~ + Okay, I wanna thank everyone who has gotten to this chapter in this story. This was my first story on fanfiction. I just had a random idea for a One Piece story and wanted to write about it. So I did, and thanks to all you guys, this story now has 10,842 views, 22 reviews, 22 followers, and 23 favorites. I can't thank you enough for adding to my enthusiasm for writing, which I used to hate, but now writing is the thing that makes me a busy person. Thank you, thank you, and again, thank you for actually reading this.. terribly-written story. One day I might actually rewrite this... o_e imagine that XD + ~

Chapter 15

Ace's POV

Ehh.. Why am I so tired..? And cold, too... except for my back.. and what now, I feel a...heartbeat?

"Let go of me," I stated, clearly annoyed by the situation. Unfortunately, most people don't usually like to listen to you. I tried anyway, though.

"No can do, Ace-ya~ I'm on a mission, and no one can stop me," Law said, trying to hold back his laughter. If I could have moved, I would have elbowed him in le gut, stood up, and then kicked him some more. But no... I just had to be soaked and therefore weakened for some reason. A small sigh escaped my mouth.

"Would you mind.. telling me what your mission is?"

A tan hand slowly wrapped around my side and slowly started to slip inside my shorts.

What kind of demon is this man?

It was now getting harder to talk, which I thought was weird since I hadn't been *cough* attempting to swim or anything. So words of protest came out more as.. mumbles and moans.

"Haha, you're so cute when you're helpless," whispered the bastard into my ear as he gently started to stroke my cock with a finger. Using all my strength (not really..), I flipped over onto stomach. Of course, he let go of me for the moment, which made me feel very proud of myself. But then he just proceeded to flip me back over, and somehow managed to make me sit up on his lap (facing him). I'm way taller than Law, and I must weigh more, so I assume he must be stronger than he looks.

He stared into my eyes for what seemed like forever, which made me a bit nervous. It wasn't a rape sort of stare, though. I don't know how to describe it other than a look of awe. And again, I don't know what he would be in awe of, but whatever. Trafalgar Law just loved to confuse me, I guess, because then he hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. Oh, how he deceives my heart...

"L-Law?" I managed to whisper with an embarrassingly frantic tone. He sighed and rested his forehead on my shoulder, his arms still around my chest.

"You know that you could escape if you want to" he said, running a hand through my black hair. I suppose it was true, since my strength had returned. His gentle touch, though.. My body wouldn't move from that spot. My hand moved up on its own to rest on Law's back, and I sighed.

"You know... I should hate you, but for some reason, I just can't anymore." Did I say what I think I just said?

Law looked up at me with hopeful eyes and then grinned. That grin... *shivers* My expression must have confused him, though, because he gave me a questioning look afterward. An awkward laugh escaped me as I stood up and reached a hand down to pull up Law. After he was standing, I started walking towards our camp site, wondering where the hell Luffy and Zoro were. More importantly, why wasn't I there with them.. hmpf. Law just had to interrupt my thoughts, though; he reached up on his tip-toes and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"They're fine. I didn't kill them," Trafalgar stated with a laugh. Wasn't thinking about that but it's a start. I simply looked down at the tattooed man in curiosity for a few moments before picking him up in my arms. I don't know why I did it, but I did. Law gave me a shocked and embarrassed expression, which made me grin as I carried him back over to the side of the dead fire pit. After setting him down next to me, we sat in an awkward silence for a while. He kept on sending me glances every once in a while, and I did the same to him. Just as my cheeks were starting to heat up a bit, a rustling from the trees startled both of us. Zoro carrying Luffy.

"Ace, your brother.. is a hand-full..." Zoro said with a sigh as he set Luffy on the ground and fell down in the sand, mumbling something about being out of shape. I gave him a raised eyebrow before laughing. Yes, a high-maintenance brother indeed, but a very cute one too~ Luffy just stood looking down at Zoro with a blank look and then grinned.

"Ace nii-chan, how are ya feeling?" Luffy asked as he ran over the sand towards me. I blinked a few times and then shrugged. I felt fine, a little awkward, but fine. My brother wrapped his arms around me tightly, and I patted his head.

"What about you; you ok?" I whispered as I bent down to match his height. He tilted his head to the side for a few silent moments before quickly nodding. Phew..

"I think you should go help Zoro, though. He's kinda worn out," Luffy mentioned, pointing back at the fallen swordsman. He did look rather exhausted. What the hell was Luffy doing to make him so tired? I was jolted out of my mind when Law pulled me by my arm over to where Zoro was passed out. He looked beat.

"You okay, Zoro-ya?"

He drowsily nodded but then went back to his momentary paralysis mode. His stomach talked to us, though. My stomach responded. We hadn't eaten since yesterday, so I guess I wasn't the only hungry one. Luffy didn't complain once, which I thought was interesting. I asked him about it and told me about how he made Zoro climb up uncountable trees to get coconuts. His forgotten katanas still lay on the sand over by where the dead fire was. Poor Zoro.

