I do not own The Outsiders.

I am so horrible. I started a new fic when I had three others I needed to complete.

Oh well. R&R!


Sodapop looked at the book in his hands as he walked to the Curtis home with Steve. They had just left work. Why Sodapop was holding a book? Well, here's the story. So sit back and chill out with Dally.

You see, as Steve and Soda was walking home, a gypsy was roaming the street with a lot of old books in her hand. Soda, not watching where he was going, bumped into the woman and all of the books fell down onto the sidewalk. Feeling sorry for her, he helped pick the books up. But as he picked up the last book, he couldn't help but think of his little brother, Ponyboy Curtis. The last book that he picked looked the oldest of the books and the leather on it looked like it was about to come off. The book was labeled in some sort of writing system that he could not read. (It's called runes) The gypsy noticed the look her book was getting and smiled.

"Thank you for helping. If you want, you can take that book," she said. Sodapop handed the books to her and held the one that she said he could keep. This was definitely going to be a gift to Ponyboy.

And that's how he got the book.

The two friends entered Sodapop's home and as they stepped in, there were loud noises. It seemed like the whole gang had come and waited for them to return.

Ponyboy, who was on the couch, reading, looked up at Soda and smiled then glanced at Steve and quickly looked away when tension grew between them.

"Hey, Pones, I got you something," Soda said as he handed him the old book. Ponyboy looked at the book in confusion. It seems that he could not read the characters on the cover too. Ponyboy, being a generous little brother, shrugged it off and thanked Soda. Ponyboy then set the old book on the table to read the contents later.

Sodapop, who wanted to know what was inside (if it was English), pouted as he flopped on the sofa next to Ponyboy and grabbed the book, replacing it with the one in Ponyboy's hands.

Ponyboy, in return, made a few arguments but then sighed and opened the old book.

"So…What does it say?" Sodapop asked, hoping that the book was worth getting. But these words caught Johnny's attention, and the puppy-like boy came to see what the commotion was about. When Johnny left the kitchen, it caught Dally's attention and he slipped into the small group around Ponyboy. Feeling alone, Two-Bit came over and Darry came over to see what the crowding was about.

Ponyboy, feeling uncomfortable, scanned through the first page, rereading it to see if he got it correct. Then he flipped through all the pages to see what they were alike. After all of that, the boy looked at Sodapop and looked at him with a where-the-heck-did-you-buy-this look.

"Where did you get this?" Ponyboy asked.

"I helped this lady pick up her fallen books and she gave that to me. I don't really read books so I gave it to you," Soda explained. "What's it about?"

"Well…It's a book of spells and rituals. And a whole lot of information about tarot cards."

"Well, that was kind of worthless bringing that here then," Steve said, snickering. He started to joke with Dally who cracked a grin. They did not believe in witchcraft.

"Hey, let's see if these are real," Two-Bit proposed.

"What if something happens, man?" Johnny asked, earning laughter from Steve and Dally, even a chuckle from Darry.

"You believe this kind of stuff Johnny?" Steve asked, still laughing.

"Stop picking on Johnny!" Ponyboy defended. The two glared at each other, tension growing.

"Hey! Let's try one out!" Two-Bit proposed again, interrupting the two glaring guys.

"I agree with Two-Bit. We will never know until we try!" Soda encouraged.

"Alright…" Ponyboy agreed. The gang, besides Ponyboy and Johnny, who were about to join them, gathered around the book. Two-Bit flipped open the book to an open page and told everyone that they were doing that one. He started to mumble the words that lye on the page (It was a good thing that they were in English).

Ponyboy, who just got up from the couch, started to get worried. Johnny was too. They both had feelings that magic was real and from the movies that they watched, they knew that if you don't read the instructions, something bad will happen.

"Wait! Read the instructions and what spell it is before you use it!" Ponyboy shouted at them. But by then, it was too late. Two-Bit already finished the spell and a huge puff of smoke filled the house.


Chapter one is done! I was very motivated with this!

By the way. Spells do not work the way I wrote them. Magic is supposed to help you get what you need, not just instantly have it. Plus, the spell and ritual has to be carried out perfectly with full concentration on the right day and the right moon phase. =.= I just got lazy and did not want to do all the stuff.

Review because if you don't, then you did not stay gold for Johnny because that's just cruel. Even if you don't have an account. Just type in your comment and send it to me. It doesn't matter if you have an account or not.