It was not the biggest difference now that Gilbert had returned from his mission.

Only to Roderich it was truly changing.

Candles were brighter, his music was happier, his tuft of hair sticking up even stood up straighter it seemed. Even Feliciano and Lovino were being effected by it.

Of course Gilbert had been gone for a day or two at a time on other missions, Roderich wasn't as fearful of Gilbert's impending doom as he listened to the other Germans speak of him. Apparently he wasn't kidding when he said he was one of the best dog-fighters in his base.

It was comforting yet alarming that Gilbert was so skilled in the sky, he is killing the people that are meant to rescue people like himself after all.

That's beside the point, Gilbert thought it was around the time he told his brother about him and Roderich, so he did. He only got a little bit of a weird look. Then the larger German just shrugged and said he liked Feliciano, so it didn't really matter.

After that Roderich told the twins, making Feliciano happier than belief, and Lovino blanched. He mumbled a quiet 'whatever' as he walked away, and Roderich continued to get attacked with questions about Roderich and Gilbert.

It is much more convenient now that everyone is informed on the subject.

Since Ludwig is aware, he was able to pass a message from Gilbert to Roderich to meet at the top of the hill.

So he went.

He waited patiently, plucking blades of grass from the earth. He looked up when he heard quick steps.

He smiled, looking up.

Gilbert was running towards him, a slight limp on the right leg.

Roderich frowned, and stood up, walking closer. His eyes widened, and he covered his mouth.

Gilbert had blood dripping from his nose and mouth, a bruise forming on his left cheekbone.

"What...?" Roderich breathed, frowning.

"Just get out of here, Roderich. Take the twins, and leave." He said quickly, crimson eyes dark.

"What do you mean leave!?"

"I mean, they found out. Someone heard me tell Ludwig, now leave! I don't care where! Just get somewhere safe!" He hissed out.

Gilbert cringed in pain afterwords, grabbing his side.

"What did they do to you!?"

"That doesn't matter, Roderich. Get your ass out of Italy! Go to fucking France for all I care! Just go somewhere where they won't find you!"

"Not without you."

"You're going to fucking die here, Roderich Edelstein." Gilbert gritted his teeth.

Roderich stood still. He didn't tell him about that.

"Ja, don't think I don't know. Feli can't really keep his mouth shut with Ludwig. I know everything." He cringed, and regained his composure. "I've known for a bit, and I still love you just the same. That's why you need to leave."

Roderich frowned. "Why didn't you tell me you knew?"

"This isn't the point! Just get the fuck out of here!"

"I told you, not without you."

"Let me guess, you're with me until the end of the line? Well, this is it. This is the end of the fucking line."


"Roderich, look at me. I'm covered in bruises and cuts. They'll do much worse to you, and even the twins. Just leave, please."


"Stop with the buts already! Just get out of here!"

Roderich stood silent, and his eyes began to tear up.

"I-Ich liebe dich..." Gilbert offered.

Roderich couldn't bring himself to say anything back. He strode swiftly past the pilot, and kept his eyes on his feet.

"Be careful in the village! They'll be looking for you!"

Roderich ignored it, he knew exactly what he was going to do, and nothing was changing his mind.

Roderich walked into the pub swiftly, Ludwig was already talking to Feliciano in a hushed voice, and Feliciano was already crying.

"Feli! We're going on a trip!"

"Did he find you?" Ludwig nodded.

"Yes, yes he did. And I have a plan."

Roderich dragged Feliciano to the bedroom, and shoved him by Lovino, who was eating a tomato as he sat on the edge of the mattress.

"What's your deal?"

"You two are going to pack your important things, and go on a hike, alright?"

"Huh? What do you mean a hike?"

"As in, leave Italy before you die a horrible death from the Germans."

"Okay, what is even happening?"

"Ve~ L-Luddy said that everyone knows about Gilly and Roderich. So they want to kill all of us..."

"So this is your fault? Because that idiot couldn't keep it in his pants long enough to make sure the coast was clear!? I will kill that beer drinking bastard!"

"Lovino! Lower your voice! Just pack, and get out of here tonight, got it?"

"What about you, Roderich?" Feliciano asked quietly.

"I'm staying back. This is in a way my fault, after all. Not yours, so I want to make sure you are safe."

"You know, you're kind of cool when you aren't being a complete priss." Lovino smirked. "But I'm not leaving without you."

"Neither am I!"

"Why? I want you to be safe!"

"Because we love you, idiot." Lovino snorted. "You're our brother."

"But I need you to leave, because I love you guys. I will be broken if you get hurt because of my doings."


"Lovino, I swear-"

"No." Feliciano said firmly.

"Feliciano, you go pack a bag right now, and get out." Roderich glared.

If he can get Feliciano to go, Lovino won't be able to let him go alone, so it works out perfectly for Roderich.

Feliciano looked scared, like he was about to surrender as he always does, bu t then locked in place.


Roderich would be touched by the fact Feliciano was standing up to him so he wouldn't leave him behind, but this was too serious of a situation to pay attention to that.

Lovino stood up, glaring at the Austrian.

"Look, I don't give a damn if I'm tortured and killed. I'm staying here with you, you piano-playing, pompous, cake baking, Austrian bastard."

He walked out like that, leaving Roderich stunned, and as well as heartbroken and warmhearted at the same time.

Darcy date Colin now. (Nobody but Darcy listen to this)