I do not own Powerpuff Girls, but I have so many ideas!

I shouldn't be thinking about you. You're taboo. BubblesButch


His strong arms wrapped around me.

I shudder at the thought. He's easily the most muscular out of the three Rowdyruff Boys. There's scars scattered all over his body. It's no secret that he loves to fight and that he takes any opportunity to bash others until they could no longer move.

His deep voice humming through my body as he whispers in my ear…

My eyes flutter closed. He voice is so deep. Every time I hear it I think of Vin Diesel, though Vin's smooth tone has nothing against Butch's husky, amused pitch. The one that he reserves especially when I do something goofy that he finds funny.

I have a tendency to act out a lot when he's around.

He turns me in his arms to touch my cheek with his thumb. He pushes lightly to tilt my head up, but he doesn't need to put any pressure for me to greet his lips.

His lips are thinner to mine, but still full on their own right. I find myself staring way too much. I imagine finding the courage to lean over and give him just a little peck. What would he do? Would he be disgusted? Would he like it?

Would he kiss me back?

His eyes devour mine with so much intensity as he holds me close.

Emerald. Green. Jade. Lime. It's such an interesting color and so many ways to describe his orbs that laugh at you, not with you. Not to mention the way they darken when he's ready to beat someone to a bloody pulp.

I reach to wrap my arms around his neck. I lightly tug on his hair. He groans.

Butch still keeps his hair to his shoulders. No one really notices how long it is when it's spiked up or in a pony tail, but I have seen when it's down. It's dark, like night without a nightlight. It's like shadows. Just like his personality beneath his persona.

I've never felt any of those things I described. He never turns my way in the way I want. Even as I stare after him now he's joking around with his brothers.

No one ever sees innocent little Bubbles.

I catch his eye from across the room. I look down and blush.

"What are you staring at baby girl?" He asks.

I blurt the truth I've been thinking all along. "I shouldn't be thinking about you. You're taboo."

He smirks as he leans in for another kiss.

"That's the best things in life, hero. That's why you want to play on my side for once."

I blink up at his knowing emerald gaze. One corner of my pouty lips lifts until I'm lightly smirking. I've been told that when I do this that I look like I'm full of secrets and up to no good.

This is all I need to pull Butch in. Soon, he no longer will be a taboo daydream.