ok everyone! final chapter! even when i was writing this i just had the biggest smile on my face, so I hope it's the same for you :) it makes me happy in the midst of all this horribleness that is WH13 right now. so this is joyous. please review so i can know what you guys thought of the whole thing! i might have some ideas for more stuff like one-shots and things so let me know what you think! thanks for reading :)

disclaimer: nope.

Myka couldn't believe her eyes. She really was not expecting this, especially after all those innocent pages she'd read previous to this one. Oh Helena. Why did you put this in here?

She skimmed the rest of the page, and the next, and the next, eyes growing wider and wider as she took in what was there, popping out at her, in Helena's handwriting. There, written all over the every page, were plans. With Myka's name written all over them. No, not bad, destroy-all-of-humanity plans, but plans on how to get Myka into bed with her. They were Helena's seduction techniques... all dedicated to Myka. Now she finally understood why Helena was so hesitant and embarrassed to hand over her journal to Myka. These were Helena's deepest wishes and dreams, and they were all about Myka. She knew that she should probably not continue reading, but knowing that Helena thought about this about HER, Myka read more and more.

There were more seduction techniques, some, as Myka realized, that HG was currently using on Myka... and that were working. The forward compliments, the banter, the brushes of skin against skin...wow, I guess Helena really does know me better than I know myself.

As Myka read deeper and deeper into HG's journal, she discovered the great imagination of this woman, making her blush, and then remembering Helena's words "I do so enjoy seeing you blush," and making her blush even more. As she read more and more, Myka again felt something pool low in her stomach, making her whole body heat up. It amazed her that Helena really thought of her this way, and thought of it so much. By the time the major section of sexual fantasies and dreams and ways of falling into bed together had ended, there were only about 10 pages left. And what Myka found when she got there.. it was unlike anything anyone had ever read to her or given to her.

Myka, my moonlight path, guiding me out of the darkness with your soft glow, gentle smile, and all-knowing mind. You are my savior, forgiveness and empathy flowing from your immense heart. The light from your soul is blinding, breaking through the darkness of mine, and taking up residence there...

There are lines and lines of long and short and straightforward and wordy poems.. all in which Helena expresses her feelings of adoration and admiration.. for Myka. They are so touching, and Myka continues reading, tracing the words with her finger, committing them to memory for a time when hope will inevitably be lost once again. Myka doesn't even feel the tears gliding down her face until one plops onto the page and shatters like glass, soaking into the worn paper. Myka reaches the last page, and, reading it, breathes in sharply and loudly, sending Helena running up the stairs to see if she's alright. When she opens the door, Myka meets her eyes, and there is understanding, knowing, seeing, beauty, and a glimmer of something like a promise, a future. Myka just stares at Helena so intensely, her eyes still glistening, but so softly, communicating more than words could - the feelings that run so deeply in both of them that there is nothing for either of them to say that could express those emotions, so Myka just says "Here, I finished reading- uh, skimming. Turns out you're not evil, anymore," she says, trying to keep Helena from seeing the state she's in, and gives HG back her journal.

"Myka, are you-" HG is cut off by Myka saying, "I'm fine. Just go back to what you were writing before, on the last page. Here, here's a pen, you can sit at my desk, because I still have to keep my eye on you," Myka says, not so inadvertently saying 'my' instead of 'an'. She watches as Helena opens up to the last page, where fresh ink is still setting, and reads the words again that she had just recently written.

Helena takes in a shaky breath and lifts her head to look at Myka, who is sitting there, with bated breathes, chewing on her lip so strongly that Helena feels the need to put her journal down, walk over to Myka, and stare into her eyes so intensely, until Myka stops moving, stops breathing. With that, Helena moves closer, until their lips are mere centimeters apart, runs her hand through Myka's curls and settles it along her skull, and brushes her lips against Myka's. It takes a second for Myka to realize what is happening, and then she falls into the kiss- cupping her hand ever so gently around Helena's cheek, brushing her thumb over it as Helena pulls away from the kiss, leaving a feather-light one on Myka's forehead.

They just sit there, for a while, staring at each other, smiles so soft, but so full of joy and fulfillment and truth. And then they hear the front door open and Claudia squeals like only she can, and it gets rather rowdy, and then they hear Pete saying Steve's home, and so they stand up and walk out of Myka's room, together, lacing their hands together, needing no words, because they know each other better than anyone else, even themselves. And they know that nothing will keep them apart, and Jane yells up to them that HG's good to go, and they squeeze each other's hands, looking into each other's eyes, and they know, they are walking, not away, from their truths, but hand in hand with them.

And the journal lays open on the desk and the page reads, "I love you, Myka. You make my heart so helpless." in Helena's distinct handwriting. And under it is scribbled, "I can't help it. I love you, always."