Wishing you luck Peter Capaldi as the future 12th Doctor. Your unveiling gave me the writers bug.

Chapter contains a lot of strangeness, and conversations (don't worry, it's all vital to the plot).

Chapter 2: Computer Bugs

In the back of her mind there was the Doctor, and the hope of running into him again. Was it weird for her to be thinking about another man so much? Possibly, but this man was unlike anything she ever encountered. He was special, he was different, and he was a man filled with secrets. The fact that they were two people never destined to meet made him even more mysterious. As much as she wanted to tell her friends about the man, she decided not to. The Doctor was her little secret, and she didn't need her friends instigating him.

It was evening, and Tecna strolled by herself down the darkened streets of the city. After a busy day of teaching, marking, and bizarre encounters she finally found time to visit the electronics store in downtown Magix. The fact that her computer could not identify the Doctor's ship made her think that she needed to update its search engine (or maybe it was just another excuse to escape to Magix to find the Doctor again).

She sighed and entered the electronics store, and to Tecna's surprise the entire store was deserted. She wasn't surprised to not see any customers (it was the evening after all), but what really surprised her was the missing staff. There was a reason behind everything, and she only assumed the employees were in the back room organizing boxes and fixing electronics.

"Hello?" She called out, only to be replied with by her own echo.

Tecna shrugged and headed down the aisle on the right wall where they had a large assortment of computers and palmtops set up to browse. She let her senses for technology guide her down the long aisle, until her senses guided her to something she would like. Her senses may seem weird to some, but she did come from Zenith and her powers were technology based after all. She just had a knack for finding the perfect electronics.

She found herself casually guided to a computer near the back. This particular computer didn't seem to stand out any more than the rest with its millimetre thick screen connected to a sleek silver base. The only thing that stood out to Tecna was the fact the screen was showing nothing but a matrix of black and green binary code. None of the other computers were like this, so why this one?

"Well you're certainly not like the others…" She pondered as she moved her face a few centimetres from the almost hypnotic screen. "A virus perhaps?"

Tecna sensed something coming from the computer as if it were calling to her, which was completely illogical because computers did not talk (obviously). What was the calling though? It almost sounded like something was calling for help inside of the computer, and that it wanted her and her help. Tecna still couldn't help but shake off a bad vice she was having.

Bad vice or not, something was calling for her help.

Being controlled by her sub-conscious, she had the urge to touch the eccentric machine. She brought her hand up to the thin screen, and pressed her palm against it. Instantly she realized the screen was not solid, but rather had a cold, sticky, gelatinous form. The screen rippled with her touch.

She pulled away out of shock, and the computer screen reformed back to its original state. "What the…" Tecna had no way to describe her shock and confusion. She suddenly felt brave, and this time she pressed her hand into the screen so halfway to her elbow was pressed into the binary screen. It felt like she was pressing her hand into a cold gelatin, but she could feel the movement of the streaming code on her bare arm. Frightened, she tried to pull her arm away. She found that this time the gelatinous screen did not let go, and now she could only move her hand a few inches away from the screen; a sticky code of binary connecting her to the computer.

She struggled to pull away, and fought against the gelatinous goo. She looked down at her arm now connected to the computer by some strange binary code substance.

"If this is someone's sick idea of a joke…very funny. I'm really laughing," she sarcastically called out, and waited for someone to reply. She was greeted with silence. This was beyond something her friends were capable of doing, and she wasn't a target of some witch. Maybe it was the Doctor messing with her.

She hardly knew anything about the man after all. Maybe he liked to play tricks on his acquaintances.

Suddenly the coding seemed to climb up her arm a few centimetres, and did not appear to loosen its grip on her. "Okay Doctor, I'm putting an end to…whatever this is," she held an energy ball of magic in her free hand and prepared to fire at the computer (or rather whatever was disguised as a computer). "Megawatt!" She shouted and a green beam was fired directing into the screen.

Tecna was stunned to find that nothing happened.

