Dawn of the Chaos

Chapter 57: It's Over

-Six months later-

"…" A dragon is standing in The Lost City of Twilight. She is looking at the tomb in front of her.

Rest in Peace Forever

The Brave Hero of Legend Who Use the Power of Earth

Tysand the Garchomp

"…" Then she turns her attention to a tomb beside the first tomb.

Rest in Peace for eternity

The Wise Hero of Legend Who Use the Power of Wind

Falcon the Lugia

"…Winsol, are you alright?" Someone says and walks into The Lost City of Twilight.

"…I am fine, Tersoul." Winsol says.

"…It has been six months since that, isn't it?" Tersoul says.

"…Yes. It looks like it was just happened yesterday…" Winsol says.

"Yeah, now we are working at the Lightview Guild. And Link becomes the Guildmaster…" Tersoul says.

"Aurus decided to give him the position and he went away to train his fighting skill. And Darmour took place as Link's second hand…" Winsol says.

"Zelda is at the Palace of Mist. She is fine too." Tersoul says.

"That's good news." Winsol says.

"And a good news is, Jedi, Ordin, Scarley and Lumiere decided to join our guild too." Tersoul says.

"Hm?" Winsol says.

"Jedi and Lumiere said that they don't want to be the king. Ordin finally graduated from his school. And Scarley decided to quit being a pirate." Tersoul says.

"Everyone is fine?" Winsol asks.

"Yeah, Lumiere is a hard-working Pokemon. But the rest are a bit lazy. But once they get scolded by Link, they quickly get up and go for a work." Tersoul says.

"How about… my father's minions?" Winsol asks.

"They are living in the Kingdom of the Dragonking. They live happily in that place. And Latios and Latias are fine. Long live for the Dragonking…" Tersoul says.

"Long live for the Dragonqueen…" Winsol says.

"And my father and my mother are living happily in the Lumina." Tersoul says.

"And the last one…" Winsol says.

"You mean Frostic? He leaves us as soon as we finished our mission. No one has ever seen him again. I wonder where he is…" Tersoul says.

"…" Winsol says nothing.

"…Don't worry, Winsol. I am sure that your parents are fine…" Tersoul says.

"…Tersoul, do you remember what our fathers told us at the Palace of Legend?" Winsol asks.

"About the sin?" Tersoul asks.

"Yes…" Winsol says.

"…Yes. I will never forget it…" Tersoul says and thinks back to the thing that Falcon and Tysand said…

"Winsol, the Legendary Pokemon in the Legendary Land has forbidden me from marrying with Florentine. At first I don't understand them. But now…" Falcon says.

"Now what?" Winsol asks.

"…They are right. Because if ordinary Pokemon marries with Legendary Pokemon, something bad would happen…" Falcon says.

"Something bad?" Winsol asks.

"Yes. Have you ever thought about why you were born with a Draconic look?" Falcon says.

"What?!" Winsol says and looks at herself.

"… It's because the married between ordinary Pokemon and Legendary Pokemon." Falcon says.

"If ordinary Pokemon gets married with Legendary Pokemon, their child will become a mutant Pokemon because the distortion of the gene." Tysand says.

"The distortion of the gene can happen in 3 types. The first type is you, Winsol. You are sanity Pokemon. But your body…. You are Lugia like me. But you have a Draconic look because Florentine is a dragon type Pokemon…" Falcon says.

"My niece, you are lucky because this mutation type is the best type among three types." Tysand says.

"Best?! Are you insane?!" Tersoul says.

"Son, you are as stupid as ever…" Tysand says.

"The second type is a little insanity Pokemon. And he or she has a little different body from normal Pokemon, like me." Falcon says.

"Falcon has a little mental problem and he has his shadow form." Tysand says.

"And the last one is the Pokemon with a body like normal Pokemon. But they are very insanity." Falcon says.

"I bet that my father is in this type." Tersoul says.

"It's true." Tysand says.

"So if you two want to marry with each other, your child will be a mutant Pokemon like us." Falcon says.

"I know that you know the feeling to be a mutant Pokemon." Tysand says.

"Yes. It is worse than death…" Falcon says.

"Yes. It is worse than death. We are the creature that Arceus never cares." Winsol says.

"…" Tersoul says.

"The fate is so cruel. But I can accept it." Winsol says.

"What do you think about… what will happen to our child?" Tersoul asks.

"…Let's not think about it. We are still fifteen…" Winsol says.

"Yes. By the way, we have a work to do. Link asked us to go to investigate the Mt. Snowlost. He said that something strange occurs around that place…" Tersoul says.

"Yes. We must focus on our work!" Winsol says.

"Yeah, let's go!" Tersoul says. Then they run out of The Lost City of Twilight.



"…" A gray dragon looks at the snow fall outside his castle. He is the Hero of Snow. But once the mission to save the world from the void finish, he left the group and decided to live alone in his castle. His wife isn't with him.

"…Here you are!" Someone says and walks into the castle.

"Who are you?!" A gray dragon asks with a furious voice.

"Don't say anything, come with me!"

"Why you want me to come with you?!" A gray dragon asks.

"Need not to know…"

"What will happen if I don't come with you?" A gray dragon asks.

"You will regret about it!"

"Then I choose to feel regret." A gray dragon says.

"You must! You have no choice!"

"Then I have no choice…"


"W…What are you doing?!" A gray dragon asks.

"I will force you to come with me!"

"I won't! I will not use my power to help a bad guy like you!" A gray dragon says.


"ARRRRR" A gray dragon roars in pain.


Then that mysterious Pokemon/Human disappears with a gray dragon… like no one was in this place before…

Whew…. Finish for my second fanfiction. Do you like it? Feel free to comment. All Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Mario and Mother stuff in this story belong to Nintendo. Final Fantasy stuff belongs to Square Soft. This story belongs to me. Thank you to everyone who read my story. A special thank to ArianandXaia who continue reading my story and help me about the grammar and for some advice. I am sorry for some grammar mistake. But I hope you all enjoy my story. Now I am planning to write the Pokemon x Zelda fanfiction again. The story next to this one will happen around 1,000 years after DotC, so most characters that appear in this one and TLCoT won't appear in the next one. The next one will have a little connection with TLCoT and DotC… So please wait for it because I will add the Pokemon Gen VI stuff into the next one. Thank you for reading again!
