he just snapped. "I have a girlfriend I've been in love with for seven years, and no matter what you say that will not change." The gentleman at the counter just stared as he handed Derek his bag. He could not believe he acted in such a manner. He had never been that rude to anybody in his life.

By the time Derek got to his truck it was 12:30 and he had a text from Penelope.

Penelope- Where are you?

Derek- On my way

He had one more stop to make.

A/N: If there is anyone still reading this I would like to say thank you for being so patient with me. I have been having some health issues that's been keeping me in and out of the hospital for the last couple of months and this is the first time I have felt like writing anything. I am already working on the next chapter. Hopefully it will be up soon.