"What in Magix is this thing?" Tecna panicked, and tugged at her trapped arm. She almost felt humiliated by this odd circumstance; a Guardian Fairy of Zenith powerless against some bizarre matrix goo. "If any of my friends seen me now…" She mumbled to herself.

She tugged again, but this time she felt something climbing up her arm inside the computers matrix screen. The sensation climbed up her arm, until whatever it was emerged out of the screen. Tecna cringed when she saw a rather large bug emerge out of the binary matrix.

"Don't tell me you're behind this," she looked intensively at the bug. It seemed like some sort of silvery (almost metallic) beetle, with a long and skinny fragmented body, eight legs, and one focal eye in the centre of its head. The strange insect climbed its way up her arm until it was halfway up between her shoulder and elbow. "You're definitely a strange little creature..." She trailed off as a light blue light shone out of its eyes and appeared to scan her. The scanning caused an irritating sting, and Tecna immediately swatted the creature off her arm and on to the floor. "That was illogically odd."

Tecna seemed to freeze out of fright as she felt another bug crawl up her arm from within the computer. Suddenly it was more than one; 2…3…6… Tecna wondered how many there could possibly be. It seemed like a swarm now of the strange little creatures, and it didn't seem as though they were going to stop emerging from the screen. She couldn't stop questioning what the little insects were, and what their purpose was. Were they specifically targeting her? This whole ordeal was starting to feel like some elaborate trap, but the Magical Dimension was free from any threats (nor was she a target for any type of villain at that). That target for villains belonged to none other than the Princess of Domino, Bloom.

She had too many questions, not enough answers, and a whole lot of insects.

"Pardon me miss, but it looks like you need some help," a familiar voice laughed from beside her. She whipped her head around to see the Doctor blaring a goofy smile. Tecna was not impressed.

Tecna glared her eyes angrily. "You have about ten seconds to get me out of your trap before a vaporize you, Doctor."

The Doctor sat on the counter next to the strange computer. He pointed at her trapped arm. "Wait, you think this is my doing? Afraid not my dear Tecna…" He watched his magenta haired friend swat a couple more of the silver bugs to the ground. More began climbing up her arm again like they were a part of an infinite swarm.

The sticky binary climbed up even higher on her arm until it was above her elbow. The Doctor heard panic in her voice as she yet again threw bugs off her. "Your doing or not, I could really use some help. My magic is completely ineffective on the computer," she shot another energy beam into the computer, "See? Nothing," she tugged again.

"Ah, of course," The Doctor bounced off the counter in excitement. "It seems you are stuck in a rather...sticky situation."


"Okay okay, don't get so snippy," he went to investigate the binary screen while Tecna tried her best to take care of the hoard of bugs. The Doctor pressed his index finger onto the gelatinous screen and he began to talk aloud to himself. "Do computers normally have screens like this? No, of course not, that's ridiculous. The screen is like that of a gelatin treat, or the sticky texture of a Slavine. So why is this one like this…and who put it here? Which also draws the question, why you specifically Tecna?" The Doctor reached around in his pocket for something. "There is more than meets the eye with this computer," he pulled out something with a glowing green end, "And this should help solve all our problems."

"Wh-what is that?" Tecna asked while fearfully swatting away more bugs to the ground. Tecna noticed that every bug that hit the ground oddly disintegrated into nothing. Even though they disintegrated, more insects still climbed up her.

It was bronze, silver, black, and had a silver claw leading up to the green light on the end. The Doctor laughed. "It's a sonic screwdriver, and it's going to set you free."

"That little thing? You're insane."

"I once remember hearing that good things come in small packages," he sounded slightly appalled by her comment, "Now, when I say pull, pull. Got it?" She only nodded in confusion and grimaced while she waited for his signal. Tecna heard a high frequency ringing noise come from the Doctor's screwdriver as he it from corner to corner on the computer. He repetitiously did so, and as he turned up the frequency even more the gelatinous screen began to loosen around her arm.

