Chapter one

A week before

I crawled from Vilkas's embrace, smiling down at my lover. Together at last, with no competition, just the two of us in this moment. I could not be happier. I dressed quietly and shot a final look at my sleeping mate, letting a soft smile slip onto my lips at the sight of him all cozy and sexy in our bed. I couldn't wait to crawl back into his embrace; if nature hadn't called, I wouldn't be leaving his arms at all. I crept quietly down the stairs and to the outhouse behind my home.

I relieved and washed myself quickly, returning within minutes of slipping outside only to find Eldar and Lydia already awake and tending to the fire and getting food ready for the morning meal.

"Mornin'," Eldar called with a shy smile.

"Good morning, my thane," Lydia also called from the table.

I glanced up the stairwell longingly, my shoulder drooping as the hope of a few more snuggling hours with Vilkas disappeared.

"Morning to you both," I replied. Noticing that there were only three settings on the table. "Lydia, please set an extra setting for Vilkas. I'm sure he will be joining us shortly."

"Yes, my lady," she answered with a grin. "Though I am sure you wore him out enough that he will sleep until midday for sure." She whispered only loud enough for me to hear.

I tossed a loaf of bread at her, laughing. She caught it in midair with one hand and broke it into four chunks, one for each of us, a grin on her face. We worked together quietly, making a meal of eider cheese, apples, and bread. We were just settling in to eat when Vilkas made his appearance.

"Morning," the three of us chorused to him. He smiled and nodded to us, running a hand through his tangled, long black hair. I hadn't noticed last night how long it had gotten; it almost was the same length as Farkas's. He slid on to the bench next to me, giving my leg a light squeeze. We ate silently as Vilkas told us how Ulfric and he had tracked down the tailor. I was glad they had caught the bastard.

"We did discover that his only intention was for you to marry Ulfric, but his mate had other plans."

"Was she the one who tortured you in the dungeons?" Eldar asked in a small whisper to the Companion. We were surprised to hear him speak; he'd been so quiet since our return here, especially around Vilkas, slinking away from the man as if afraid of him even though I knew Vilkas would never harm the child.

"Yes," Lydia responded for Vilkas, seeing the slow fury flash across his cheeks.

"She should be punished terribly for what she did to you."

"Aye, and she will be lad," Vilkas promised.

"Just so long as no one kills her until we know her reasons for your capture, and if she had anything to do with my attack," I added.

"You don't think that the Thalmor and the Empire are only to blame?" Lydia asked.

I shook my head firmly. "No, I don't think they are only to blame." I took a mouthful of bread, taking the time to chew it before posing the next question. "Doesn't anyone else think the timing of the two events was too coincidental? They had to be tied together somehow." I took a long drink of water, waiting for my words to sink in with my companions. "She definitely knows more than we think; there is much more to this story."

Everyone was silent; the only noise to be heard was the sound of chewing and swallowing. Vilkas finally broke the silence. "What makes you so sure?"

"Eldar." I replied, rising from the table clearing my plate, nodding at Ulfric's son.

"What? Why would he make you think that?" Lydia rose as well, her plate in hand, and took mine from me to wash.

"Because of what he saw that night Farkas was kidnapped." I sat back down beside Vilkas at the table.

"What did you see?" Vilkas asked Eldar, his food forgotten as he focused on the half-Redguard.

The boy blushed, nervous to be under the focus of Vilkas's stare. Clearing his throat, he responded. "There were dark elves with the wood elf that night. On the wrist of one of them was the insignia of the Empire. But they used magic."

"So she was working with them." Lydia drawled, washing her hands.

"Perhaps, it definitely seems that way. I believe they are connected and I want to talk to her to find out for sure." I paused and took a deep breath. "This is why Vilkas and I will be leaving for Windhelm in a few days."

"Do you think it is wise to see Ulfric, my thane?"

"Probably not but I have no real choice in the matter." I held a hand up to brush off Vilkas, sighing. "I cannot avoid him forever. One day he will be High King and we will all be subject to his rule. Best to get back into his good graces now before that happens."

"Do not remind me of our impending future," Vilkas snarled. I half-smiled at my lover. Yes, it was true Ulfric could be a royal pain, but he would be a good ruler for Skyrim once he got past the whole Nords and humans only mindset. Plus, Talos knows I had no desire to rule Skyrim, alone or beside someone.