"How about we actually go and look for the others? Since there's no ship, and no sign of them over here, I think they might be on the other side of this island," Law concluded as he carried Zoro on his back. Luffy was being annoying and wanted me to carry him too, so I gave in. We made sure to grab the katanas, and then set out on the journey around the island.

Luffy's POV

I held onto Zoro's katanas in my left hand and held onto the back of Ace's neck with the other, with my legs wrapped around his waist. Resting my head on his chest and/or shoulder as he walked, I could smell his scent in the air. It's just a undescribable, but amazing smell. A smile crept onto my face and I laughed.

"I like your smell, Ace," I whispered to him. He shot a glance down at me and then smiled back.

"But I like your smell better, Luffy."

The sun was high up in the sky, and it was soooo hot. A thin sheet of sweat covered my entire being and plastered my bangs to my forehead. I would've worn my hat, but that would've required me to switch to Ace's back, and he didn't want me getting full sunlight up there. So I stayed against his chest, silent. I looked over at Traffy, who seemed to be having a bit of difficulty carrying Zoro in the intense heat. A bead of sweat rolled off the tan man's face and sizzled as it hit the baking sand. Zoro mumbled something and soon woke up on Law's back, clearly baffled as to why he was being carried. Law soon tossed him off and fell on the ground.

"Zoro-ya.. how much do you weigh?" Law gasped, regaining his breath. Zoro gave him a drowsy smile, and once he was fully awake, he carried Law in his arms and continued our search for our crews.

There were no signs so far. No footprints in the sand, no rustlings in the trees, no ships on the blue waves. My stomach started rumbling again, and I instantly became very, very, very hungry. Like an I-could-eat-the-entire-world type of hungry. It was terrible, but I didn't want just coconuts. And to have anything other than coconuts, I needed to wait. So I did wait.

"Aceeee.. how much longer?" I groaned, releasing my grip around him lazily and nearly fell down.

"Luffy, you gotta hold onto me! And I have no clue..." he responded, a hint of worry in his tone. Zoro yawned and mumbled something as he readjusted his katanas that he took back from me.

"Even if they left, we'd manage," Zoro said, shifting Law onto his back, "though coconuts would get old after a while..."

"You mean we're gonna have to live here for the rest of our lives?! Eating coconuts?!" I shouted, clearly upset about what had just been said. Zoro sighed and gave me a tired but patient look.

"Nah. You'll die if you dont eat again by tomorrow, so I'll make sure to find that shitty cook for ya. Hell, I'd even learn how to cook if it came to that," Zoro told me, smiling. I love Zoro's smile, but he usually doesn't like to smile at all, (especially around the other crew members). I wonder why..

I looked up at Ace and saw that he looked very tired, and hot, and sweaty. I guess being a fire-man in hot weather would make you extra hot, but wouldn't he be used to it then? Ah, whatever. A drop of sweat ran down his cheek, along his jaw-line, and then fell onto my shoulder. He didn't seem to notice, and kept on trudging along in the burning sand. Walking in dry sand is harder than you'd think, because it's uneven and you sink into it with every step you take. He was pretty used to that feeling anyway, but he still had somewhat of a hard time. Looking behind at the sand we had already trod upon, I noticed Ace's head was bare; no hat. So I put his hat up on his head and kissed his cheek gently with a smile.

"You can put me down if you want to," I suggested, grinning as I usually do. Ace looked down at me with a tired but slightly surprised expression, and then stopped, readjusted me onto his hip, and carried me with a sudden newfound strength. His look of determination made me laugh, and I rested my head against his shoulder.

"I love you, Ace~" I whispered, "And I'm sorry about cheating on you and Zoro.."

Ace looked at me for a second with a 'what are you talking about?' expression. I tilted my head to the side, not getting what he was trying to tell me.

"What's done is done, Luffy. Can't change it now. But thank you, it means a lot," Ace responded, rubbing the sweat off my forehead.

"Hey guys," Zoro said in a bored monotone, "There's the ship."

"Why didn't you say so earlier, Zoro? You're a terrible lookout!" Ace scolded him with a laugh. Zoro grumbled an inaudible mumble in response.

My eyes must have been as big as saucepans, because ship = Sanji = food! I threw an arm out to the ship, and grabbed the other the with another arm.

"Luffy n-!"

"Shishishi, too late!"

And with that, we were then sent flying towards the heavenly smell of Sanji's cooking. Oh how it felt like forever since I had eaten anything fulfilling.


~ + fla la la. there. a very very very late chapter. XD should this be the end of le story? maybe? yay, nay? -review?- :3 OOOHS! importante.. if you have a love for a very rare or odd pairing, i might just be willing to write a short story/something for you! Tell me what you like, and I'll let you know what I think! + ~