"Doctor, it's working!" Her face gleamed in relief.

"Of course it is Tecna, now pull," he instructed as he brought the sonic screwdriver along to the back of the thin screen. Tecna tumbled to the ground as the screen finally let her go. To the Doctor's shock a bright light was emitted from the screen that blinded both him and Tecna. When the light faded all insects had disappeared, and the once eccentric computer was rid of its strange binary screen. He flicked the screen to find it solid like any other computer.

"The computers back to normal?" Tecna flashed her eyes a couple times in shock. The Doctor leant her a hand and helped her off the ground, "But how?"

He soniced the computer again. "No it's not back to normal, it has merely put itself into a security mode. Whoever is behind this felt my screwdriver breach into it, and has shunned itself away for an unprecedented amount of time."

"So…it's basically put up a shield over its screen so you can't access whatever is inside?"

"Exactly, so I guess there's no tracking down your stalker," he replied softly. He could see in Tecna's eyes that she was disappointed that she would never find out who was behind everything. "Any idea who would do such a thing?"

"No clue," she shrugged softly, "I've never been the target of world threatening enemies, so I'm sure this was just some illogical encounter. It was a nerve-wracking experience to say the least though."

"Cheer up, it's behind you now. Now, how did you get yourself into such an odd predicament?"

The two began walking out of the store side by side. She spoke rather quietly as she was still heavy in shock. "I was just shopping for a new palmtop. Being the fairy of technology I have these instincts when it comes to technology. I just…my instincts led me to that particular computer. It was calling to me for my help, so naturally I just followed my vibes. One thing led to another, and I got stuck."

"Well thankfully your Doctor was there in your time of need," he gleamed and put an arm around her in a friendly way. As much as Tecna was in shock; the Doctor was not. He was used to danger popping up around every corner.

"How did you even know where I was?" She looked up at him with raised eyebrows and doe eyes. "Don't tell me you've been stalking me…"

"I wouldn't call it stalking…" He nervously scratched the back of his head, "I've just been watching out for you."

"So you were stalking me?" She frowned.

"It's not what you think, honest," he brought out his apologetic voice, "I was just watching out for you, because I felt like you were potentially in danger."

"I can take care of myself Doctor. I'm not weak," Tecna crossed her arms stubbornly. "You just don't comprehend what I've encountered in the past. I've battled it all: trolls, witches, dark wizards, and even the mighty phoenix. This incident was a mere scrape compared to the creatures I've battled."

"That makes two of us," the Doctor added, "Well, except they weren't creatures you find in this Magical Dimension. Look, I'm sorry I've upset you," he changed the subject. Though he felt he didn't need to hide anything from the striving fairy, but he still did not feel comfortable dumping his alien background and time lord science on her (even though he was certain Tecna would understand one-hundred percent of such science).

She coldly replied. "I'm sure you are Doctor." The pair suddenly went silent as they continued to walk down the dark city streets. She finally spoke up again very timidly with wide eyes. "What do you mean by 'that makes two of us'?"

He gave a short chuckle. "I too have fought against the bloody forces of evil, but it has happened so many times that I've lost count."

"Ah, but without magic, brawns or a weapon how could you successfully do so?"

"Quick wits and…" he pulled out something familiar from his pocket and smiled, "This sonic screwdriver. It can open locked doors as well as close them, provide medical diagnosis on anyone, and can scan any electronics to find out almost anything about them…just to name a few functions."

"So you can get info on anyone just by scanning?" Tecna stopped walking.

"Let me demonstrate," he approached her. The sonic screeched is typical noise as he did a quick up-down motion with it on Tecna. He looked tentatively at his sonic and read off its accurate info. "You are Tecna of Zenith at the ripe age of 19 and your birthday is December 19th. You are a Believix level fairy of technology, and I won't even try to pretend I know what Believix means. You have an IQ of 150, and that magenta hair colour is completely natural. Shall I ready anymore?" He put his sonic away as she shook her head no.

