Watch your Back Edward

Disclaimer: don't own anything related to Twilight or any of the subjects mentioned in this chapter.

Bella's POV

19 hours is what took us to drive down to Vegas, Edward made me sleep most of the way and I would drive when we stopped for gas so he could to sleep.

"Bella" Edward shook me of my sleep, "what?" I asked waking from my nap, "where here" he said, it's twilight when we arrived, we stopped at a hotel, Edward checked us in and lead me to our room, "go shower then you can go dress in a white dress and we'll head down to a chapel and get married" he said then kissed my lips.

I grabbed my shampoo, conditioner and other body products and took a shower using each product with care so I could look perfect, I blow dried my hair and then curled it, I added a bit of mascara and eyeliner into angel wings I added some red lipstick with shiny lip gloss and finally I got changed into a short white casual dress along with flats.

I came out and Edward wore a white button down shirt with black jeans and his shoes, he turned around and smiled at me, "let's get married beautiful" he kissed my lips and ruined my lipstick.

"Yes lets" I smiled. We got into the car and drove up to a chapel and we ran inside and demanded to get married, the old receptionist smiled at us and gave us paperwork and how much we had to pay. About half hour later we're standing in front of an Elvis impersonator and kissing after our I Do's.

We went back to the hotel room kissing every single minute to the second and had our honeymoon.


"They say we're too young to love,

But maybe they're just too old to remember"

-Wiz Khalifa