"Impressive, but I still don't see how you could battle evil just with that…" Tecna looked at his screwdriver skeptically. "I mean it doesn't appear to do much in the sense of combat. I do give your screwdriver props for its strategic properties, but how it could ever stand up in the heat of action is just illogical."

"Defeating an enemy doesn't always require strength or a powerful weapon," he educated the young fairy, "With the right wits, allies, tactics, and luck...my sonic screwdriver becomes one of the handiest tools around—especially if my enemies are very technologically inclined. This means short circuiting any of their weapons, powerful equipment, or even crippling the enemy at hand if they are more on the robotic side."

They began walking again, but Tecna kept her head fixated in the ground. "What is with you Doctor…you are the strangest man I have ever met. You stalk me, protect me, and you claim to defeat evil with a screwdriver. This is absolutely illogical!"

"It's a sonic screwdriver…completely different."

"Anyway…I ask you questions to clear up my confusion surrounding you, but here I am even more clueless than before. I don't even know your name or where you are from! Why hide your name? Why hide where you are from?"

"You wouldn't even know the planet I'm from, so what's the point? Even with your magic you would never reach it," he explained. "There are people out there who would kill to know my name you know… If some certain people found out my name…that could mean the destruction of the universe if the wrong person found out. Now, leave it Tecna."

"A single man's name could cause the potential destruction of the universe?" She stopped walking as she realized they were standing next to a hover-bus that would be taking her to Alfea. "I'm not sure what to think about you Doctor. You are just one big mystery."

"And that's how I like to keep it," he smiled. The Doctor suddenly realized Tecna was about to board the bus right in front of them. "Wait, where are you going?"

"It's late and I'm going back to my school, Alfea," she replied bluntly. She saw the Doctor's confused face. "It's way outside the city in the middle of the forest, hard to miss. Now, I really must be going…goodbye Doctor."

"Well I guess I shouldn't hold you up," he replied softly as Tecna began walking toward the hover-bus, "Goodbye."

To the Doctor's surprise she turned around to face him again. She appeared to be suddenly blushing. "Oh, and I…I…thanks for helping me back there against the computer bugs. Who knows where I would be right now without your help." She rushed onto the bus before the Doctor could even say a thing.


The Tardis landed in the middle of a dark forest with a small thump and a great gust of wind. The Doctor stepped out into the moonlight, and could barely see far in front of him. "Hm…I told the Tardis to bring me to Alfea, and unless it is underground I'm pretty sure I'm not near it." He approached the exterior of the Tardis. "Don't tell me you're glitching agai—wait, you couldn't get any closer to the school? Preposterous…why not?" He crossed his arms. "Oh really? I find that hard to believe. I'll go investigate myself…" He used a hunch and walked to where he saw a clearing in the forest. As he stumbled out he realized he was up on a small hill, and in the distance a rather large silhouette of an extravagant structure.

He began walking quickly towards the school. "That must be Alfea, but I don't see the force fiel-" The Doctor felt something invisible stop him dead in his tracks as he roughly slammed into an invisible wall, "Found it," he grumbled with his face still plastered to the imperceptible wall. He backed away a few feet. "Must be some barrier keeping non-magical entities out. I suppose I could turn back and head to the Tardis, or…" The Doctor grinned maliciously and pulled out the infamous screwdriver and pointed it at the barrier. A yellow translucent barrier appeared in front of him, and the Doctor could see it form a giant dome around the school and the surrounding area.

"I appear to be an outsider, but not for long," he told himself as he turned up the frequency on the sonic screwdriver. The barrier began to break up in front of the Doctor, and a big enough opening for the Doctor to walk through opened up. He walked through and the barrier sealed up behind him; leaving no trace of the Doctor's innocent infiltration.

An update will not be coming anytime soon, as my third year of university is right around the corner. Reviews are always appreciated. All stories will be under a short hiatus.